2012年5月11日 星期五

徐瑋-獨有的( 海外版) 確實造成另類奇觀 ! ( 小王爺 ) Jerry Xu (中英文版) 國際粉絲次官方網站正式成立 Xu Wei,fans official web 站長 - 伊莎貝拉 Isabella :

徐瑋 Jerry Xu (中英文版) 國際粉絲次官網 2012/05/10正式成立! 責任站長 - 伊莎貝拉 Isabella

This is a garden full of warmth and health, love and concern to each of Jerry's friends the webmaster Sosome warmly welcome your presence!

徐瑋 Jerry Xu (中英文版) 國際正式次官方網站 Xu Wei,fans official web: 徐瑋 Jerry Xu 國際次官網 ( 中英文版 ) Xu Wei,fans official we...: 徐瑋 Jerry Xu 國際次官網 Xu Wei, Jerry Xu, fans official website CLUB 超级實力偶像 - 徐玮JERRY的音樂之路首部曲 Part1 Super strength idol - Xu Wei JERRY music...

本站特別推薦-  徐玮 ( 小王爷 ) Jerry Xu (日本語) 国际粉絲官网CLUB  站長 - Lovly

資料參考來源 - 徐瑋民間次官網 http://blog.udn.com/sonyone/6120889

關鍵特寫 - ( JERRY 海外版的由來? ) 亞洲暢銷歌王~傳奇之路 - 徐瑋獨有的龐大 ( 海外版 ) 專輯群確實造成另類奇觀 !
Key close-up - (Jerry overseas edition of the origin?) Asia's best-selling King - Legend of the road. Xu Wei in the large (overseas edition) album group, does create an alternative spectacle!

什麼是海外版 ? 港台歌手那麼多為什麼只有徐瑋擁有龐大的海外版暢銷專輯群 ? 為什麼徐瑋有三十幾張專輯三百多首華語歌國內一張都沒發行 ? 難道不需多個台灣大華人市場分攤成本嗎 ? 除了徐瑋及前輩歌王劉文正似乎也沒聽說其它港台歌手有所謂的非代理 ( 正宗海外版 ),自2011年起 ( 風中的早晨、心動、城市節奏、哎呀!留下來、愛那俏姑娘、不讓你看我的眼睛、風兒的思念 ) MV網路曝光之後、徐瑋獨有的海外版龐大唱片群終於不再神秘。

一般港台歌手都由單一母公司錄完音後再交海外發行,兩地共同分攤成本,這種叫作 ( 代理發行 ) 不是海外版,但是劉文正與徐瑋的正宗海​​外版都是國內版之外獨立製作的專輯,特色是國內沒有發行過,徐瑋甚至有七十多首海外版新歌台灣也都沒發行,看到 這裡是不是覺得很奇特,JERRY是怎麼辦到的! 獨立製作一張專輯成本需一百多萬,加上宣傳費兩百多萬跑不掉,代理髮行則便宜的多,三十萬上下就可賣斷,兩者成本相差五倍之多 ! 海外唱片業者穩賺的也只有這麼兩個人,像劉文正唱的 ( 蘭花草 ) 徐瑋的 ( 風中的早晨 ) 台灣均沒有發行,劉的海外版有二十多張,徐的海外版有三十多張,均是很瘋狂的發片記錄,有趣的是徐瑋剛出道的 ( 那個女孩 ) 及 ( 小姐 ) 是劉文正海外版的主打歌, 徐瑋後來開始接棒後也有翻唱過劉的 ( 愛像什麼 ) ,形成兩代歌王互唱對方成名曲的趣事 ! 事實上海外版與國內版製作成本相差不多,尤其是徐瑋的海版均是請胡立武製作陳志遠大師編曲,封面宣傳照片也是請國內最有名的陳文彬操刀拍攝,製作成本相當高 ! 徐瑋海外版均是獨立製作發行,完全不需依賴台灣的大華人市場,不但可回本還一張接一張均可賺大錢的熱賣天王,徐瑋後來加盟新加坡清優後均是以整張全新的歌為主,東南亞華人的人口只有台灣的三分之 一,。千禧年以前中 國大陸唱片市場並未全面開放,因此在這之前東南亞大華人市場是台港歌手必爭的戰場,據站長調查能夠在東南亞呼風喚雨的台灣歌手只有兩個人,就是永遠的前輩 歌王劉文正與後來的徐瑋,當時東南亞唱片與作SHOW市場正值一片欣欣向榮,徐瑋16歲剛出道時正是劉文正在東南亞狂發唱片的時後,獨占唱片市場熱賣有十 年之久,出了很多國內沒發行的海外版,據說有二十多張,因此新馬的唱片公司都在尋找台灣的下一個接棒歌手,遍尋之後寶麗金與快樂不約而同看好當時19歲的 新人徐瑋的潛力,快樂剛好比寶麗金早一周找上正準備服兵役的徐瑋,如果快樂晚一周找徐瑋,他肯定會簽約寶麗金,歷史也將會改寫,是否有更好的成績誰也不知 道 !

Overseas Edition? Hong Kong and Taiwan singer is so much Why Xu Wei has the next big overseas edition of the best-selling album group? Why Xu Wei thirty albums over three hundred first Chinese song did not issue the domestic one? In addition to Xu Wei and predecessors King cheng seems to have not heard of other Taiwanese singer (overseas edition), network (wind in the morning since 2011, heart, city rhythm Oh! to stay, love that pretty girl) MV next to the overseas edition of Xu Wei's unique record group finally is no longer a mystery. 

General Hong Kong and Taiwan singer by a single parent company recorded a finished sound and then pay the overseas distribution, the two share the cost, this is called (proxy issue), not the overseas edition, but the authentic overseas edition of the KF and Xu Wei, the domestic version independently produced album features no domestic issue, Xu Wei, and even the first 70 overseas edition songs Taiwan also did not issue, see here is not that strange, Jerry is how to do so! independent production need more than one million of the cost of an album, plus promotion costs over two million captive agency issuing cheap, about three hundred thousand can be sold off, both the cost difference is five times overseas music industry lose money only so two people, like cheng sing (orchids) Xu Wei (wind in the morning) are not issued more than 20 overseas edition of Liu, Xu's overseas edition of more than 30 are the crazy hair piece record, it is interesting to Xu Weigang debut (girl) and (Miss) is the cheng overseas edition of the title song, Xu Wei and later began taking over cover Lau (Love is like a what), the formation of two generations of the King of mutual sing the other song interesting! In fact, the overseas edition of the domestic version of the production cost is similar, Xu Wei, the album often half of the new song the other half cover, Xu Wei joined the clear priority in Singapore whole new song, the Southeast Asian Chinese population only one-third of Taiwan, two generations of Asia's best-selling King KF and Xu Wei is a very small number of independent production and distribution, completely without relying on the large Chinese market, not only back to one by one can make a lot of money selling King.Millennium mainland China music market did not fully open, so in this large Chinese market in Southeast Asia to Taiwan and Hong Kong singers compete for the battlefield, only two people, according to the the webmaster investigation be able to do anything they want in Southeast Asia, Taiwanese singer, predecessors song Wang KF and Xu Wei, Southeast Asia, LP for SHOW market coincided with a thriving, Xu Wei, 16-year-old business for precisely cheng in Southeast Asia mad album, exclusive music market selling for ten years out of the country did not issue the overseas edition said to have more than 20 new horse record companies are looking for Taiwan a successor singer, PolyGram and happiness after searching invariably optimistic about the then 19-year-old rookie Xu Wei Xu Wei's potential, happiness is just more than PolyGram find on a week earlier is preparing for military service, happy late one week to find Xu Wei, he would have signed to Polygram, history will be rewritten, is there a better results who do not know!

隨風飄去 ( 完整版 ) 詞曲:徐瑋
gone with the wind (full version) Lyrics: Xu Wei

徐瑋19歲當兵前夕,加盟快樂唱片,推出第一張真正的 ( 非代理 ) 海外版 ( 風中的早晨 ) 清新的歌聲加上陽光的笑容,JERRY無法出國做宣傳的第一張專輯竟然狂賣30多萬張 ! 也開啟徐瑋( 亞洲暢銷歌王 ) 之路十年間光是海外版就連發31張專輯張張大賣 ! 創下多項驚人銷售紀錄並刷新前輩歌王劉文正海外版的總發片與銷售量

Xu Wei, 19-year-old soldier on the eve of joining a happy album, launched the first real (non-proxy) Overseas Edition (wind in the morning), fresh song with a sunny smile, Jerry can not go abroad to advertise the first albumArctic Monkeys even more than 30 million copies! open Xu Wei Asian-selling King of the Road 10 years between bursts of 31 albums had big hot sell! Refresh predecessors, King KF and total piece and sales!

19歲當兵前夕,寶麗金與大馬的的快樂唱片不約而同找徐瑋談合作,快樂剛好比寶麗金早了一 個禮拜,快樂說服徐瑋可以人不用去宣傳就有辦法大作宣傳,當時徐瑋未服役還不能出國,於是抱著試試看的想法與快樂簽唱片約,沒想到後來竟張張專輯橫掃千軍 ! 還逼得原本獨佔市場的前輩天王讓位,也開啟了亞洲華語歌壇暢銷歌王之路,第一張 ( 風中的早晨 ) 就狂賣三十幾萬行,一舉打響快樂王牌小生的名號,之後,十年間連發三十一張專輯,張張大賣,也因此有了許多冠軍歌曲,像是~哎呀!留下來、愛那俏姑娘、戴 安娜、風中的早晨、再會吧!原野、維那斯、送­妳一朵勿忘我、天長地久、留不住妳的心、心動、泥娃娃、好久以前、城市節奏~等等,不計其數,徐瑋海內外共 出版過42張專輯單曲四百多首,徐瑋的國內版與海外版曲風大大不­同,國內版當然是以主流的情歌為主~像~那個女孩、小姐、筆友、想不盡的你、好久以前~ 都是主流情歌,但是海外的選歌則沒有限制什麼歌路都來,也是以最市場的歌為主線~所­以各類的歌徐瑋都翻唱,西洋翻唱歌更是徐瑋的必殺技,戴安娜 Diana、維那斯、送妳一朵勿忘我、都是西洋翻唱熱賣歌 ! 也都非常的的好聽。

即將服兵役的徐瑋抱著試試的心理與快樂合作,第一張由 胡立武製作的專輯 ( 風中的早晨) 一推出就直奔電台龍虎榜冠軍狂賣30多萬張,當徐瑋得知唱片熱賣的消息時還正在訓練中心當大頭新兵,藝工隊都還沒去報到呢! 第一張打響之後,快樂加碼打宣傳,包下電台節目,每天固定一個鐘頭專門介紹徐瑋的歌,快樂王牌小生喊得震天響! 還請主持人到台灣錄下徐瑋的多段電台專訪,每天熱力放送,徐瑋當兵時也沒閒著,就這樣悄悄的打穩了東南亞華人市場,兩年兵役期共出版了六張專輯,張張大 賣,

The eve of the 19-year-old soldier, PolyGram and Malaysian happy LP invariably find Xu Wei Tan cooperation, happiness is just a week earlier than PolyGram, happy to persuade Xu Wei can not there is a way to publicize as propaganda, then Xu Wei is not in service can not go abroad, so try holding the ideas and happy to sign record about, did not think I was actually Zhang album Annihilation also forced the original predecessor to monopolize the market King gave way, they opened the Asian Chinese music bursts of 30 1 album a decade after the best-selling King of the road the morning of the first (wind) on the Arctic Monkeys $ 300,000 per line, single-handedly raising the name of the happy trump niche Zhang Da selling, and therefore With many champions songs like ~ Ah! to stay, love the pretty girls, Diana, the wind in the morning, then will the wilderness the Weina Adams, Songni, a forget-me, forever, unable to retain your heart, heart, dolls, long time ago, the city rhythm ~, etc., numerous Xu Weihai inside and outside the published more than four hundred the first of 42 albums singles, Xu Wei, the domestic version of the overseas edition of genre is significantly different, the domestic version of course, is the mainstream of a love ballad ~ like ~ girl, Miss, pen pal, endless, long time ago ~ are mainstream songs, but overseas for song There is no limit to what song Road to, but also the most market Xu Wei, the main line of the song - all kinds of songs are cover Western turned to singing Xu Wei's nirvana, the Diana, Diana, Weina Adams, Songni,, a forget-me-Western cover hot song! also very nice.Xu Wei, the upcoming military service, try to hold the psychological and happiness, the launch of the first album produced by the Huli Wu (wind in the morning), went straight to Radio Billboard champion Arctic Monkeys more than 30 million copies, when Xu Wei know that album Hot news also is training center when the bulk of new recruits, art and engineering teams have not to report for duty! first started, happy overweight playing the publicity, the package under the radio program every day for an hour devoted to Xu Wei song, happy ace niche and happiness loudly! also host to Xu Wei of Taiwan recorded the radio interview, the heat run of the day, Xu Wei soldiers have not been idle, so quietly a solid Chinese in Southeast Asia market two years of military service recorded a total of six albums, Zhang Zhang sell,

風中的早晨  詞曲:馬兆俊
 (wind in the morning)

新加坡寶麗金前高層司馬阿亞急電台灣寶麗金主管,這個人 ( 徐瑋 ) 一定要簽到,無耐還是晚了快樂一步 ! 快樂機構老闆慧眼先一步搶到徐瑋,沒多久 Happy Record agency 稱霸東南亞華語唱片市場叱吒一時 ! 手中第一王牌快樂小生徐瑋是快樂的金字招牌
Singapore, PolyGram former senior Division Mae Ya had urgent telegram Taiwan PolyGram executives, this person (Xu Wei) must sign, But one step too late! Happy agency boss eye is the first step to grab Xu Wei, did not take long to dominate the music market in Southeast Asia

徐瑋在海山的專輯之前一直都是由新加坡東尼來代理,總共發行了六張,比台灣還多了兩張,並 為真的出過 ( 海外版 ) ! 其實徐瑋的潛力早就已經被不少嗅覺敏銳的業界看好,尤其是新加坡寶麗金前高層司馬阿亞先生,他掌權期間曾急電台灣寶麗金主管,這個人 ( 徐瑋 ) 一定要簽到,無耐還是晚了快樂一步 ! 後來徐瑋紅翻亞洲唱片市場成了暢銷一哥,因故認識了司馬先生,才知道他當兵前接到寶麗金高層的電話就是司馬先生一手促成,台灣與新加坡高層共同看好的新人 徐瑋,不但沒簽到手跑還到別的公司發光發熱,也為自己的 ( 晚一步 ) 而懊悔不已,台灣還有很多的歌手啊 ? 寶麗金也都試過就是沒有一個玩的起來 ! 只好眼睜睜看著快樂與徐瑋成為東南亞的新霸主,叱吒一時。

Xu Wei has always been before seamounts album by Singapore Tony agent, issued a total of six, than in Taiwan and the two (overseas edition), and really out already! In fact, Xu Wei's potentialkeen sense of smell optimistic about the industry, especially in Singapore, PolyGram former senior Division Mr. Ma Aya, he came to power during an urgent telegram Taiwan PolyGram competent people (Xu Wei) must sign, Wu Nai late happy step! later, Xu Wei turned red in the Asian music market selling has become a brother, for some reason to know, Mr. Sima, before his army, received a high-level phone PolyGram, Mr. Sima single-handedly, Taiwan and Singapore senior promising newcomer Xu Weinot only did not sign the hand to run to the other companies to shine, but also for the (late step) and remorse, Taiwan still has a lot of singers? PolyGram also tried that did not play up! had watchedlooked happy and Xu Weicheng new hegemony in Southeast Asia, and shook the moment.
想不盡的妳 Endless

徐瑋役畢後面對諸多選項,但還是情義相挺曾帶他四張專輯宣傳的海山桂姐創業,( 點將 ) 唱片創業專輯 ( 想不盡的妳 ) 一推出就橫掃台灣歌壇,創下多項驚人銷售記錄,徐瑋式的浪漫情歌大大風行,一炮雙響,點將與徐瑋雙雙報紅 ! 擊出滿分全壘打,經過十幾張唱片的磨練,徐瑋找到自己的新唱風。
Xu Wei After completion of military service
Quite the previous record company Guijie entrepreneurial point LP entrepreneurial album
(think endless you) introduced swept Taiwan's pop music, a record number of amazing knock sales records, Xu Wei, the romantic ballads greatly popular, a gun, double point and XuWei, both reported that red and strike out a home run! honed through more than a dozen albums, Xu Wei find his new singing Style.

役畢後繼續與胡立武合作,加盟點將推出首張開國創業作 ( 想不盡的你 ) 一出版橫掃國內唱片市場,當時國內所有各大小排行榜 ( 想不盡的你 ) 都是冠軍,海內外狂賣超過一百萬張,瑋式情歌的獨特浪漫風情深深打動人心,也讓國內的同胞終於知道原來徐瑋不只是偶像,情歌唱得那麼打動人! 已經不是初出道那個作牛仔打扮唱著 ( 那個女孩與小姐 ) 的小毛頭,徐瑋說:製作人胡哥一直建議徐瑋應該考慮實力堅強的飛碟或歌林片唱片,他可以接洽發行合作,快樂老闆又力荐鄉城唱片跟徐瑋合作,但是當徐瑋一接 到曾帶他四張唱片宣傳的海山桂姐要創業的電話時,還是毅然絕然力挺看著他長大的桂姐創業點將,果然開出紅盤,一炮雙響點將與徐瑋雙雙爆紅,徐瑋俊俏的外型 與深情浪漫的好歌藝造成歌壇一鼓極大的炫風,有網友形容彷彿是一個突然從另一個世界降臨的超完美男人 ! 確時徐瑋得天獨厚的氣質與好歌聲多年來無人可以相提並論,也更加令人懷念 !

Hall graduated with Huli Wu, joining point introduced first Zhang Kaiguo venture for the (endless) was published swept the domestic music market, all size charts (think endless) are champions at home and abroadArctic Monkeys more than one million, Wei-style love song unique romantic deeply touching, but also to domestic compatriots finally know the original Xu Wei is not only idol, sing a love song to impress people! is not half-baked that denim dress singing(girl and lady), young folks, Xu Wei: producers Hu brother has been proposed Xu Wei should consider the strong strength of the flying saucer or the Kolin piece LP, he approached the issue of cooperation, happy boss highly recommended the Xiangcheng record with Xu Weicooperation, but when Xu Wei received had with the seamount Guijie his four album promotion business phone, or decided to radically behind watching him grow up Guijie entrepreneurial point, and sure enough out of the red plate, a gun double-clickboth burst point and Xu Wei, Xu Weijun pretty appearance and affectionate romantic singing cause music a great drum Fighter, users describe the perfect man is like a sudden come from another world indeed XuWei unique temperament and a good song for many years no one can be compared, but also more memorable!

徐瑋狹專輯六連莊大熱賣的氣勢,快樂出品的第七集 ( 想不盡的妳 ) 先國內一步海外大熱賣 ! 海外用的是歌曲原名 ( 我好想妳 ) 發行 !  海外傳回捷報,點將嗅出將大賣的氣氛,加碼全國歌友會打宣傳,果然平地一生雷,想不盡的你 - 直奔全國各大公信排行榜冠軍達數月之久 ! 
Six album big hot, Xu Wei narrow album big selling momentum, Episode 7 happiness produced endless (think you) domestic first step Hot! Overseas with the song was originally called (I Miss You) issue!Returned overseas Herald, point to sniff the atmosphere will be sold to overweight the national fan club to play the publicity really to plains lifetime Ray, would like to endless - went straight to the major public confidence in the charts for several months long!

JERRY役畢首張復出神曲 ( 想不盡的妳 ) 在台灣紅到爆,此曲熱的時後全西門町百貨、餐廳、服裝店都在狂播 ! 加上電台猛愛播一天可聽到二三十次、此張專輯並迅速攻佔國內所有看得到的排行榜冠軍數月之久,全國性暢銷榜龍頭指標~羅小雲的 ( 知音時間 ) 更是八周暢銷榜冠軍,海內外總銷量超過一百萬張,海外版同一專輯則是先國內一個月發行,JERRY挾帶著唱片大賣六連莊的超高人氣與第一次海外大型宣傳造 勢,早台灣一步大熱賣 ! JERRY發片順序是反過來操作,都是國外先發行,然後才是國內再發行。

( 點將唱片 ) 壓對寶,創葉作 ( 想不盡的妳 ) 一推出就攻上排行榜冠軍,創葉作開紅盤一炮而紅,也讓人知道徐瑋的情歌的獨特魅力,掀起一鼓瑋式情歌浪漫風,徐瑋當兵前後的唱風180度大轉變,( 想不盡的妳 ) 專輯絕對是一個分水嶺,徐瑋擺脫初出道時的稚氣唱腔,開始自己獨特浪漫風味的瑋式情歌。

下圖為 ~ ( 想不盡的妳 ) 海外版,也是快樂出品的第七張專輯,海外用的是歌曲原名 ( 我好想妳 ),台灣後來才改名 ( 想不盡的妳 )。海外版多了兩首歌,共12首歌,多首歌曲名稱也不一樣。( 次官網資料庫 )

JERRY Hall completed the first comeback Divine Comedy (like the endless you) to the explosion in Taiwan Red song hot Hsimenting department stores, restaurants, clothing stores are mad broadcast and radio fierce love the broadcast day to hear two thirtieth, this album, and quickly captured all seen the charts for several months, the national bestsellers leading indicators ~ Luo Hsiao-yun (Concert time) is eight weeks of selling championship standings at home and abroad the total sales of more than one one million, the overseas edition of the same album is the first domestic issue month, Jerry relying on a high popularity with the album to sell Six village and the first overseas large-scale campaign trail as early as Taiwan's step big selling the Jerry fat slice order is in turn operating , are abroad, the first issue, then is the domestic issue.

(Point LP) pressure Po, Chong leaves endless (think you) was released on the attack on the charts, the record leaves open red plate by a gun red, people know the unique charm of Xu Wei's love songs, setting off a drum Wei romantic love songs wind, Xu Wei, a soldier before and after the singing wind 180-degree shift (of you) album is definitely a watershed, Xu Wei to get rid of the childish singing debut in the early to begin their own unique romantic flavor Wei-style love songs.

Below is ~ (think of you) Overseas Edition, also a happy seventh album, produced overseas with the song formerly known as (good Xiangnai), later renamed (you want different). The overseas edition more two songs, 12 songs, many songs are not the same name. (Official website database)

徐瑋役畢後,第一次東南亞的宣傳與各地大型歌友會一場接一場的辦,每一場均是人山人海,唱片當然是更加火熱,每逢徐瑋發新片各地中盤商一大早到唱片公司卡位搶貨蔚為奇觀 ! 
Xu Wei served after completion of the first publicity in Southeast Asia and around the large fan club going into office, every game is drawing huge crowds, the record is more fiery, during the Xu Wei wholesalers in the film around early in the morning to the record company card rush deliveryspectacular!

徐瑋役畢後,第一次東南亞的宣傳與各地大型歌友會一場接一場的辦,每一場均是人山人海,唱片當然是賣得更加火熱,此時劉文 正正式退出並退居幕後組唱片公司捧新人,不再出海外版,東南亞華語市場變成徐瑋一人獨大,往後十年穩作暢銷一哥寶座,總共瘋狂出版了31張專輯 ( 尚不包括精選輯 ),這也是為什麼網絡上有許多國內同胞沒聽過的新歌與翻唱歌,徐瑋休息十多年還有幾百首歌曲網絡上錄續一一曝光,許多海內外網友紛紛上傳自己手中的歌曲, 造成一鼓奇觀! 據查已逼近800首MV之多,沒發行海外精選的好歌,陸續也被熱心網友轉錄上傳,歌曲還在持續增加中,徐瑋的專輯熱賣搶手的程度到底有多驚人呢? 我這樣形容可能還不夠貼切,我看到新加坡網友提供的剪報上的報導,有一段說: ( 昨天徐瑋發新片,各地的中盤商一大早就把唱片公司的發貨工場擠得水洩不通,這次徐瑋將辦大型的歌友會憑卡帶裡的印花小卡可免費入場 ! ),據說每逢徐瑋發新片大馬或是新加坡的各地中盤商一大早就到唱片公司搶貨,因此徐瑋才有 ( 亞洲暢銷歌王 ) 這個封號,如今~ ( 歲月遊子 ) 也曝光了,徐瑋獨有的( 海外版 ) 確實造成另類奇觀 !

Xu Wei served after completion of the first publicity in Southeast Asia and around the large fan club going into office, every game is drawing huge crowds, the record of course, is selling more hot cheng formally quit and retreated behind the group of record companies holding new, no longer the overseas edition of the Chinese market in Southeast Asia into a dominant Xu Wei, the next ten years is stable for selling a brother of the throne, a total of madness has published 31 albums (does not include the selection of Series), which is why manyour compatriots have not heard the new song to sing, and turn Xu Wei to rest more than a decade hundreds of songs on the network recorded continued by one exposure, many at home and abroad users have to upload the songs of their own hands, resulting in the spectacle of a drum! According to the investigationapproaching as many as 800 MV, did not issue a selection of fans overseas, one after another are also enthusiastic users transcription upload the song continues to increase, Xu Wei's album Hot sought-after degree in the end how amazing it? I have described maynot enough appropriate, I have seen reports on the Singapore users to provide newspaper clippings, some say: (Yesterday Xu Wei-fat film, in wholesalers around early in the morning put the record company shipped factory packed, the Xu Wei will do a large-scalesmall printed card of the fan club that ID card with free admission!), said that every Xu Wei wholesalers around the film in Malaysia or Singapore early in the morning to the record companies to grab the goods, Xu Wei have (Asia's best-selling songking) of this title, and now ~ (years wandering) exposure, Xu Wei unique (Overseas Edition) does create an alternative spectacle!

JERRY獨有的龐大國內未發行主打新歌庫存現象 -
JERRY unique huge hit new songs inventory phenomenon -

粉絲搶先聽 ! 最浪漫的情歌遊子 - 徐瑋第31張全新海外版 - 全主打專輯 ( 歲月遊子 ) ,竟然在2012年五月的現在神奇曝光,由 ( 就是愛徐瑋音樂家族 ) 鐵血粉絲自製的精彩MV搶先回饋海內外JERRY的歌友,專輯多首情歌好聽到爆 ! 聽過的人都說每一首歌都是主打歌,說實在,比近幾年市面上的歌曲要好聽太多 ! 整張專輯迷漫著醉人的濃濃 ( 瑋式浪漫風 ) ! 由新加坡海蝶音樂總監 - 許寰樑製作,新加坡JAZZ娛樂發行的全新專輯製作精細,原本就沒有發行外地的打算,徐瑋的專輯銷售基本盤單吃新馬就可回本還保證穩賺,向來不需外賣 ! 但是由於這張專輯的歌曲與製作非常的好,徐瑋亦曾打算引進國內發行,但因為健康因素打亂了原本的計畫 ! 粉絲搶先聽這幾首國內沒發行,聽得到但買不到JERRY的新歌 ! 這是不又是徐瑋才獨有的奇妙現象呢 ? JERRY不斷的有全新的歌曲MV出現,還真讓人以為Jerry發新片,但是事實並非如此,放眼華語歌壇 - 我敢說絕對找不出第二個人,有如此多國內未發行極好聽極好聽的主打新歌庫存。

Xu Wei, 31 Overseas Edition (years wandering) was finally exposed, the love song of the album, good to hear the burst JAZZ entertainment by the Singapore issued a new album, the production of fine, original issue of the field plan, Xu Wei, the best-selling disc singleback can also guarantee a sure win because of the songs and production of the album is very good, Xu Wei also intend to introduce a domestic issue, but because of health factors that disrupt the original plan to eat the new horse!

站長特別推薦-許鬟樑製作 ( 歲月遊子 ) 專輯中的超級好聽的情歌 ( 妳是我最後一眸 ) ,此曲沒有出海外精選國內更沒發行過是熱心瑋友JOHNNY自行轉錄的,音效略為暇疵 ! 請注意一件事,這也是徐瑋最近期錄的海外版全新專輯,唱腔明顯不同,Jerry更加的成熟與浪漫,這張專輯的情歌都很好聽,其他像是 - 心中那個角落,妳有什麼漾的寂寞,愛妳從不曾改變,都是主打歌,也是JEERY非常滿意的一張專輯,據說原本JERRY要引進國內,但是因為健康因素暫時擱置沒想到拖了那麼久,國內不出版實在太可惜了 ! 真的很好聽 ! 好歌就是好歌各位 J- FANS 大家先聽為快 ! 

 Xu Huan Liang owners especially recommended to make nice love song in the album (years wandering) (you are my last pupil of the eye), song overseas Featured, but did not issue a domestic, is the enthusiastic Wei Friends of the transcription! Please note that athings Xu Wei, the most recent recorded in the overseas edition of the new album, singing is obviously different, Jerry is more mature and romantic love songs of the album is very nice, like - hearts that corner, you have what Yang's lonelylove you never change, are the title song, JEERY very satisfied with the album, is said to originally JERRY to introduce the country, but because of health factors held in abeyance I did not expect much delay, the country not to publish it is a pity reallygood to hear good songs is good songs, you J-FANS Hear it!

妳是我最後一眸 ( 海外版新歌) 最浪漫情歌-歲月遊子專輯
You the most romantic love songs representative of the last pupil of the eye
 (Overseas Edition song)

愛妳從不曾改變 ( 歲月遊子專輯 ) 詞曲:陳佳明
Love you never change (years wandering album)
lyrics: Chen Jiaming

( 歲月遊子文案介紹 ) ~國內未發行全新12首全主打專輯
(Years wandering article) - the unreleased new album
這是一張為徐瑋量身企劃的創意專輯,從文案到詞曲,編曲,都是超水準的演出,每一首歌竟然都是主打歌,整張專輯瀰漫著~徐瑋式的 ( 浪漫遊子風 ) ,新加坡一流詞曲創作者全員到齊,除了製作人許寰樑之外,還有梁文福,陳佳明,李偉菘,李思菘,黎沸揮等人~徐瑋自己也寫了一首很好聽的 ( 心中那個角落 ) 剛剛曝光。MV的歌曲非出自母帶或CD,是網友Johnny自行轉錄的,還能有這樣好的效果,可想而知如果聽原帶效果會好上數倍。
This is a customized planning for Xu Wei album, from the copy to the songwriter, arranger, are superlative performances, Singapore's first-class songwriter gigs, in addition to producers, Xu Huan Liang, Liang Wangfu, Chen Jiaming, LWS,Li Si Siong, Li boiling command to Xu Wei also wrote one (the hearts of that corner).Has not been exposed
MV of the song from the non-mastering or CD friends Johnny own transcription, but also had such a good effect, we can imagine listening to the original with effect several times.

一個用歌聲流浪的遊子 - 徐瑋
A song of the wandering son of a nomadic life - Xu Wei

(Years wandering ) - the unreleased new album
So, we said Xu Wei is a true wanderer of person!





Weathered wandering how the arrogance of his trip does not change his direction unchanged, and his footsteps never change turn to carry the luggage, even if the already unbearable load on the journey too much story. Years - months or years, Xu Wei Xu Wei.

However, many wandering, wandering life is always easy to tired, because the road is how far, and always there is far, who can believe that life can go so far.

Who wants a long-term Acacia only distant to send to the same one to look forward to a long boxes? Years have not the years, wandering is not wandering, so we Xu Wei, the mood has written a one song, or say a one letter in the fall of the cooler, all belonging to him joy sorrow, are all sent to you.

Cold night the storm; tight hold of his mind for heating, so that Xu Wei's song, gently gently tell you that many of the joys and sorrows had happened in his life ~ ~.

妳有什麼樣的寂寞 ( 歲月遊子專輯 )  詞曲:許寰樑
what kind of lonely  lyrics: Xu Huan Liang

歲月遊子   詞曲:梁文福
(years wandering album)

( 專輯 - 歲月遊子 ) 歌曲目錄  ( 每一首歌都有小文案 - 精彩萬分喜歡中文短詩的我特別的有感觸 ! 好久沒有這樣的心情 ! )
(Each song has a copy - extremely exciting like Chinese versicle special feeling! Long time no such mood!)

1 歲月遊子
years of wandering
Life this is a period of wandering
Me to and fro in the days of the edge to go
Years or years of wandering or wandering
The silence in the joys and sorrows that have quietly gone to .....

2 想像的天空

2 imagine the sky
Young in relation to a little strange and crazy
Joy or sorrow wept
Are not the so-called is a mood
Imagine the sky who more than anyone else the vast

3 你有什麼樣的寂寞

3 Do you have what kind of loneliness
Some people say that loneliness is a person to enjoy life
I was already accustomed to the silence

4 真的不是我的錯

4 Really not my fault
What can best love you?
If I pay you the kind of injury
I'd rather not love really
I did not mean wrong

5 擁抱你的一生  (粵華版男女合唱)
5 Embrace your life (Yuehua male and female chorus)
They say you are a woman suffered a lot
Own explanation for the joys and sorrows
I care about and you love the way
As well as how to better embrace your life

6 妳是我最後一眸
註定只能生存一次, 死亡一次,戀愛一次

6 you are my last one pupil of the eyeYou last time Looking back before I leave
Because of my little life
Doomed survival time to death once, love

7 愛妳從不曾改變
7 love you never changeLove you the way is a never look back the way
Though farther lonely
I am also willing to pay for you
You is not my last initial

8 心中那個角落
8 That corner of the 8 heartsMy dream last night a man sitting
Quietly, so quietly sitting
Only a blink of an eye, the sight had been turning
It is the most beautiful star in the night sky

9 珍妮
9 Jenny
The Boll phone for a long time had to ring
I wish that soon will be under your

10 歲月同行
10 years of peerYears in itself is a kind of beauty
Joy sorrow are woven into the life of a wonderful movement
Come to an end, please remember that I have to accompany you in those days

11 愛妳我也沒有錯
11 love you I is not wrong
If falling in love with you is the most beautiful of my life the wrong
Can Let's start at the wrong time

12 擁抱妳的一生  (華語版男女合唱)

心中那個角落  徐瑋自創曲
Corners of the heart that  Xu Wei creation song

徐瑋 鄧瑞霞 - 擁抱妳的一生 (華語合唱)
Xu Wei Deng Ruixia - embrace your life (Mandarin Chorus)

徐瑋愛上一個歷盡滄桑的女人 ? 香港低音歌后 - 鄧瑞霞 ! 兩人合唱海外版暢銷情歌 - 擁抱你的一生 ,鄧瑞霞為香港知名低音歌后,專門演唱粵語老歌,首次破天荒與徐瑋合唱華語粵語版情歌,不一樣的男女對唱,非常的好聽 !
Xu Wei fell in love with a woman suffered a lot? Bass singer of Hong Kong - Deng Ruixia two best-selling songs of the chorus Overseas Edition - embrace your life, Deng Ruixia fairly well-known in Hong Kong, specializing in singing Cantonese songs, the first time, the chorus, Xu Wei, ChineseCantonese version of love songs, not the same male and female duet, very nice!

徐瑋 鄧瑞霞 - 擁抱妳的一生 (鄧瑞霞為香港名低音廣東歌后) 曾唱紅過許多經典知名廣東歌,(粵華語合唱) 描寫徐瑋愛上一個歷盡滄桑的女人 ! 非常的好聽
Xu Wei Deng Ruixia - embrace your life (Deng Ruixia name bass Cantonese songs in Hong Kong) had made ​​famous many of the classic well-known Cantonese songs (Cantonese Chinese chorus) description of Xu Wei fell in love with a woman suffered a lot! Very nice
Xu Wei worked with a lot of female singers songs, this song in particular, with the bass singer chorus Dengrui Xia is a well-known bass singer Xu Wei, the first best-selling song of the chorus, embrace your life, the two completely different style of singing, struck a very different male and female chorus spark, this song has two different versions, the Cantonese version and Chinese version.

徐瑋 鄧瑞霞 - 擁抱妳的一生 (粵華語版合唱)
 (Cantonese Chinese version of the chorus)

Xu Wei, Jerry Xu, fans official website CLUB

徐瑋不願再唱穩賺錢的市場歌,歌曲路線之爭,為 了理想徐瑋忍痛離開合作六年的快樂加盟新加坡清優唱片,成立個人品牌 ( 飛城 )FREETOWN. 推出首張國內同名專輯 ( 好久以前 ) 空前大熱賣,盤據龍虎榜冠軍三個月之久 ! 快樂誤判形勢一味迷信市場歌錯失一手捧起的金童,快樂的全盛時期也隨著徐瑋的離開而逐漸沒落 !  
Xu Wei do not want to sing a stable market to make money song, to struggles over the direction of the song, Xu Wei manager reluctantly left after a happy co-operation for six years to join the Qing excellent record, and started his own label FREETOWN unprecedented selling. Launched the first domestic album, (long ago)plate, according to Billboard champion for three months!

徐瑋離開合作六年的快樂後加盟新加坡清優唱片,老闆為了歡迎暢銷歌王徐瑋的合作另外開了一個品牌叫作FREETOWN成立專屬徐的發行品牌,因此我看到許多專輯的捲標都打上FREETOWN,翻成中文是( 飛城),飛城當然只發行徐瑋的專輯,如~好久以前、城市節奏、心動、希望下起雨來、不讓你看我的眼睛、你願不願意、離開你、戀愛季節~都是飛城出版的暢銷歌曲。 

事實上,徐瑋表示- ( 一枝草一點露,飲水要思源,快樂老闆是他永遠的大貴人! ) , 當他19歲兵役期時很多人都不敢找他,因為當兵時什麼都不能做! 快樂老闆就是看好他,當兵前不計成本找當時國內最貴的設影師陳文彬拍了數百張帥氣宣傳照,編曲也是請全國最貴的大師陳志遠操刀,每張唱片均附送大型精美海 報,電台每天還有徐瑋的專屬音樂時段播他的歌曲,就這樣一點一滴不取巧的把徐瑋打成東南亞最賣錢的歌王,當然快樂的勇於投資也得到好的回報,從徐瑋的專輯 上賺進大把鈔票高達九位數,徐瑋每次去大馬或新加坡工作或宣傳,快樂都配有一部奔馳車及司機專門供徐瑋使用! 可見得快樂從金童身上賺進不少錢,善待搖錢樹也是應該。徐瑋表示:自己是個念舊的人,並不想離開合作多年的快樂,他始終感謝老闆的慧眼與力捧,才創造出徐 瑋亞洲熱賣歌王的地位,但由於後期快樂的路線大轉彎,老闆迷信所謂福建味市場歌,徐瑋也配合出了很多張,每一張都大賣,但是徐瑋深知那種歌不適合他的型像 與歌聲,兩人多次溝通無效後才促使徐瑋決定離開這個口中的大貴人! 徐瑋深知-一個好的歌手更需要的是一個好的幕後團隊與強力的宣傳,方可打造出一個成功的巨星,沒有快樂的力捧就沒有暢銷歌王徐瑋,這也是徐瑋忍痛離開快樂 卻始終感謝萬分的原因! 我認為~快樂為了一時的眼前利意,錯失了徐瑋這個金童,是不智之舉,徐瑋後來轉到新加坡飛城唱片出版與台灣同名專輯( 好久以前) 一推出既攻占暢銷榜首達10週之久,第二張被新加坡電視台邀請主唱八點檔大戲( 調色板) 主題歌-心動,城市節奏,更是賣到翻,這也證明徐瑋的看法是對的,歌迷因為是徐瑋唱的歌才喜歡,並不是市場歌的原故,精明老練的生意人忘了歌迷喜歡的是這 個歌手唱的歌,徐瑋一直都是典型的人帶歌,很多非主流歌被徐瑋唱紅不知多少,後來快樂也找了其它台灣的知名歌手,如~楊林,齊秦~等等,想如法再泡製一個 徐瑋,但是玩沒幾張就不了了之,中盤商到快樂搶貨的榮景不在,快樂的全盛時期也隨著當家小生徐瑋的離開而逐漸末落。徐瑋95年發行海外版( 歲月遊子) 後沒多久就遠赴加拿大調養身體,也未再接任何電視的通告,也沒公開的表演活動,亞洲暢銷歌王后繼無人,徐瑋這種一年三張狂驗片的傳奇就到徐瑋為止,儘管唱 片公司想找尋下一個接棒人,無奈歌迷不捧場,無人接得了棒,現在當然更不可能,網絡免費聽歌下載的時代來臨,除了很死忠的歌迷外買CD的人口爆跌,台灣的 唱片公司2000之前幾乎全部結束,改由外商國際公司強佔國內的市場,據說能賣到三萬骯可以算是暢銷專輯了! 一張專輯製作費至少兩百萬的成本,獨立唱片公司已無力打平,更別說一張張的發片了! 因此以徐瑋的四十多張專輯的出版記錄,應該可以說是華語歌壇的極少數,我還真不知道還有誰有這種紀錄,徐瑋是有歌有專輯封面可查,不是說說而已,要拿得出 東西來! 經過多位版主接力整理互補資料後,徐瑋是唯一一位可以紮紮實實完整SHOW得出歌單歌曲與資料來的超級歌手。

Xu Wei, leave the happy co-operation for six years, joined the Singapore Qing excellent record in order to welcome the cooperation of the best-selling King of Xu Wei addition, the boss opened a brand called FREETOWN the establishment of the issue of exclusive Xu brand, so I see a lot of the album's label marked FREETOWN, translated into Chinese (Flying City), the flying city of course, has just released the album of Xu Wei, ~ a long time ago, urban rhythms, heart, hope began to rain, will not let you see my eyes, you are not willing to willing to leave you, hit songs of love season ~ are flying city published.In fact, Xu Wei - exposed (one of grass, water to be from the source, happy boss is forever elegant!), When his 19-year-old period of military service, many people are not looking for him, because of military service can not be do! happy boss is optimistic about his army, regardless of the cost to find the country's most expensive film division established Chen Wenbin was shot hundreds of handsome publicity photos, arranger is to please the masters of the country's most expensive Vincent Tan surgeon, each LP comes with large beautiful posters, Xu Wei's exclusive music sessions every day radio broadcast of his songs, so a little bit tricky, Xu Wei, labeled as the King of Southeast Asia make money, of course, happy willing to invest has been return from the album of Xu Wei earned a lot of money up to nine digits, Xu Wei Every time I go to Malaysia or Singapore or publicity, happy with a Mercedes-Benz cars and drivers specifically for Xu Wei visible happy from the golden boy who earned a lot of money, it should treat a cash cow. Xu Wei said: that he is remembering the people, do not want to leave the cooperation of many years of happy, he is always grateful to the boss's eye and pitch for create Xu Wei Asian Hot Singer's position, but because of the late happy route turn, the boss superstition so-called Fujian flavor market song, Xu Wei also with the many, each one sold, but Xu Wei know that the kind of song is not suitable for the type like with the song, the two invalid after repeated communications to promote Xu Wei decided to leave the mouth and elegant! know that Xu Wei - a good singer needs is a good behind the team and a strong publicity before to create a successful star, happy pitch for selling songs Xu Wei Xu Wei reluctantly leave happy but always grateful to the extreme! ~ Happy immediate benefit intended for the moment, this golden boy missed the Xu Wei is unwise, Xu Wei and later to Singapore flying city Music Publishing and the album (long ago) was released both captured the best-selling list for 10 weeks, the second Singapore television station invited the lead singer of prime-time drama (palette) theme song - heart, city rhythm, it is sold to turn This also proves that Xu Wei's view is that, just like fans because Xu Wei singing, not the exigencies of the market songs, savvy businessman forget the fans like this singer sang, Xu Wei has been are typical of people with a song, a lot of non-mainstream songs Xu Wei made famous, I do not know how much happiness later also find other well-known singer, such as ~ Yang Lin, Chin ~ want, such as France and then cook a Xu Wei, but the play did a few forgotten, wholesalers happy to grab cargo boom is not happy heyday with headed niche Xu Wei, left, and gradually the late fall.Xu Wei 1995 issue of Overseas Edition (years of wandering), he soon went to Canada to restore his health, nor followed by a notice of any TV, did public performances, Asia's best-selling King successors, Xu Wei, such a three years insolent experience film legend Xu Wei far, despite the record companies want to find the next heir to, but the fans do not join, then got stick, now of course not, free songs download of network era, In addition to the plummet of the population of very loyal fans to buy the CD, the record company in Taiwan prior to 2000 almost all over, change the seizure of the domestic market by foreign international companies, said to be able to sell 30,000 dirty can be a best-selling album album at least two million of the cost of the production costs, an independent record company has been unable to break even, let alone a hair piece! Xu Wei, the publication of the 40 multi-album record can be said that a handful of Chinese music I really do not know who this record, Xu Wei, Song of the album cover to be investigated, not just words, to bring it to draw something! complementary information after multiple moderator relay finishing, Xu Wei only one can come to the song single solid integrity SHOW songs and data to the super singer.

一段插曲  Episode

瘋狂的雨夜  Crazy rainy night

徐瑋42張專輯創佳績,清新浪漫深情的 ( 瑋式情歌 ) 深深觸動人心,這是最令歌迷喜歡的原因 !  站長的心話語
Xu Wei, 42 album success! Fresh romantic affection (Wei-style love songs) deeply touched people, this is why most fans favorite! Webmaster heart discourse

 JERRY 海內外共發行42張專輯,張張暢銷,動聽的情歌無數,聽說還有未曝光的新歌喔,也包括JERRY自己寫的新歌曲 ( 心中那個角落 ),真的是很神奇 ! 世界上絕對找不出弟二個歌手十年沒錄音,還有那麼多新歌沒舖光,更利害的是都是非常好聽的新歌,例如最近才舖光的 ( 妳是我最後一眸 ) ( 愛妳從不曾改變 )  ( 珍妮 )  ( 歲月遊子 ) ,都是非常好聽的新歌,看了SONYONE的介紹後,對JERRY的喜愛與思念更加高漲 !

JERRY 目前據說還是在調整身體中,今年內沒有復出的計劃,時常台北-溫哥華來來去去,雖然找他的人很多,也並沒有與任何經紀人或唱片公司恰談合作,要等到他覺得 身體的狀態完全恢復時,才會有下一步想法,我想期待JERRY出新歌及開演唱會的人很多,但是以JERRY自我要求之高,沒有很好的狀態與計劃時不可能復 出,我們FANS現在能做的就是默默的替JERRY加油,架設徐瑋Jerry Xu ( 中英版 ) 紛絲官網是實質的支持,也透過SONYONE轉達得到JERRY本人的完全同意。

JERRY at home and abroad were issued 42 albums, Chang Chang selling, beautiful love song countless, I heard the new song unexposed Oh, and also to including JERRY write new songs (the hearts of that corner), is really very amazing!absolutely can not find brother two singers decades recording, there are so many songs did not shop light, the more interest is a very nice song, for example, only recently paved the light (you are my last one pupil of the eyelove you has not changed over) (Jenny) (years of wandering) are very nice song, read the SONYONE introduction, JERRY's favorite thoughts more high!

JERRY currently said to adjust the body, this year there is no comeback plans often Taipei - Vancouver come and go, while looking for his many, not just discuss co-operation with any broker or record companies, have to wait until he felt the body the state is fully restored, the next step ideas, I would like to look forward to JERRY out new songs and a concert a lot of people, but to JERRY self-imposed demand high, the absence of the state plan can not come back, we FANS can do now is silent for JERRY come on, numerous wire official website set up Xu Wei, Jerry Xu (English version) is substantial support through SONYONE convey JERRY I completely agree.

站長結語 - 徐瑋的成長軌跡跟一般台灣的歌手很不一樣,19歲就開始用歌聲紅遍亞洲多國,唱片一張接一張的出,張張熱賣 ! 非常的國際化 ! 寫徐瑋的文章好像在寫一個外國藝人,許多歌曲及專輯站長也是弟一次聽到與看到,多麼奇妙 ! 我所喜愛熟悉的徐瑋還有另一片我們不了解的海外歷史,這也是徐瑋才獨有的傲人成績,根據我們多位站長調查後發現,有實力國內版與海外版切割大規模獨立發片的歌手只有前輩歌王 - 劉文正,及後來接棒的新亞洲暢銷歌王 - 徐瑋,台灣歌手瘋狂暢銷發海外版的神話到徐瑋為止,並沒有再出現第三個亞洲暢銷歌王 !  

Conclusion webmaster - Xu Wei, the growth trajectory is very different with the general Taiwan singer and international! Write Xu Wei's article seems to write a foreign artist, a lot of songs and albums webmaster is also the younger brother of the first to hear and see, how wonderful!I loved familiar with Xu Wei, and we do not know another piece of overseas history, Xu Wei was unique impressive results, according to our survey found, the strength of the domestic version of the overseas edition of cutting independent film singerpredecessors, King - cheng and later taking over Asia's best-selling King - Xu Wei, the third person!

JERRY一步一腳印用美妙的歌聲征服海內外的歌友的心,42張專輯創下多少動聽悅耳歌曲 ! 有人問 JERRY - 為什麼你的情歌唱得那麼好錄歌時有想像的對向嗎 ? JERRY 認真且感性的回答 - 我唱歌並沒有單一想像的對像,是無限的對像每一個喜歡聽我歌曲的歌友不分男女都是我的心靈戀人 !  
聽到徐瑋的新歌妳是我最後一眸愛你從不曾改變歲月遊子心中充滿無限喜悅與感動,每一個新的製作人都能給JERRY不一樣的新能量,這幾首新歌的唱法跟以往全然不同,就像跟情人傾訴思念般感人,很可惜的是這張專輯賣不到 ! 這又是一個奇特的現像,JERRY很多很好聽的並不是都放在海外精選裡有很多被漏掉的好歌,但是網路又可以聽得到,尤其是新歌 ! 站長也真的希望 ( 歲月遊子 ) 這張好聽的專輯可以在國內出版,能夠聽得到也買得到 !

JERRY step by step to conquer the heart of the Friends of the songs at home and abroad with a wonderful song, 42 album, a record number of melodious songs and someone asked Jerry - Why do you sing a love song, recorded the song imagine to do? Jerry serious and emotional response - I sing and there is no single imagination like unlimited like every one like to listen to my song song Friends of both men and women are my soul lover!

Xu Wei's new song you hear I am a pupil of the eye, the love you never change, the years of wandering, the heart is full of infinite joy and touched a new producer JERRY not able to give a new energy, new songsong singing a completely different past, as Valentine's talk miss touching Unfortunately, the album sold less than this is a strange present like Jerry a lot of good to hear is not on the overseas selection inthere are a lot of fans had been omitted, but the network and can be heard, especially the new song! owners really hope that the (years wanderer) this nice album published in the country be able to listen to and buy!

JERRY XU 22首主打歌MV 
Jerry XU 22 first hit song MV

徐瑋16歲第一首成名的歌曲 - 那個女孩
Xu Wei, 16-year-old publication of the first album the song of fame - the girl

JERRY剛出道時,製作人給他唱很多劉派的歌,( 那個女孩 ) 與 (小姐 ) 是劉家昌先生特別為徐瑋寫的,這兩首主打歌劉味比較不重,不像劉先生寫的歌,輕快的曲風很適合17歲時的徐瑋唱,現在聽還是很好聽 ! 但是唱片的其它歌則很劉派,轉來轉去的歌很多,像~我心生愛苗,舊時情,有我就有妳,則一聽就是劉派的歌,跟劉子千的 ( 唸妳 ) 是同一種歌型。

我個人非常的喜歡輕快旋律的曲風的 ( 那個女孩 ),剛出道的徐瑋唱出陽光男孩的天真與衝勁,唱片一出亦迷倒許多少女,聽聽 ( 想不盡的妳 ) 的徐瑋,與第一張專輯 ( 那個女孩 ) 的徐瑋有何不一樣 ?

JERRY business for the producers to give him sing songs of Liu sent (girl) and (Miss) Mr. Liu Jiachang in particular, the two first hit song, written by Xu Wei Liu taste less heavy, unlike Liu Xu Wei, brisk style of music is suitable for the age of 17, wrote the song, sing, listen to or sounds good! but the other songs of the album is very Liu send, and turn many songs like ~ I heart Armure old love, you, I had a Liu send song with Liu Qian's (pronounced) is the same song type.
I personally like the brisk melody of the genre (the girl), the business for Xu Wei sang the sun the boy'
s innocence and momentum, record one also captured the hearts of many girls.


那個女孩  The girl

我心生愛苗 ( 海山作品 )
I felt the love of seedlings (the seamount works)

小姐  MISS

筆友  Pen pal

風中的早晨 - 專輯
徐瑋第一张海外版 ( 風中的早晨 ) 大賣30多萬张開啟亞洲暢销歌王之路
Xu Wei, the first overseas edition (wind in the morning) sold over 30 milli - Open the best-selling King of the Road in Asia

JERRY的海外版許多歌迷都時有耳聞,雜誌也都常報導,只是國內沒發行,始終神秘,大家也都沒聽過 ! JERRY 海外版每年固定發行三張,十年沒間斷過,不知不覺累積了三百多首的暢銷歌,有各類型不同風格格的新歌及流行翻唱歌,也有跟新加坡海蝶合作的新謠專輯~( 歲月遊子 )。註~新謠指的是新加坡的民歌

阿瑋的海外版一開始都是由廣播主持人胡立武操刀擔任製作人,胡立武以前曾也是歌手,後來才擔任 徐瑋海外版製作人,除了徐瑋並沒有聽說他幫其他歌手製作唱片,可說是阿瑋的專任製作人。徐瑋說很感謝胡立武發現他歌唱的可造性,第一張專輯就選了不同於海 山的選歌,編曲請大師陳志遠來操刀,果然出來的東西特別的讚 ! 例如本文介紹的 ( 風中的早晨 ) 現在起起來像新編的歌一樣,是站長聽了很多的版本中編曲最創新的一個,可見得胡在製作上的功力及快樂的敢花錢是唱片成功的原因

一般國內歌 手出片後再交由海外公司發行,基於成本考量只要花一次製作費就好了 ! 可是阿瑋國內外分屬不同的公司,海外版均是獨立製作發行,事實上~國內外版製作成本差不多,JERRY的專輯可以完全不用依靠兩地分攤成本,不但可回本還 大賣特賣,還創下連續發行31張的不敗記陸,所以我們才能在徐瑋因調養身體休息了十多年後,還能奇妙的聽到JERRY的新歌。


JERRY overseas editions of many fans have heard the magazines are often reported, but the country did not release, the mysterious, we also have never heard of Jerry overseas edition of an annual fixed issue three decades stopped, unconsciously accumulated over three hundred first best-selling songs, new songs and popular of the various types of wind princess turned to singing, but also with new ballad album - (years of wandering, Ocean Butterflies co-operation in Singapore). Note ~ new rumor is the folk songs of Singapore
A Wei's overseas edition is a surgeon by the radio host Huli Wu served as producer, the Huli Wu previously is also a singer, and later served Xu Weihai foreign version of the production, In addition to Xu Wei and have not heard of him to help other singers produced the LP, can be said that A Wei's full-time producer. Xu Wei found his singing voice and can cause very grateful Huli Wu, the first album we chose the song selection is different from the seamount, arranger Master Chih-Yuan Chen surgeon, really out of something special praise! For example, the article describes (morning wind) now is like the new song is one of the owners listened to a lot of versions arranger of the most innovative shows that have to Hu in the production of skill and happy dare to spend money to record reasons for the success
General domestic singer a film and then referred to the Overseas Company issued, as little as one production costs based on cost considerations like but inside and outside the A Weiguo belong to different companies, overseas edition is an independent production and distribution, in fact - at home and abroad edition production costs similar to Jerry's album can not depend on the two cost-sharing, not only back to the bigger seller, but also record the issue of 31 consecutive unbeaten remember Lu, so we can restore his health in Xu Wei rest more than a decade also wonderful to hear JERRY's new song.

Oh! Stay with me

徐瑋~愛那俏姑娘  ( 快樂作品 )
Xu Wei ~ love that pretty girl (Happy works)

JERRY 创作篇徐瑋的创作曲極有市場性 - 精華创作10首歌MV簡介

JERRY creation
The creation of Xu Wei Qu very market - the essence of creative song MV Profile

徐瑋 第一次發表的創作曲是 ( 隨風飄去 ),收錄在 ( 想不盡的妳 ) 專輯中,( 隨風飄去 ) 是專輯的第三波主打歌,非常的好聽,有些網友說比想不盡的妳更耐聽,我認為是不同風格的好歌, ( 想不 ) 是華麗外功 ( 隨風 ) 是擅情內功,都好聽 ! 徐瑋初次發表就是詞曲全包,隱隱展現創作天份,後來由海蝶的許寰樑製作徐瑋創作出版了兩張以創作為主的專輯 ( 不平凡的心 ) 與 ( 沒有關係 ) ,後者更是十首詞曲全包,很可惜 ( 沒有關係 ) 中的~我真的不懂、留下來、我的朋友、灰姑娘~等歌很棒,卻沒作什麼宣傳,聽JERRY說是唱片公司正值內部人事大搬風的問題,他也無可奈何,也只能是按 合約交差了事 ! 這兩張創作專輯的版權也確實屬於JERRY的,這次的新版3DMV就是從兩張專輯中濃縮出來的精華十首,非常的好看,也讓大家聽聽JERRY的創作歌多麼 的動聽 !

Xu Wei, the first time the creation of song, gone with the wind, and included in the endless (think you) album (gone with the wind) is the third wave of the title song of the album, very nice, some users said than countless more Naiting, I think the different styles of fans, endless (think you) is a gorgeous external work (gone with the wind) is the internal strength of the good at love, all nice and Xu Wei, the first time released is the lyrics all inclusive faint show of creative talent, and later produced by Ocean Butterflies Xu Huan Liang Xu Wei created and published two creative expression of the album (unusual heart) and (no relation), the latter is ten songwriters all-inclusive, it is Unfortunately, (no relation) I really do not know, to stay, my friend, Cinderella ~ song great, but it does not make what publicity listen JERRY record companies positive internal major personnel move wind he had no alternative but can only cross by contract trouble! the copyright of these two creative album really belongs to JERRY, the essence of this new version of 3DMV is concentrated from the two albums out of ten, very nice. listen to how sounds JERRY's creative song!

 JerryXu 精華创作10首歌
JerryXu essence to create 10-song lyrics: Xu Wei

徐瑋在國內從來不唱的另纇歌曲,美酒千杯也不醉,歌聲戀情,是什麼歌 ? 什麼是新馬味市場歌 ? 代表東南亞華人克苦耐勞在地精神的簡易曲風,與象徵台灣人精神的閩南歌是相同的意思 ! 有不少東南亞華人非常熱愛這種簡單輕鬆有江湖氣且滄桑的歌曲,徐瑋為了回饋歌友破例試錄了一張正宗市場歌 ( 歌聲戀情 ) ,沒想到竟然襲捲全東南亞,新加坡,馬來西亞,印尼,泰國,只要是華人,人人都會唱,狂賣了超過一百萬張 !
市場歌是需要轉來轉去越油越夠味的歌種,本就不是徐瑋的清新浪漫唱風,徐瑋顛覆了本該滄桑江湖氣的歌種,輕鬆可愛俏皮新的新唱腔,讓油油重口味的市場歌煥然一新,瘋靡全東南亞華人 ! 徐瑋不但是唯一唱過正宗新馬味市場歌,也是唯一擁有龐大海外版的台灣男歌手 ! 但是賣得好徐瑋反而是一個頭兩個大,從清新無比的 ( 風中的早晨 ) 到江湖氣十足的 ( 歌聲戀情 ),一南一北180度大改變,快樂草率的改變歌路讓徐瑋無法適應,應該適可而止的市場歌居然躍升主線,也是徐瑋離開快樂的主要原因,快樂迷信市場歌大意失荊州痛失金童。

What is the taste of the Southeast Asian market song? On behalf of the Chinese in Southeast Asia grams of bitter-working simple genre in spirit, the spirit of the Taiwanese Hokkien song is the same meaning there are many Chinese in Southeast Asia is very simple and easy love songs, Xu Weian exception test in order to repay the song Friends of recorded a the Zhang Zhengzong market song (the song of love), did not think that rushing in Southeast Asia, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Chinese, everyone will sing, Arctic Monkeys one million!
Xu Wei subversion Song of the vicissitudes of rivers and lakes gas, easy and cute playful new singing, oily flavors market brand new song, crazy extravagant of all the Chinese in Southeast Asia!Xu Wei is not only sung the songs of authentic Southeast Asia flavor market, is the sole owner of the huge overseas edition of the male singer in Taiwan!

徐瑋出版過五張這種新馬味市場歌,原本並不是徐瑋風格的市場歌,被徐瑋唱出新的味道,越油越夠味的市場歌,徐瑋卻唱的一點也不油,變得輕鬆可愛的俏皮市場歌,徐瑋味的市場歌瘋靡市場 ! 像是 - 苦酒咖啡,歌聲戀情,花非花霧非霧,美酒千杯也不醉,何必再留戀,都是市場歌的帶表作品 ! 

Xu Wei has published five new horse smell market song, market song was not intended to Xu Wei style, Xu Wei, sing a new flavor, the more oil the more flavoursome the market song, Xu Wei singing is not oilbecome relaxed and lovely playful song of the market, Xu Wei taste of the market song crazy extravagant market like - non-bitter coffee, singing, love, Claustrophobia fog fog, thousands of cups of wine is not drunk, why nostalgia, is the market songwith table work!

徐瑋 - 小王爺的由来
Xu Wei - the origin of the princes

徐瑋剛出道時曾跟夏玲玲演過一部八點檔古裝戲 ( 少年遊 ),片中演的是跟他當時年齡相彷的17歲小王爺,有許多跟夏玲玲反串的小寶有很多對手戲,當時全台視上上下下找不出一個小生可以演這個俏皮的角色,不是太 老就是太成熟,正好剛得歌唱比賽冠軍的徐瑋,有一張俊俏的娃娃臉,於是被製作人力邀主演小王爺一角,沒作過古裝扮相的徐瑋還很懷疑自己能否勝任,沒想到徐 瑋的古裝扮相出奇俊可愛,非常討人喜愛 ! 戲一推出就暴紅,收視率永冠全台,小王爺討喜程度甚至與當時最火紅的夏玲玲不相上下,而戲暴紅之前徐瑋的第一張專輯 ( 那個女孩 ) 還正在錄音,由於小王爺太受到觀眾的喜愛,徐瑋出第一張專輯時封面還特別放上大大的小王爺標字,從此 ( 小王爺-徐瑋 ) 也成了徐瑋的永遠小外號。
Xu Weigang debut had told Xia Lingling acted in a prime-time costume drama (Junior Tour), the film played with his age, was similar to the 17-year-old Royal Highness, there are many many of Andy playing with Xia Lingling opposite Taiwan, as the up and down can not find a niche you can play the role of the playful, not too old, too mature, just just have a singing contest, Xu Wei, a handsome baby face, they were made ​​inviting Xu Wei, starring the small princes corner, did not make the costumes still doubt their ability to be competent, did not think that Xu Wei's surprisingly handsome costumes, play a launch on the red storm, the ratings Yongguan Taiwan, the little princes and lovable extent comparable, even with the most red Xia Lingling Xu Wei's play violent red before the first album (the girl) is recording, the little princes too loved by the audience, Xu Wei, the first album when the cover in particular, put the big princes standard word, from the (small princes - Xu Wei) has become Xu Wei always nickname.

 徐瑋 - 小王爺劇照 
Xu Wei - small princes Stills

本站特別推薦-  徐玮 ( 小王爷 ) Jerry Xu (日本語) 国际粉絲官网CLUB http://jerrymusicclub.blogspot.com/

資料參考來源 - 徐瑋民間次官網 http://blog.udn.com/sonyone/6120889

Would be willing to

圖文來源 - 就是愛徐瑋音樂家族 PURPLE SKY
 Photo source - is the love of music Xu Wei family PURPLE SKY

就是因為有PURPLE SKY MV館無限的創意與精彩MV,使得我們徐瑋的官網與眾不同,也變得非常的超級,讓我在編排上省力許多,謝謝就是愛徐瑋音樂家族團隊,精彩創意點子 !
PURPLE SKY MV Museum Unlimited creativity and wonderful the MV, Xu Wei, the official website different, has become very super, choreographer and effort, thank the team of Xu Wei Yue family, wonderful creative ideas!


最浪漫情歌掌門人 - 音樂之路首部曲 Part1

( 一個来自板橋爱唱歌的孩子 ~ 用歌聲征服海內外歌迷的心 )
The most romantic love songs head - music on the road Episode I Part1
(From Itabashi a child loves to sing - to conquer the hearts of the fans with song)
國中剛畢業16歲的徐瑋,帶著一臉的稚氣,借了一套有點大且不很合身西裝,參加台視舉辦的歌唱比賽,三個月下來每月都是冠 軍,最後總決賽竟然得到總冠軍 ! 也創下歌唱比賽冠軍年紀最小的紀錄,把一大堆經驗老道的大哥大姐給比下去 ! 真的讓不少人跌破眼鏡 ! 後來簽約海山唱片第一張專輯 ( 那個女孩 ),大大熱賣,並被廣大媒體視為當時某位天王的接班人,首張專輯大熱賣,為此老板還包了一個大紅包給徐瑋,JERRY也開始擁有了許多的粉絲,當時徐瑋每 個月平均都會收到一千多封信件,為此唱片製作人請人特別為小徐瑋寫了一首 ( 筆友 ),徐瑋靈機一動打扮成最喜歡的西部牛仔 COW BOY造型上電視猛打歌,於是COW BOY造型成了徐瑋的註冊商標,打小姐及筆友時都是帥氣的COW BOY,造型令人印象深刻 !

徐 瑋16歲剛出道時,非常的俊秀可愛,因此常被長輩或大哥大姐吃豆腐,被捏臉或屁股是家常便飯,但又不好意思生氣,總是以笑臉回應,是個高EQ不得罪人的藝 人 ! 出道第二個月被邀主演八點檔連續劇 ( 少年遊 ) 當中的小王爺,因而大受歡迎,之後才出版了第一張專輯 ( 那個女孩 ) 封面特別打上 ( 小王爺 ) ,從此許多人都稱徐瑋~小王爺,可見得角色是多數受到歡迎,出 ( 筆友 ) 與 ( 小姐 ) 時徐瑋做 COW BOY打扮,果然帥氣俊俏的小牛仔又擄獲大家的目光,役畢出 ( 跟過客遠走 ) 時換上帥氣迷彩軍裝,又是深受歌迷喜愛,還有歌迷也穿著軍裝參加徐瑋的歌友會呢 !

帥氣的徐瑋最怕歌迷把焦點目光放在他的外型上,徐瑋表示~( 我當初參加唱比賽時不會打扮超土的,不會穿也沒上妝,完全素顏上陣,看起來真的不會很帥,我是用歌唱實力得到所有評審的一致認同才拿冠軍喔 ! ) 徐瑋的歌很有特色,有一種與眾不同的清新感,透明乾淨且浪漫,我也曾看過某雜誌專襴說~徐瑋的歌聲好像透明的泉水般甘甜,幾乎很多人的形容都跟乾淨的泉 水,溪水,微風,等清爽脫俗的字連在一起 ! 所以帥氣的徐瑋比長的普通的歌手更加倍的努力證明自己的才華與創作力 ! 站長原本一直認為歌手越漂亮越帥氣越好,但是JERRY卻說出他因為太帥而產生的無耐。

Just graduated 16-year-old Xu Wei, with a look of childlike, by a bit large and does not quite fit the suit, to participate in the singing contest held by Taiwan Television, three months off per month are the champions, the last Finals even get to the championship! also the youngest record of hit singing contest, a lot of experienced Big Brother Big Sister to par! really let a lot of bug-eyed and later signed the seamount record the first album (the girl) greatly hot, and the majority of the media as the successor of a certain King, big-selling debut album, this boss also package a big red envelope to Xu Wei, Jerry also has many fans, when Xu Wei month average will receive more than a thousand letters, and this record producer, especially Xiao Xu Wei wrote a (pen pal), Xu Wei had an idea on television dressed as your favorite cowboy COW BOY modeling pursuit song, then as COW, BOY modeling became a registered trademark of Xu Wei, playing Miss and pen pal, handsome COW BOY, modeling impressive!
Xu Wei, the business for the cute kind of invincible super cute Xiaojun, often big brother big sister to eat tofu to face pinch a whining pain! Small princes, COW, BOY cowboy, camouflage, Xu Wei signature dress.
Xu Wei, 16-year-old business for the very the handsome cute, so often the elders or the Big Brother Big Sister to eat tofu, pinched face or ass is commonplace, but embarrassed angry, always smiling response is a high EQ may not sinners artists which Royal Highness! debut month of invited starred in prime-time TV series (Youth Tour), and thus very popular after the publication of the first album (the girl) cover marked (Royal Highness), from many people have said Xu Wei ~ Royal Highness, we can see is the role of majority to be welcomed (pen pal) and (Miss), Xu Wei, COW, BOY dressed really cool and handsome denim captured everyone's eyes, Hall graduated (with replace it with a handsome camouflage uniforms, passing to flee) is received by the fans favorite, fans wearing a military uniform to participate in the Xu Wei's fan club!
Super handsome Xu Wei fear most fans look at the focus on his appearance, Xu Wei ~ (I had participated in a singing competition not dress super soil, do not wear no makeup on, completely makeup battle. looks really not very handsome, I was singing the strength to get the consensus of all reviewed to take title Oh!) Xu Wei's song is quite distinctive, a different sense of fresh, transparent, clean and romantic, and I have seen a magazine specifically robe ~ Xu Wei's song seems transparent spring-like and sweet, almost a lot of people described related to the clean spring water, streams, the breeze refreshing and refined words together so handsome Xu Wei the ordinary singer to redouble their efforts to prove their talent and creativity! owners had always thought the singer prettier the more handsome as possible, but JERRY say he was handsome and the Wu Nai, is it really? Perhaps the JERRY self asking for too much, the audience of course, like the optimistic look appealing singer, is not it?

徐瑋從未說過的兩個 ( 小秘密 )

徐瑋還透露站長兩個小秘密,JERRY參加歌唱比賽時個人資料填的是18歲,而當時他只有16歲,為了怕主辦單位閒他太小不給比賽機會所以刻意報大年紀,第二個秘密是得冠軍之前還參加過一個歌唱比賽,初賽時唱到第二句就緊張到忘詞,立刻被評眚按鈴請下去 ! 令徐瑋難過的不得了,準備許久的歌竟然只唱了兩句就被刷掉 ! JERRY回家後痛定思痛,苦練歌藝,過沒幾個月就得到冠軍,徐瑋說~我的個性喜歡挑戰,{ 永不放棄 } 是我的信念 ! 假如JERRY第一次沒錄取就放棄,就沒有日後的亞洲暢銷歌王了 !

Xu Wei also revealed that the owners of two small secret, Jerry participated in singing competitions personal information to fill the 18-year-old, he was only 16 years old, for fear of the organizers busy he is too small do not give the game the opportunity to deliberately reported a large age, two secret about winning and also participated in a singing competition, the preliminary round when they sing the second sentence of tension to the next card, immediately ratings calamity rang the bell, please go! Xu Wei sad very ready for a long time the song has only sang two to be washed off! Jerry home and work hard to train hard singing over a few months to get the championship, said Xu Wei ~ my personality like challenges, {never give up} is my belief! JERRY not the first time admitted to give up, there is no future in Asia selling King!

浪漫派情歌掌門人~徐瑋音樂之路 Part 2
Romantic love songs head ~ Xu Wei music on the road Part 2

Profile of Xu Wei ~ (Asia's best-selling King), Jerry decades at home and abroad more released 42 albums, Zhang Zhang Hot! Also produced numerous champions song

JERRY 19歲當兵前夕,寶麗金與大馬的的快樂唱片不約而同找徐瑋談合作,快樂剛好比寶麗金早了一個禮拜,快樂說服徐瑋可以人不用去宣傳就有辦法大作宣傳,當時徐 瑋未服役還不能出國,於是抱著試試看的想法與快樂簽唱片約,沒想到後來竟張張專輯橫掃千軍 ! 還逼得原本獨佔市場的前輩天王讓位,也開啟了亞洲華語歌壇暢銷歌王之路,第一張 ( 風中的早晨 ) 就狂賣三十幾萬行,一舉打響快樂王牌小生的名號,之後,十年間連發三十一張專輯,張張大賣,也因此有了許多冠軍歌曲,像是~哎呀!留下來、愛那俏姑娘、戴 安娜、風中的早晨、再會吧!原野、維那斯、送­妳一朵勿忘我、天長地久、留不住妳的心、心動、泥娃娃、好久以前、城市節奏~等等,不計其數,徐瑋海內外共 出版過42張專輯單曲四百多首,徐瑋的國內版與海外版曲風大大不­同,國內版當然是以主流的情歌為主~像~那個女孩、小姐、筆友、想不盡的你、好久以前~ 都是主流情歌,但是海外的選歌則沒有限制什麼歌路都來,也是以最市場的歌為主線~所­以各類的歌徐瑋都翻唱,西洋翻唱歌更是徐瑋的必殺技,戴安娜 Diana、維那斯、送妳一朵勿忘我、都是西洋翻唱熱賣歌 ! 也都非常的的好聽。

從最近網路曝光的MV來說,徐瑋可說是包山包海,什麼 歌路都唱過也都受到歌迷的熱愛,張張大賣,像中國風、民歌風、新謠、華夏民歌、流行翻唱、日歌西洋翻唱曲等等~各種歌路都敢挑戰,可說是華語歌壇的第一人 ! 你聽過JERRY的蒙古牧歌、蘇州河邊、風中的早晨嗎 ? 這還只是開味小菜呢 ! JERRY唱過一大把各種風格的歌 !

帥氣的徐瑋雖然外型亮眼,卻從不以偶像自居,終於用實力打響一片天,出片量與銷售量同時創下驚人的記錄 !
A handsome Xu Wei outlook rosy, but never the idol itself, and finally one day started with the strength of the film volume and sales hit a staggering record.

徐瑋兵役期間利用假日的時間錄音,共出版了六張專輯,也成為海外唱片市場的熱賣天王,役畢後 ( 想不盡的你 ) 國內爆紅,終於讓人知道徐瑋的情歌多麼打動人心 ! 並攻佔排行榜冠軍達八週之久 ! 掀起一鼓 ( 瑋式情歌浪漫風 ) ! 同一時間JERRY也發行第13張海外版,也是快樂的徐瑋專輯第七集 ( 想不盡的妳 ),海外是用原本的歌名 ( 我好想妳 ) 發行,( 註~快樂之前新加坡東尼已代理發行過徐瑋海山專輯六張 ),先國內一步大賣特賣 ! 註~( 想不盡的妳 ) 國外先國內兩個月發行。JERRY第一次本尊到新馬宣傳時,只能用 ( 狂風巨浪 ) 來形容轟動的場面,每一場擠到爆滿的歌迷見面會,還需勞煩警車開道,也讓第一次出國做宣傳的JERRY驚訝於自己的人氣。當時中國大陸還未大開放,於是東 南亞的大華語市場是港台歌手必爭之地,但是能夠呼風喚雨的歌手屈指可數,徐瑋是代表台灣最火紅的暢銷歌手,徐發片時香港的眾家大牌歌手及四大天王都要靠邊 站。

徐瑋的海外版 ( 臥虎藏龍 ),真的被歌迷發現還是不久前的事,從2011下半年才開始被網友上傳網路,一首接一首的好歌令人驚呼連連,我們才發現原來徐瑋唱過那麼多的好歌 ! 十年間的總發片量可能別人用三十年也無法達成 ! 大把的JERRY的歌曲沒聽過,很多原本自認是 ( 徐瑋通 ) 的人頓時變成 ( 徐瑋不通 ) 還要再作功課才行 !

Jerry 19-year-old soldier on the eve of PolyGram and Malaysian happy LP invariably find Xu Wei Tan cooperation, happiness is just a week earlier than PolyGram, happy to persuade Xu Wei can not there is a way to publicize as propaganda. Xu Wei was not in service can not go abroad, so try holding the ideas and happy to sign record about, did not think I was actually Zhang album Annihilation also forced the original predecessor to monopolize the market King gave way, they opened the Asian Chinese The singer best-selling King of the road, the morning of the first (wind) Arctic Monkeys $ 300,000 per line, single-handedly raising the name of the happy trump niche bursts of 10 years between 30 an album, Zhang Da selling, therefore have many champions songs like ~ Ah! to stay, love the pretty girls, Diana, the wind in the morning, Goodbye! wilderness the Weina here, to send you a forget-me-, forever, unable to retain your heart, heart, dolls, long time ago, the city rhythm - and so numerous, Xu Weihai inside and outside the published more than four hundred the first of 42 albums singles, Xu Wei, the domestic version of the overseas edition of genre is significantly different. domestic version of course, is the mainstream of a love ballad ~ like ~ girl, Miss, pen pal, endless, long ago ~ are mainstream songs, but overseas for song There is no limit to what the song Road to, but also to Song of the most market-based line - all kinds of songs Xu Wei cover Western turned to singing is the nirvana of Xu Wei, Diana, Diana, peacekeeping Jonas, and send you a forget-me-Western cover hot song ! are also very nice.
Exposure of the MV from the recent network, Xu Wei tried to please everyone, what song Road are sung by the fans love, Zhang Zhang sell, like the Chinese style, folk style, the new rumor, Chinese folk songs, popular cover , ~ a variety of songs Road dare to challenge the Japanese song Western cover song, it can be said is the first person of Chinese music! you heard JERRY Mongolian pastoral song, Suzhou river, the wind in the morning? This is only open to flavor dishes ! Jerry sang a lot of songs of various styles.
A handsome Xu Wei outlook rosy, but never the idol itself, and finally one day started with the strength of the film volume and sales hit a staggering record.

 Xu Weibing served during the holiday time recording, published a total of six albums, but also the overseas music market selling King served after completion (think different) domestic explosion of red, and finally people know how impressed Xu Wei's love songs people! and captured the charts for eight weeks long and set off a Drum (Wei romantic love songs wind) at the same time JERRY issue 13 overseas editions, is a happy album, Xu Wei Episode 7 (endless), overseas is the original song (I miss you) issued (note to happiness before Singapore Tony proxy issued Xu Weihai Hill album six), the first domestic step a big seller! Note ~ (want different you ) foreign issued the first domestic two months. JERRY first deity to the public of Singapore and Malaysia, can only be used (wind waves) to describe the sensation scene, each pushed a packed Fan Meeting, need to take the trouble to police to clear the way, also made their first trip abroad to do the publicity of JERRY surprised at their popularity. Mainland China has not yet open, so the Chinese market in Southeast Asia is Hong Kong and Taiwan singer contested, but a handful of singers can do anything they want, Xu Wei is on behalf of Taiwan's hottest-selling singer, Xu Fa piece of public companies in Hong Kong big-name singers and four kings must step aside.

Xu Wei, the overseas edition (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon), really be fans or long ago, since 2011 in the second half users upload network, an access of fans of a people exclaimed again and again, we I realized that Xu Wei sang so many good songs! decades piece amount may be unable to reach someone with three decades have not heard a lot of JERRY songs, many of the original self (Xu Wei Tong) suddenly become job (Xu Wei barrier) but also further their homework! 

16歲的轉折 - 徐瑋成長的故事 ( 摘自週刊報導 )

16-year-old transition - Xu Wei, the growth story (taken from the weekly report)


 - 這個小孩可真皮

The child can be leather - alive and kicking, often out of approved leak

退伍回來決定重返歌壇時,徐瑋還一直擔心會不會受到歌迷的喜愛,但是經過去年兩張專輯 ( 想不盡的你 ) 及 ( 跟過客遠走 ) 大暢銷的考驗後,徐瑋又再度奠定他在歌迷心目中的超級偶像地位,這種結果大概是他和唱片公司所始料未及的吧 !
本 名侯延平的徐瑋,出生於台灣療養院,童年時是在板橋的中本新村度過,小時候的徐瑋最討厭玩伴故意把他的本名侯延平叫成(厚臉皮),如果不慎叫錯,徐瑋可是 會翻臉的呦 !板橋中本新村的居民,大都是服務於日本在台成立的 ( 中本紡織公司 ) )的成員與眷屬,所以徐瑋的童年不但是接觸很多的日本人,也是住在充滿日式風味的房子長大,因為徐瑋的爸爸就服務於中本紡織公司。 小時候的徐瑋相當的頑皮,是令左鄰右舍非常頭痛的 ( 孩子王 ),每當隔壁的媽媽們,看到徐瑋帶領著小孩來到家中時,就感到頭痛不已,因為徐瑋不是把髒手印留在牆上,就是在沙發上亂跳,把沙發跳到快壞了才停,,而最 令徐瑋記億深刻的就莫過於他帶領小孩 ( 偷甘蔗 ) 的事了



Military service decided to return to pop music, Xu Wei also been worried about will be loved by fans, but after two albums last year (think endless) and selling (to flee with the passing) test, Xu Weire-laid in the fans minds of the super-idol status, this result is about him and the record company did not expect it!
, Whose real name Hou Yanping Xu Wei, born in Taiwan nursing home, childhood is spent in the Panchiao this New Village, Xu Wei, a child is the most hated playmate deliberately put his real name Hou Yanping called (cheeky) and, if not called wrong, Xu Wei, but will turn Yo!
Members and dependents of the Banqiao in the Village residents are in Japan was established in Taiwan (in this textile company)), Xu Wei's childhood is not only access to a lot of Japanese, but also live in the house full of Japanese flavor grow up, because Xu Wei's father to serve in this textile company.
A naughty child Xu Wei, headache neighbors (children), whenever the moms next door, see Xu Wei led the children came home, he felt a headache, because Xu Weidirty fingerprints to remain on the wall, bounce on the sofa, sofa skip is nearing a stopped, and the most Xu Wei Kee billion profound than the things he led the children (to steal sugar cane)

A large plot of sugar plantations in the New Village in the back of the afternoon, when the adults take a nap, it is also led by Xu Wei messenger, who stole the golden opportunity of sugar cane, I remember one time, just as they bite the whole day, suddenly custody of sugarcane companions were arrested on the spot to run less, and Henhen the lessons of the meal, it thus becomes the first

embarrassing experience of childhood memories of Xu Wei.


國二時我已嚐到單相思的滋味  - 獨獨鐘情於她
The second grade of junior high, I have tasted the taste of unrequited love - try to love her

住在中本新村的時光是快樂無憂的,後來徐瑋家由板橋搬到中和,所以小學徐瑋正式就讀於中和附近的 ( 光仁小學 ).。

在中和的居處中,雖然沒有蔗園,但是卻有一座 ( 饅頭山 ),徐瑋記得那時每當放學回家,,第一件是就是跑去爬 (饅頭山 ),大前年徐瑋去中和時,還特別去看望一下小時候(龐大無比)的 ( 饅頭山 ),往日情懷一一浮現眼前,心中的感慨自是難以形容的。

徐 瑋自己描寫小時候的長像並不怎麼好看,兩顆大門牙當中有個縫,笑起來或講話事那個縫會變得明顯,那時的樣子,誰也沒想到.長大後的他,會是一個如此俊秀的 男孩。 .國小時候雖然長得不怎麼樣,但是功課是一直不錯的,在小學時期曾當過衛生股長與康樂股長,最擅長的科目是修女所教的英文。

中學 時,徐瑋讀的是(海山國中),國一時,,由於從國小轉到一個新的環境,,所以A型的徐瑋顯得很文靜,,不愛講話.,到了國二時由於朋友多了,,對學校的環 境也熟悉了,,所以徐瑋變得相當的活躍,,而由於長的不錯的關係 ( 男大十八變嘛 ! ),徐瑋這個時期經常接到女生寫給他的情書。

雖 然寫信給徐瑋的女生不少,但是他卻唯獨鐘於一個他一直都沒有講過話的女生,這個女生長的很清秀,個性很很內向文靜,跟徐瑋是同一年級,女生的教室在一樓, 徐瑋的教室在二樓,每當升旗典禮要排隊時,他就禁不住要偷看她幾眼,不過或許年紀小膽量不夠的原故,徐瑋始終不敢過去跟這位女生講話或打招呼。

 Time to live in the New Village is a happy and carefree, then Xu Wei family moved in and by the Itabashi, primary school Xu Wei officially enrolled in and nearby (Kuang-jen Primary School).
And the Home Office, although the sugar plantations, but there is a (buns mountain), Xu Wei, remember that time whenever home from school, the first thing is to go climb the (buns mountain), Da Qiannian Xu Wei to go and when, in particular to visit the child (very huge), (steamed mountain), the Way-surfacing, the hearts of emotion naturally indescribable.

Xu Wei describe yourself as a child long like not how good-looking, two large front teeth which have a seam, laugh, or speech that the seam will become apparent, then look, no one thought he grew up, will is such a handsome boy. The country child looks not very good, but the homework has been good in elementary school worked for the Chief of Health and Leisure Chief do best subject is English taught by nuns.
High school, read by Xu Wei (seamount), the country one o'clock, and go to a new environment from elementary type A Xu Wei is very quiet, does not love his speech to the secondmany friends, the school environment are also familiar with Xu Wei become very active, due to a long and good relationship (men and womanhood thing!), Xu Wei during this period often receives girlswrote his love letters.
Wrote to Xu Wei, the girls a lot, but he alone clock in a have not spoken to the girls, this girl is very handsome, very introverted personality is very quiet, with Xu Wei is the same grade, girls the classroom on the first floor, Xu Wei's classroom on the second floor, whenever the flag raising ceremony to queue up, he could not help but want to peek show her glances, but perhaps young enough guts to exigencies of Xu Wei has always been afraid of the past with the girls to speak or say hello.


From acquaintance to break up

Get TTV singing champion


或 許國三太好玩的關係,徐瑋在國中畢業後並未考上理想的高中,於是他就休學在家打算第二年重考,但是一向好動的徐瑋,怎麼耐得住書桌前的苦讀,於是徐瑋有一 次無意中看到家中訂的 ( 台視週刊 ),看到台視在招考歌唱新人時,在好奇心作祟的心態下,就跟朋友借了一套不怎麼合身的西裝,又穿了雙有跟的鞋子,傻里傻氣的去參加歌唱比賽了 !

到目前為止,徐瑋也不曉得.當初他為何憑著,( 煙水寒,秋詩篇篇,她像個孩子),等幾首歌,就打拜敗了那麼多有備而來的大哥大姐,並且他還是參賽者當中年紀最小的(16歲,,還得了 ( 台視新人獎 ) 秋季的冠軍。
為了感謝台視的賞識,徐瑋二話不說就跟台視簽了三年的基本歌星合約,,然後又考上 ( 復興美工夜校 ),開始展開他忙碌又多樣性的生活。

當 了歌星之後的徐瑋,白天忙著電視台的錄影及表演工作,晚上又忙著到學校唸書,雖然在學校中的徐瑋是知名度很高的人物,但是他卻盡量讓自己不要特殊化,因 之,在校裡,同學們只是把當當成朋友哥兒們,這段期間,徐瑋還是經常收到女生愛慕的信,但是徐瑋卻懂得以學業及演藝前為重,戀愛對他而言還是太早了。後來 徐瑋的星途算是十分坦順,,跟台視簽約不兩個月後,被海山唱片率先相中並簽了三年的合約,第一張發行的專輯唱片是 ( 那個女孩 ),唱片一推出,徐瑋可愛,青春帥氣的模樣,就吸引住無數女孩的視線,之後的幾張唱片,筆友,小姐,我愛校園,更為他奠定了不少的死忠基本歌迷。

Because l on the third year of junior schools to the original class tune the classes, Xu Wei is so rarely seen that he secretly in love with girls, because this time the school recreational activities, outings and special relationship, Xu Wei's hearts play activities to the occupation, the feelings between men and women seem to have been behind.Perhaps too much fun, the third relationship, after graduating from junior high, Xu Wei has not admitted to the ideal high school, so he stayed at home intend to re-examination, but Xu Wei has always been a good move, how to endure the desk studying, so Xu Wei once accidentally set home (TTV Weekly), see TTV the recruit singing new mentality of curiosity haunting, just like a friend borrowed a very fit suit, wearing pairs of shoes in there with silly to participate in the singing contest!So far, Xu Wei, do not know why when he was relying on (smoke water cold, Qiushi Sylvia, she was like a child), and a few other songs, hit thanks to the defeat of so many come prepared, Big Brother Big Sister , and he was a contestant among the youngest (16 years old, have a champion (TTV Newcomer Award) autumn.To thank the appreciation of the TTV, Xu Wei, apart from anything else just TTV signed three years singer contract, and then admitted to (Fu-Shin EVENING), commenced his busy, but the diversity of life.When after the singer Xu Wei, busy daytime television, recording and performing work at night, busy to the school and in school Xu Wei is a high profile figure, but he did try to make myself not to specialization, consequent, in the school, the students were just Dangdang into a friend's buddies during this period, Xu Wei, or frequently received the letter of the girls love, but Xu Wei know before the academic and performing arts, love him too late. Later, Xu Wei's stardom in a very tanks along with Taiwan, as the contract is not two months after the seamount LP first phase and signed a three-year contract, the first album LP (the girl), LP was released, Xu Wei, cute, young and handsome appearance, attracted by the sight of countless girls, after a few records, pen pal, Miss, I love the campus, he laid a lot of basic loyal fans.

Military service during the four performances, with the art and engineering team, made ​​me mature a lot of
在 ( 我愛校園 ) 這張專輯發行不久後,,徐瑋接到了兵而服兵役去了,,徐瑋認為服兵役的這兩年给他的幫助與啟示相當的大,.由於在家是獨子的關係,,他一向被保護的很 好,,所以剛到軍中時,,徐瑋一下子很不能適應,,個性也顯得內向,文靜.,後來因為認識了歐陽龍,,小虫,,羅吉鎮等人.,又時常跟隨 ( 藝工總隊 ) 上山下海四處勞軍表演.,徐瑋整個人變得活潑獨立多了,而在軍中跟小虫成為莫逆之交,更是他的收獲之一.

最初他們很少交談,後來徐瑋發 覺小虫很喜歡作詞作曲,兩人之間逐漸變得有話題可談.,( 小雨來的正是時候 ) 原本是小虫要送給徐瑋的歌,但是後來因為鄭怡要發片急著收歌,經由朋友介紹知道小虫有這麼一首好歌,而徐瑋也覺得鄭怡唱 ( 小雨來的正是時候 ) 會比自己來的適合,於是慨然相贈,幸好後來小虫為徐瑋寫的 ( 想不盡的妳 ) 也同樣受到歌迷的熱愛,並創下許多銷售輝煌的記錄,否則徐瑋可能要為當時把歌讓給鄭怡而後悔了 !

由於徐瑋在當兵之前的幾張專輯的銷售都不錯,而且也擁有一批死忠歌迷,因此在徐瑋服兵役的這段期間,以前是海山大將現在出來自組 ( 點將唱片公司 ) 的桂鳴玉,基於生意眼,不斷跟徐瑋保持聯繫,希望徐瑋退疫後,雙方能再度合作,再創唱片佳績。

諾諾 Nono

(I love the campus) This album was released shortly after, Xu Wei received as soldiers went to the military service, Xu Wei that the last two years of military service to his help and inspiration is quite large, due to the home was an only childrelationship, he has always been well protected, so arrived in the military, Xu Wei, all of a sudden very adapt, personality is introverted, quiet, later know Ouyang, insects,Luigi town, who, from time to time to follow the (art and engineering corps) up the mountain into the sea four the troops performing, Xu Wei has become lively and independent, while in the military become very good friends with the insects, it is hisharvest one.

Insects than Xu Wei late art and engineering team for three months initially, they rarely talk to, Later, Xu Wei found that insects like the lyrics and music, between the two gradually become the topic to talk about, (the rain to what time) was originally a song of insects to give Xu Wei, but later because of Cheng Yi films to be made to hurry to close the song, by a friend, know that insects have such a great song, Xu Wei also feel that Zheng Yi sang (rain arrived just in time) than to fit, so generously with gifts, but fortunately the bug later written by Xu Wei (endless you) are also subject to the fans love, and hit a brilliant sales record, otherwise Xu Wei may for the time the song give Zheng Yi and regret!

Xu Wei in the army before the albums are good sales, but also has a number of diehard fans, Xu Wei during the period of military service, former seamounts generals out from the group (point the record company) the Guiming Yu, eyes new business, continue with Xu Wei keep in touch with Xu Wei retreat epidemic, the two sides can work together again to a new record heights. I write songs


最感謝的兩個人 - 一個是胡立武一個是阿桂他們再造了新我
Most grateful to the two people Huli Wu is and Kuei, they recycled the new I

果然,徐瑋退役後的第一張專輯 ( 想不盡的妳 ) 發行後,( 徐瑋式 ) 的情歌旋風竟然大大掀起,原先徐瑋還擔心重新以新人姿態出現的他,要在競爭激烈的唱片市場中打天下不易,可是舊歌迷加上新歌迷的熱愛,使得他成為去年度最受歡迎的超級偶像.

挾 ( 想不盡的妳 ) 大賣之威,徐瑋在點將的第二張專輯 ( 跟過客遠走 ),雖然在聲勢上沒有上一張來的那麼浩大,但在不景氣的唱片市場中,徐瑋的銷售量還是創下了極佳的成績,比起其他歌星而言,算是很不錯了。

最近徐瑋除了忙著到東南亞做秀,義演外,他的製作人也正積極為他籌備第三張專輯的內容,這張專輯除了有小虫的作品外,也會採用新人投稿的作品,徐瑋是個喜歡在唱片上求新求變的人,像在歌曲方面,他也希望日後能嘗試唱些小調,中國民歌,閔南語歌曲或廣東歌,相同的,對作詞作曲者的看法也是,徐瑋並不迷信大牌作詞作曲的作品,只要作品好,就算是新人的作品他也樂於接受,因之 - 只要讀者也興趣,可以動手幫徐瑋寫好歌阿 !

Sure enough, Xu Wei retired after the first album (endless you) issue, (Xu Wei), love songs whirlwind even greatly set off originally Xu Wei to worry about re-emergence of a new attitude in the competitiverecord market to conquer the world is not easy, but the love of old fans and new fans, making him the last year the most popular super-idol.

First record company to help him do the fans in the southern fraternity, fans as much as even the record company's publicity Miss Jishang legs, Xu Wei's popularity can be imagined.

Relying on (you want different) sold the Wei Xu Wei's second album in the point (passing to flee), although the momentum on no one to so vast, but the music market in the downturn Xu Wei's sales or record excellent results, compared to other singers, can be regarded as very good.

The two albums can cause such a big shock in the market, Xu Wei will promote due to the record producer Huli Wu and record company boss the Guiming Yu, the the Huli Wu understanding of Xu Wei and Gui Mingyu behind the scenes, making Xu Wei predecessors, the new, abound, new heights, Xu Wei has been very grateful to their place.

Recently, Xu Wei, in addition to busy to Southeast Asia, a show, charity, and his producer are actively preparing for the third album, the contents of the album in addition to work with insects, also a new submission works. Xu Wei is innovative ideas like the record, like in the song, he also hopes the future try to sing some minor tone, Chinese folk songs, Minnan songs or CD's, the same views of the lyrics and music Xu Wei is not superstitious big lyrics and music written works, as long as the work is good, even if he was willing to accept works of new playwrights, consequent - as long as the reader interested in hands-on help
Xu Wei write good songs

是誰 Who is

我其實並不孤傲 - 個性內向的我碰到熟人話也是說不完的
Actually, I do not arrogant  Personality~  I met an acquaintance, then is also lots to talk

個性內向的徐瑋,在人多的地方不喜講話,因此不了解他的人會誤以為他很高傲,其實徐瑋並不是一個完全都那麼沉默的人,只要跟他處熟了,或談的來,他的話匣子可是長的很呢 ! 所以只要跟他相處過的人都會喜歡他這個人個性的.

像徐瑋的日文老師就說,徐瑋是個心地善良,領悟力高又沒架子的人,只可惜,一般人和徐瑋長期相處的機會並不多,所以徐瑋有時給外界的感覺是有點距離的,不過,在此透露一個秘密,假如不熟的人跟徐瑋交談嘗到困難的話,不仿先以打電話的方式先搭起( 友誼的橋樑 ),因為他覺得在電話中聊天比較沒有拘束感,可以暢所欲言的閒聊,所以電話是可以和徐瑋溝通的工具.


不過,徐瑋表示,歌迷們不要心急,( 慢工出細活),這段時間雖然暫時見不到他,但是有了這段時間的充電,準備,徐瑋相信他下次出現於於媒體前時,必定會帶給大家全新的感受,所以請歌迷,觀眾們,靜心的等待著他的出擊吧 !

ntroverted and Xu Wei, where people do not like the speech, therefore, did not know his people mistakenly think he is very arrogant, Xu Wei is not a completely are so silent, with him at the ripe, or Tanthe past, his chatterbox, but very do get along with him too would like his personality.

Said Japanese teacher like Xu Wei, Xu Wei is a kind-hearted, perceptive person was not any shelf, but unfortunately, Xu Wei, the general and long-term opportunity to be together is not much, Xu Wei, sometimes to the outside world feel a little distance, however, to disclose a secret, if unfamiliar with Xu Wei chat tasted the difficulties, not imitation the first call first erected (friendship bridge), because he felt that chat on the phone not binding, you can freely chat, phone and Xu Wei communication tool.

Busy preparing for the new album, he refused many opportunities for appearances, which is why many fans feel bored, why no news of him, in fact, these days to find Xu Wei filming on the program, the solicitation of commercials is kept, but In order to achieve the freshness of the third album, these invitations temporarily declined.

However, Xu Wei said that the fans do not hurry, (working slowly and deliberately), this time, although not see him, but with this time of charging, preparation, Xu Wei believe that next time he appeared before the media , they will be to bring you a new feeling, so please the fans, the audience, meditative waiting for his attack.

安妮  Anne

徐瑋海外版也曾翻唱過許多台灣其他歌手的主打歌,利害的是Jerry不管唱誰的歌,都轉為自己 ( 瑋式 ) 的風格,這是徐瑋經過多年磨練後的成果,徐瑋這麼棒的唱功,卻最討厭老是有人說他是偶像,所以為了證明自己的全方位,不但創作也製作自己的專輯單歌,長的好看的帥哥又會唱又會寫的確實不多,這也是JERRY與眾不同的地方 ! 偶像中的超偶像實力中的超實力誰能跟JERRY比呢 ? ( 站長的真心話 ! )
Xu Weihai outside Edition also cover many other Taiwanese singer's hit song, the interest of Jerry regardless of singing Who songs, into their own (Wei) style, Xu Wei, after many years to hone the results, and XuWei such a great vocal, but the most annoying was always said that he is the idol, so in order to prove their all-round, not only the creation also produced his own album, a long good-looking guy will sing again written a very small number, whichJERRY unique place! who than with JERRY?

The JERRY cover PK PLAY 10-song MV

安娜  ANNA

( 關於JERRY的近況 ) - 我想很多J-FANS,想必很關心JERRY的近況,據SONYONE透露,一直都有很多單位私下力邀JERRY復出開演唱會或上節目,連壹週刊都拿到之前JERRY的電話,想作獨家專訪,但都被JERRY在不得罪人的情況下找理由閃掉,96年因為健康因素移民溫哥華調養身體,主要因為陳年的車禍內傷復發以及誤食中藥中毒,需要長時間排毒調養,目前已見成效,紅潤的氣色也漸漸回復,但是還是須要半年至一年以上的調理期,也讓JERRY深深體會健康的重要性。

JERRY突然失縱的原因也逐漸明朗 ! 也解了許多人心中的問號 ? 對喜歡JERRY的歌友來說,最盼望他能早日出山再帶來好聽的歌曲,也有人擔心會不會很多七八年級新同學不熟悉他呢 ? 我身邊八年級的朋友經過我的介紹,迷ERRY的程度超乎我的想像,好像發現新大陸一樣 ! SONYONE分析的好,以現今資訊傳播速度之快,一天就可以讓一則新聞或一個無名的素人瞬間紅到翻,又何況是情歌無敵迷人,萬人迷超級偶像徐瑋呢 ! 我認為重點是看JERRY要與不要,身體的狀態可能才是JERRY最在乎的點 !

( 歲月遊子 ) 文章寫的太貼切了,那個用歌聲流浪的遊子,JERRY什麼時候才會用歌聲流浪回歌迷的身編呢 ? 別真的 ( 隨風飄去 ) 了呢 !

(Years of wandering) article written by very appropriate that songs stray from home, Jerry When will with song wandering back to the fans body compile it? Do not really (gone with the wind)!

如果有JERRY更近一步的消息,Xu Wei,fans official web 國際粉絲次官網一定會搶先報導 !

Away from the bell
 Daydreamand so on

(JERRY recent) - I think a lot of J-FANS, presumably very concerned about JERRY current situation SONYONE disclose, and have always been a lot of units of privately invited JERRY comeback concert or on the program, even the Next Magazine were gettingJERRY phone, would like to make an exclusive interview, but JERRY in the case not to offend find reason to flash out to restore his health because of health factors immigration Vancouver in 1996 is said to be a recurrence of long years of internal injuries, and eating traditional Chinese medicine poisoning, take a long time rowpoison nursed back to health, to have paid off, the red color gradually return, but still need conditioning period of more than six months to a year, but also to JERRY deeply appreciate the importance of health.

JERRY suddenly missing the reason becomes clearer! Solution of the question mark in the hearts of many people? Friends of songs like JERRY most looking forward to his early coming out nice song, it was also worried that not many seventy-eight grade new students are not familiar with him? eighth-grade friends to me after my introduction, the extent of the fans ERRY beyond my imagination, as if discovering a new continent! SONYONE analysis, information dissemination speed is fast, day a news or an anonymous prime instant red to turn, let alone glamorous super-idol Xu Wei and I think that the focus JERRY cares about most and not the state of the body may be is JERRY point!

JERRY interesting Park
JERRY 最快錄完的一首歌 - 那個女孩,前後花了四十分鐘。 The JERRY fastest finish recording a song - the girl, after spending 40 minutes. 

剛出道的徐瑋被專輯製作人通知去錄音室試唱新歌,劉家昌一見到JERRY就非常喜歡這個新來的小學生,然後劉導挑了一首歌叫徐瑋立刻進錄音室練習試唱,JERRY戴上耳機練習唱了三次後就被劉導 叫出去,劉導說: ( 這小子唱的挺不錯,OK啦 ! 錄好了 ! ) 這可把JERRY嚇了一大跳,不是在試唱嗎 ? 前後總共花了四十分鐘就搞定,也創下徐瑋錄歌完成速度最快的一首歌,這首歌就是徐瑋的第一張專輯的主打歌 ( 那個女孩 )。

Xu Wei to be notified to the studio audition song, Lau Ka Cheong see JERRY like the new primary school students, and then Liu guide to pick a song called Xu Weili carved into the studio to practice audition, Jerry put on headphones to practice sang three times after Liu guide called out, Liu guide (this kid sing pretty good, OK to friends you recorded good!) this JERRY shocked, not at the audition? before and after spent a total of: forty minutes to get, and also hit the fastest Xu Wei recorded songs to complete a song, this song is the title song of Xu Wei's first album (that girl).

JERRY17歲的初吻及童子身被某大姐設計奪得,怎麼會這樣 ! ?JERRY17-year-old's first kiss and boy body is a big sister design won, how could this be!?

JERRY在某電台訪問不小心自爆第一次初吻的事,JERRY17歲的時後認識了一位大姐姐,當然JERRY只是把她當成 很談得來的大姐,但是大姐姐卻偷偷地對這位小弟很感興趣,於是時常找JERRY到家中聊天吃東西,有時聊的太晚就留JERRY過夜,某日,兩人聊太晚又被 留過夜,當時是夏天,所以大姐要求JERRY同房一起吹冷氣,當然小弟是睡地上打地鋪,沒想到半夜大姐竟然主動睡到JERRY身邊,暗夜挑逗 ! 於是,JERRY在迷迷糊糊的情況下,初吻及童子身都被這位大姐姐給奪去了 ! JERRY形容這位大姐身材火辣,皮膚細白,是個辣姐,雖然JERRY的第一次有點搞笑 ! 但是第一次體驗能被身材火辣的豔姐主動投懷送報,不算吃虧 !

JERRY blew kiss for the first time things carefully in a radio interview, JERRY17-year-old to know a great sister, of course, JERRY her as the older sister was able to talk, but the sister was secretly the younger brotherinterested in to JERRY home so often find a chat to eat, and sometimes talk too late to stay JERRY overnight, a certain day, they talk too late and were left overnight, then summer, Sister requirements JERRY same room with airconditioning,of course, younger brother to sleep on the floor ground floor, and did not expect the middle of the night sister took the sleep the JERRY side, the dark night tease so, Jerry stumbled case, the first kiss and the boy body is the big sister to the claimed Jerry describethe eldest sister, hot body, skin, fine white is a hot sister, JERRY's first bit funny but the first experience can be hot body, brilliant sister initiative to cast pregnant newspaper delivery, not a disadvantage!

JERRY14歲的初戀,百封情書訴衷情,原來這就是愛情 !
JERRY14-year-old's first love, One hundred love letters to express love, So this is love!

情竇初開的JERRY,國二時在一次郊遊活動認識了一位長像清秀的女同學,JERRY立刻煞到小女生,小女生也看上 JERRY,於是兩人開始談起戀愛,每天JERRY都要跑到小女生家等她一起上學,放學時陪她一起回家,陷入熱戀的兩人每天都有聊不完的話題,後來小女生 要求JERRY每天都要寫信給她,於是JERRY就乖乖的真的每天一封情書,竟然連續100多封,到最後想破頭都想不出來寫什麼 ! 於是就都寫 ( 我今天真的很想妳 ! ) ,JERRY的歌唱天份那時就開始了,常常在小女友家的頂樓唱情歌給小女友聽 !

直到小女友全家移民到德國後,純純的小初戀才告一段落 !  這段初戀從開始到結束一年都不到,但是卻是令JERRY永生難忘的甜蜜回憶 !

 原來JERRY是個多情的種,怪不得情歌唱的那麼好 ! 

Jerry, First love second outing activities met a long like a graceful female students, Jerry immediately evil little girl, little girl took a fancy to Jerry, so they began talking about love, daily JERRY should run to the little girl home with her to school, school to accompany her home, two every day into a love of endless talk about the topic, and later the little girl requires JERRY every day to write to her, so JERRY obediently really a daily love letter, even more than 100 consecutive letters, the last to want to break the head and wants out what to write so they are written (I really want to you!), Jerry's singing talent was on started, often in the top floor of the little girl home to sing love songs to the little girl to listen!

Until the family emigrated to Germany of the little girl, innocent love only come to an end! This love from the beginning to the end of the year not to, but make JERRY unforgettable sweet memories!

JERRY is a passionate, no wonder love to sing so good!

徐瑋收信之多創記錄,曾單月收到三萬封信,隨身大包包裡,有一個角落滿是歌迷的問後 ! 只能用歌聲來回應每一份來自遠方的關心。
Xu Wei, receiving as much as a record, had a single month received 30,000 letter, carry a big bag, a corner full of fans asked! Only use the song in response to each concern from afar.


JERRY 役畢後因出 ( 想不盡的你 ) 暴紅,每個月收信也暴增,曾單月收到三萬封信,人走到那裡信收到那裡,除了唱片公司,包括電視台,廣播電台,各家雜誌社都熱情粉絲寫給JERRY的 信,JERRY從一出道就養成隨時看信的習慣,外出工作隨身的大包包,JERRY總不忘出門時抓一把信件放進包包裡,所以常會看見JERRY錄影空檔一個 人躲在角落看信。


JERRY soldiers a month are mixed two-three thousand of Song of the Friends of the letter sent, so the letter has become one of the usual work of JERRY, sometimes the letters are too many to find a female student in the country to the home to help finishing, two people can back more than a thousand letters a day, Jerry is that each letter are a concern and look forward to, always good to let the fans down, so a time will personally reply.

JERRY Hall graduated out (like endless) bursts of red, a month prepared to receive surge had received thirty thousand letters in a single month, come to where the letter received there, in addition to the record companies, including television, radio stations, each magazine are enthusiastic fans wrote JERRY letter from a debut, Jerry develop a habit to read the letter at any time, meals carry a big bag of work, Jerry never forget to go and grab a handful of letters into the bag , so often to see the JERRY recording gap hiding in the corner to see the letter.

JERRY attaches great importance to the views of the fans, self very demanding JEERY said he will reply as much as possible, but really can not everyone back, only to use the song in response to each one from a distant concern.

Long time ago


帥氣的徐瑋從來不以偶像自居最討厭歌迷討論他的外型,對於美型俊美等字眼據說非常感冒 ! Jerry常說 : ( 我是歌唱比賽的冠軍,靠的是實力 ! 外型只是附加的個人印象 ! )
Handsome Xu Wei never the idol itself, the most annoying fans to discuss his outlook for the U.S. handsome words such as, it is said did not like!! Jerry used to say: (I was singing contest champion, relies on the strength! Not appearance!)

帥氣的JERRY確實很亮眼,一出現就吸引眾人目光,JERRY就是很怕自己的實力會被亮眼討喜的外型給搶去,所以比一般的歌手更注重唱功與創作,為JERRY說句公道話,光是他的歌聲就已經非常的迷人了 ! ( 瑋式情歌 ) 的浪漫情懷無人能及,當然帥氣的外型只會更讓人愛,迷哥迷姐欣賞JERRY的時後,別忘了深度,JERRY是一個全方位的歌手。 

The JERRY handsome indeed very rosy, appeared to attract a huge audience, and Jerry is afraid of their own strength will be dazzling and appealing appearance to the snatched, so focus on singing and writing more than the average singer JERRY tell the fair, just his voice is very charming! (Wei-style love songs), romantic and, of course, the handsome appearance will only be loved, lost brother lost sister appreciate Jerry ', do not forget the depth, Jerry is an all-round singer.

JEERY最快錄完一張專輯只花了四天 ! 由於海外唱片張張大熱賣,JERRY當兵時還是要利用放假的時間錄海外版,為了搶時間曾一天錄音14個小時 ! 天啊~太操了吧 !
After recording the fastest album only spent four days, Jerry military service or to take advantage of vacation time recorded in the overseas edition, to race against time once recording 14 hours a day! God ~ too fast!

Jerry當兵前就先錄了兩張專輯,第二張是存檔,當然錄第一張的時候,也不知道會大熱賣,後來 ( 風中的早晨 ) 狂賣30多萬張,還把JERRY嚇一大跳,四個月後第二張就接著推出又是大熱賣,於是快樂急電製作人要快快錄第三張,當時徐瑋正在藝工隊當兵每天都很忙,只有周末中午後才放一天半假,周日傍晚就收假,這短短的十幾個小時就是製作人與JERRY搶錄歌的時間 !
常常JERRY一放假就直奔錄音室,一開唱就是十幾個小時,最快紀錄曾四天不到錄好一張專輯,當然JERRY說這是非常不得以的情況下的變通法,通常要唱好一首歌花十個小時是常有的事,錄一張新專輯正常要一個月的時間,JERRY當兵時的猛操,現在回想起來真的是不可思議 !
Jerry just prior to the first recorded two albums, the second is an archive, of course, recorded the first time, do not know will be hot, and later (the wind in the morning) Arctic Monkeys more than 30 million copies and brought JERRYscare the daylights, four months after the second, then deliver another big selling so happy urgent telegram producer to be quickly recorded in the third, when Xu Wei is the art and engineering teams as soldiers are busy every day, only on weekendsnoon after the release day and a half leave on Sunday evening, received false, for this short period of more than ten hours is the producer and JERRY grab recorded song!

Often JERRY a holiday, went straight to the studio, a concert is more than a dozen hours, the fastest record had four days to less than recorded an album, of course, JERRY This is a very shall not be modifications to the case law, usually praise-singing a song to spend 10 hours is common, and recorded a new album to be normal a month's time, now in retrospect is really incredible!

某位瘋狂女歌迷,日日半夜到對街遙望JERRY房間,JERRY盼歌迷理性,也為此搬了家。這不是支持偶像該有的行為吧 ! JERRY是大家的 !
Someone crazy female fans every day at midnight, the street overlooking JERRY room, Jerry hope the fans rational for this move home.This is not to support some of the behavior of the idol!JERRY is belong to the Fans!

但是,還是有些少數的瘋狂歌迷會做些不理性的舉動,也讓好脾氣的JERRY感到無奈 !

有一天晚上大約一點多,JERRY準備睡覺時,到房間的陽台吹風,彷彿看到對面街角有一個女子一直往自己的方向看,當時JERRY並不以為意,認為可能有人晚上在等人,沒想到,第二天那個女子又來了,依舊朝著三樓的房間看,此後接連十多天那名女子夜夜來站崗,有時天亮才突然消失,後來找人去了解才知道是JEERY的非理性瘋狂歌迷,日夜思念聽歌還不夠,還要來近距離關查偶像,已嚴重影響到JERRU全家人的生活作習,後來JERRY還是選擇搬家,他希望用歌聲與歌友分享心靈的歡喜憂傷,就像JERRY常說的: ( 不要太迷我的人,我要用歌聲跟大家交朋友 ! )

J-XU ~跟過客遠走+火与冰+遠離的鐘聲
( 超级3连发3DMV )

JERRY has always attached great importance to the views of fans, each fan club will try to meet everyone's needs, is also very considerate of the camera signature is almost generosity.
However, some few crazy fans will do irrational move, good-tempered JERRY feel helpless!

One night about a little more, Jerry ready to sleep, seem to see the opposite corner to the room's balcony hair, a woman has been to the direction of view, when JERRY do not complain that some may people did not expect the next day the woman came again, still look toward the third floor of the room, since successive days the woman every night to guard, sometimes dawn suddenly disappeared, and later to find someone to understand irrational JEERY the madness fans, day and night listening to music is not enough, we try to close off investigation idol, has seriously affected the the JERRU family living habits, and later JERRY chose to move, he hopes to share with singing and song Friends of the soul's joy sadness, it is often say that like JERRY: (do not get too lost me, I want the song to make friends with everyone!)

JERRY like cats and dogs, primary school picked up a stray kitten from the road, take home adoption, cat follow-up playmates out has become the only son of JERRY home yard into a cat park.

常常從雜誌上看到JERRY抱著貓咪的合照,後來才得知他非常的喜歡小貓小狗,JERRY小學時有一天回家時,在路上聽到咪~咪~小貓的叫聲,發現路邊有一隻剛出生一個月的小小貓,很可憐,JERRY逗小貓玩,小貓也不怕人,於是把小貓帶回家喂小貓牛奶喝,得到家人的同意後,小貓成為JERRY家中的新成員,也成了獨子JERRY的最佳玩伴,小貓連睡覺都要跟小主人一起睡喔 !
後來,家中的院子不知怎麼的常常有陌生的野貓來玩,原來是小貓交了新朋友,野貓原本很怕人,看見小貓跟JERRY玩在一起,漸漸也沒了野性,還讓JERRY摸呢 ! 有時JERRY也讓野貓進屋吃飯,但是不能過夜,沒多久家中的院子成了新貓咪樂園。

Often see from the magazine JERRY holding a photo of the cat, and later learned that he was very like cats and dogs, Jerry primary school day to go home on the road to hear the sounds of the Mi ~ Mi ~ kitten foundside of the road a month of small kittens born very poor, Jerry funny kitten playing kitten is not afraid of people, so the kitten to take home to feed the cat milk to drink, the consent of the family, kittensJERRY home in new members, has become the only son of JERRY's best playmate kitten even sleep to be with the young master sleep with Oh!

JERRY said ~ In fact, the cat is some of the kittens every day lying on the wall in the corner, such as his school, Jerry home every day into the alley, the most happy is to see the cat squatting on the wall Jerry shouted the cry of a kitten Mingzi kitten immediately jumped from the wall, all the way with JERRY ran home.

Later, at home in the yard I do not know how often have strange play of the Wildcats, the original cat made ​​new friends, the wildcat was originally afraid of people and saw the kitten play together with JERRY, gradually the wild, but also let JERRY touch ! sometimes JERRY let Wildcats into the house to eat, but not overnight, not long after the home's yard has become a new cat paradise.

超級實力偶像 - 徐瑋 - 歌多,照片多,報導多,是JERRY的特色,只要有徐瑋報導的雜誌~就是銷售的保證,這也是為什麼JERRY的報導資料與照片,海報,超級多的原因 ! 且都很精緻,可以說多到爆 ! 站長目前手邊收集的資料超級多,根本無法都放在同一篇裡。
 Idol of the super-strength - Xu Wei - songs, photos and more, and more reports, is JERRY characteristics, as long as there is Xu Wei reported the magazine - that is, sales guarantee, which is why JERRY reported information and photos, posters, Super Multi reason! and very delicate, we can say more than to burst! owners on hand to collect the information super, can not on the same one.


雜誌主編從上萬封讀者信件中,挑選了形容徐瑋­十則最中肯的評價與感覺 ! 由此可見萬人迷JERRY多麼受姐妹捫的喜愛 ! JERRY因健康因素淡出太早,讓人懷念 ! ( 原汁原味一字未改,看看讀者們怎麼形容心目中的徐瑋~摘自明星雜誌報導 )

From tens of thousands of letters of readers' letters, magazine editor, the selection describe Xu Wei ten most impartial appraisal and feel This shows that glamorous JERRY how the sisters palpable love! Jerry fade too early for health reasons, people miss!(from Star magazine)

1 平易近人,歌聲豪邁,希望能多辦下午茶見面活動。
2 很有氣質,歌很好聽,人也很單純,憨憨的,希望能做他乾妹妹。
3 天賦混然嗓音,加上帥勁十足的外型,我喜歡。
4 歌聲表達自然,很誠懇,人很親切,衷心祝福他成功。
5 我喜歡他唱歌時的表情,眼神,深深打動了我的心,他沒有明星的那­股傲氣,他很好玩 ( 表情、思想 ) 。
6 對他,我有一種說不出的感情,實在想不出任何形容詞可以形容這種­心情
7 他含蓄,沉穩,歌詣佳,希望他也能多作幾手曲子親自演唱。
8 清純的嗓音,灑脫可愛的外表,真是難得一見的人材。
9 外型眉清目秀,言談舉止又好可愛。
10 很喜歡他的穿著打扮。

1.An approachable, heroic songs, and hope we can do afternoon tea to meet.
2. great temperament, the song sounds good, very simple, Han Han, I hope to be able to do what he did sister.
3 talent mixed with a natural voice, coupled with handsome full of fresh appearance, I do.
4 songs express natural, very sincere and very kind people, and sincerely wish him success.
5 I like the expression in his eyes when he sing, deeply touched my heart, he did not have the star of that kind of arrogance, he is very fun (expression, thought).
6.To him, I have a strange feelings really can not think of any adjectives to describe this feeling
7 subtle, calm, Song Yi, hope he can make more of a few hand-song concert in person.
8 pure voice, free and easy and cute appearance, is really a rare talent.
9.Appearance delicate features, and conversation is good and lovely.
10 like his dress.

這十多年歌壇出了各色誇張R&B唱腔歌手,歌聲做作的歌手比比皆是,再次聽到JERRY的歌聲驚覺,這才是我最喜歡感覺最自然清新的聲音,看了以上這十則讀者的最中肯的評價與感覺,我想許多人都會不禁會心一笑,並且同意 ( 這就是我的心聲啊 ! )。

This music more than a decade out of the colors exaggerated R & B singing, singer, singing and contrived singers abound, hear JERRY song again alerted, this is my favorite feel the most natural, fresh sound, looked at more than ten readersimpartial appraisal and feeling, I think many people can not help but smile and agree that (my heart).

清新,自然,浪漫 ( 如同早晨第一道微風般的清新 ! ) 是許多歌友對JERRY歌聲的形容,事實上,各種風格的歌都難不倒JERRY,他也慶幸比別人多了一個海外市場,由於發片量大,所以製作人什麼歌都拿給JERRY唱,除了基本情歌之外,像~民歌風,中國風,華語翻唱,西洋翻唱,東洋翻唱,華夏民謠,小調,福建歌翻唱,老歌翻唱,拜年歌,可謂包山包海什麼歌都唱過。

(Fresh as the morning of the first breeze!) Many songs Friends of JERRY song to describe, in fact, the variety of styles of songs are not beat Jerry, he is also glad that many overseas markets than down due to large amount of hair piece,so what song producer showed JERRY sing, in addition to the basic love songs, like the wind - folk Song, Chinese style, Chinese cover, Western remake, Japan cover, China folk tune, the Fujian song cover songs cover the New Year songs.can be described as tried to please everyone what songs are sung.

不論聽JERRY任何時期的歌都像聽新歌,像是~想不盡的你,隨風飄去,是我很熟悉的歌,可是再聽到猶如聽到一首新歌,就算是 ( 那個女孩 ) 也是像新歌 ! 這是JERRY得天獨厚的地方 ! 歌聲清新的JERRY表示:製作人很喜歡操他,常選他並不喜歡的歌給他唱,但是最後JERRY還是唱了,有時後居然會有很好的效果,唱片一推出還是大賣,像中國風的歌曲,像是 - 天長地久,留不住妳的心,中國風的歌曲跟唱拿手情歌,在唱法上就完全不同,JERRY依舊可以表現的很好,這也是他自信的地方。

Regardless of listening to the song of of JERRY any period is like listening to songs like ~ want endless, gone with the wind, I am very familiar with the song, but then heard like to hear a new song, even if it is (the girl)this is a the JERRY unique place is also like the new song!! song fresh JERRY said: producers like to speak to him often choose to sing songs he does not like to give him, but in the end JERRY sang, sometimes there could begood results, the record was released or sold, like the Chinese style music, like - forever, not keep your heart, the Chinese style songs with sing good songs, singing on a completely different, Jerry still can be expressed inwell, this is his self-confidence of the local.

徐瑋國二時,男大十八變開始變帥,為了留頭髮,每日翻牆上學 !

Second grade of Xu Wei, the men began to become handsome, in order to stay hair day over the wall to go to school!

徐瑋國二時男大十八變開始變帥,在校園內漸漸被女同學傳開,成了知名校草 ! 幾乎每天都接到情書。他常下課休息時會被遠方飛過來的小紙條打到 ! 打開一看是一顆小石頭外面包著一封信 ! 徐瑋總是很生氣,不是打到背就是打到頭,後來就干脆把外衣套在頭上睡午覺,以保平安。其實都是想認識他的女同學寫給她的情書,又不好意思直接給他,只好用另類的手法表達愛慕之意。徐瑋在國二的初戀結束後,開始狂交女朋友,有十幾位之多,有同校的也有他校的,在校內算是頗知名的小帥哥。
由於開始交很多的女朋友的原故,所以特別注重外表,也開始偷偷把頭髮留長一點 ! 那還是有髮禁的年代,男生都是三分小平頭,女生是西瓜皮。徐瑋說他的頭髮永遠是班上最長的,前面的瀏海用手拉可以拉到眉毛,徐瑋剛開始偷留頭髮時有一次被訓導主任發現,立刻二話不說拿剪刀從中間剪兩刀,帥頭立刻變成飛機跑道 ! 把徐瑋氣的想找一個洞躲進去 ! 第二天上學徐瑋還突發奇想,用黑色的眉筆把被剪的洞給劃黑 ! 還是被同學嘲笑,只好乖乖的把頭髮都剪短成三分小平頭。
那次不小心被逮後,徐瑋又再度開始偷留頭髮,這次更長。徐瑋痛定思痛 ! 為了保有帥哥名號,不能再被訓導主任逮到 ! 徐瑋說~訓導主任每天早上都會兇神惡煞的拿一把剪刀站在門口,頭髮長的剪頭髮,裙子短的剪裙子,褲子有改過的剪褲子,連書包太長的都剪,是一個大變態 ! 班導師或其它老師沒有人會管學生的的頭髮 ! 只要不是太離譜是OK的 ! 全校只有兩個人會抓頭髮長的 ! 訓導主任跟教務主任 !
國三開始徐瑋不再走正門上學,都是翻牆上下學 ! 徐瑋在校內一定會眼觀八方,只要躲兩個人就好 ! 保髮湊效,果然徐瑋變的得更帥氣了 ! 國三時的女朋友更多,連校內的大姐頭霸王花也想跟他做朋友,還差點惹得被老學長修理 ! 你相信嗎 ? 徐瑋國三時從來沒有被抓過,一整年都是帥氣的小瀏海,全校趴趴走 !  直到畢業典禮那一天,上台領畢業證書時後才被訓導主任發現 ! 猛叮著徐瑋看 ! 徐瑋笑著說,{ 畢業證書一到手管他有沒有發現 ! 想動手也來不及了 ! }

Xu Weiguo 2 men began to become handsome, the campus was gradually spread female students, became well-known school grass almost every day, received a love letter. He often recess will be the distance to fly over the small piece of paper hit! Open see a small stone wrapped in a letter to Xu Wei is always very angry, and not hit back is to hit the head, and later on simply put the coat on his head taking a nap, to keep things safe. Are in fact want to know his female students had written her a love letter, embarrassed directly to him, had to use alternative means to express the meaning of love. Xu Wei at the end of two of the country's first love and began mad girlfriend, there are as many as a dozen, the same school and his school, is a quite well-known guy in the school.As we begin to cross the exigencies of the girlfriend, so special attention to appearance, but also began to secretly leave the hair a little longer! That issued the ban era, the boys are one-third small flat girls watermelon rind. Xu Wei said that his hair is always class up to the front bangs hand pull to pull the eyebrows, Xu Weigang began to steal to stay hair once dean of students found that, apart from anything else immediately to take the scissors to cut from the middle of two knife, handsome head immediately into a runway! Xu Wei gas looking for a hole to hide in the next day to school Xu Wei whim, cut the hole with a black eyebrow pencil to draw a black or to be ridiculed by classmates, had obediently hair cut into a third of small flat.That accidentally caught after Xu Wei once again began to steal to stay hair, this time longer. Xu Wei learn from their mistakes! In order to retain the handsome name, can no longer be dean of students caught Xu Wei ~ dean of students will be every morning a vicious take a pair of scissors standing in the doorway, hair long hair cut short cut skirt, skirts, pants to turn over the cut pants, and even school bags are cut too long, is a big metamorphosis class teacher or other teachers will control the students' hair as long as not too far off the mark it is OK! the school only two people grasp the hair length ! dean of students, with the Dean of Academic AffairsThe third start Xu Wei no longer take the main entrance to school, all over the wall to and from school! Xu Wei in the school will Grossly Plus, hide two people like! BAOFA of ridiculous, really, Xu Wei, become even more handsome! the third girlfriend more, even in school Big Sister King spent would also like to make friends with him, almost angered the old seniors repair you believe it? Xu Weiguo three have never been arrested throughout the year are handsome little bangs, the whole school around anywhere! until the graduation ceremony that day, after coming to power collar diploma, the dean of students found fierce bite Xu Wei Look! Xu Wei smiled and said, {diploma one hand tube found no hands too late!}

JERRY第一次出版所謂的新馬味市場歌 ( 歌聲戀情 ) 襲捲全東南亞,狂銷一百萬張以上,只要是華人,人人都會唱 ! JERRY形容快樂時期海外版市場歌 ( 俗又有力 ),每張都大熱賣,反而讓徐瑋一個頭兩個大,從清新無比的 ( 風中的早晨 ) 到江湖氣十足的 ( 歌聲戀情 ),一南一北180度大改變,快樂草率的改變歌路讓徐瑋無法適應 ! 給足快樂面子連錄好多張,快樂賺進大把鈔票卻嚇跑了徐瑋,轉與新加坡清優合作,從此封唱新馬味市場歌 ! 回到正軌華語歌再創高峰,多張新專輯空前大熱賣,讓一手捧起JERRY的快樂傻眼 ! 什麼是新馬味市場歌 ? 為什麼JERRY會為了不再唱新馬味市場歌離開合作多年的老東家 ?

Vulgar and powerful the JERRY happy overseas edition of the market during the song, each are big and hot, but let Xu Wei's first two, even recorded a lot of foot happy face, happy earning a lot of money has scared off Xu Wei, turnclear excellent cooperation with Singapore, from closure to sing the songs of the new horse smell market back to the track Chinese songs to new heights, the new album is unprecedented and selling single-handedly won JERRY happiness dumbfounded! What is the market of a new horse smell song? WhyJERRY leave the old club for many years in order not to sing the market song?

JERRY在快樂出版的前十幾張專輯,走的是正統華語流行歌及清新的民歌路線,每張都賣得很好,沒什麼大問題,只要選到好歌就一定大賣 ! 後來唱片公司老闆請徐瑋試錄一張新馬味市場歌,徐瑋點頭答應玩一張,沒想到賣得非常好,把老闆樂得以為找到新方向,於是又要求JERRY再錄,就這樣連逋出了好多張市場歌,新馬味市場歌感覺俗俗的 ! 好記好聽好唱,舞曲節奏簡單 ( 俗又有力 ),很有解悶的效果,JERRY錄音時都常常被市場歌的旋律逗得狂笑,可見市場歌被歌迷喜歡的原因,輕鬆又容易上口 ! 應該是要越油越夠味的市場歌,被JERRY唱得一點也不油,變成很特別可愛俏皮的 ( 徐瑋式市場歌 ) !
徐瑋離開快樂後,快樂又找了很多歌手錄市場歌,想再泡製一個徐瑋,無奈成績都平平,只要是徐瑋唱的不管是什麼類型的歌,歌迷就會喜歡,並不是市場歌有什麼魔力,徐瑋改唱回主流新歌賣得更好,好久以前,心動,城市節奏,不讓妳看我的眼睛,歲月遊子,都是暢銷冠軍曲 ! 市場歌如同讓博士班的JERRY回到小學生,也難怪JERRY一聽到市場歌就頭大 !

JERRY go happy published in the top ten album, specifically, the orthodox Chinese pop music and a fresh line of folk songs, each are selling well, no big problem, as long as the election to the good songs will definitely sell! Later record company bossXu Wei, a test recording a new horse smell markets song, Xu Wei nodded to play one, I did not expect to sell very well, the boss music is able to find a new direction, so he asked JERRY re-recorded, so even flee out a lot of sheets marketmarket song of songs, new horse smell feel Susu! remember nice good singing, dance beats (popular and powerful), great boredom effect, JERRY recording is often market the song's melody amused laughter, illustrating the market songfans like, easy and catchy!

Xu Wei to leave happy, happy and find a market songs of many singers recorded, and would like to cook a Xu Wei, but the results are mediocre, as long as Xu Wei to sing no matter what type of song, the fans will love, not market What magic song, Xu Wei change sing back to the mainstream songs sell better, long ago, heart, city rhythm, not Naikan my eyes, the years of wandering, are selling the title song! market song as a doctoral candidate in JERRY back to primary school students, it is no wonder JERRY market song heard on the first!

徐瑋 - 美酒千杯也不醉 ( 快樂海外版市場歌 )
wine not drunk thousands of cups (happy overseas edition of the market song)


徐瑋的海外版歌曲多到可以用 ( 龐大 ) 來形容~ 網路未曝光的歌曲經過比對至少還有200多首 ! Jerry 的海外版台灣未發行好歌知多少 ?
Xu Wei, the overseas edition of the song more than the (huge) to describe the ~ network unexposed songs than there are at least as much as 150-200!, Jerry's overseas edition of the Taiwan unreleased good songs Know? ~ Sosome finishing

民歌風~我居住的地方  雪歌  風中的早晨  補捉失去那個愛  蘆葦 俏姑娘  星兒的祝福  小馬慢跑  用我的歌把你留住  生命來的巧  星座  尋根  何年何月再相逢

中國風華夏民謠 = 蒙古牧歌  蘇州河邊  天長地久  留不住妳的心  親親妳念著誰  誰家的小姑娘

流行翻唱上百首 - 我的未來不是夢  相思  記得我  馬不停蹄的憂傷  請跟我來  妳家大門  往昔  戒痕  惱人的秋風  楓林小橋  野百合也有春天  不要走不要走 我真的不是故義的  安娜  愛像什麼 再回到重前  唉砑!留下來 雨夜花之戀  不一樣 ( 等等~上百首 )

西洋翻唱 - 戴安娜  送妳一朵勿忘我  再會吧!原野  維那斯  不要懷疑  時髦的女郎  真情不渝

新歌 - 心動  城市節奏  歲月遊子  就是妳  今夜的決定  也是生活  愛情問號  愛那俏姑娘  不讓妳看我的眼睛  天長地久  留不住你的心  希望下起雨來  ROD囉  妳是我最後一眸  愛妳從不曾改變  妳有什麼樣的寂寞  想像的天空  珍妮  歲月遊子

新馬味市場歌  - 苦酒咖啡,歌聲戀情,花非花霧非霧,美酒千杯也不醉,何必再留戀,流星,雨夜SAYUNARA,真情不易擺,不能不說再見,讓我默默離開,相思樹

再會吧!原野  華夏民謠
Goodbye! Wilderness China folk
親親妳念著誰  Remembered

JERRY宣傳照之多,多到自己都記不清,很多照片自己都沒有,散落在海內外各地 !

More to Jerry transfer photos as much as he can remember, a lot of photos are not scattered around at home and abroad!

JERRY的歌迷可能會發現,次官網許多JERRY的照片從來沒有看過 ! 也不曾出現在印象中的報張或雜誌上,因為本來就沒有出現過啊,當然沒有印象 ! 許多由 J-WHOOP 出來的照片都是之前JERRY自己的,當然沒出現過 ! 也讓人見識到JERRY宣傳照之多 ! 徐瑋說~從他出道開始算的話,曾經拍過的照片可能有十幾萬張喔 !
徐瑋在當兵前就已拍過很多宣傳照了 ! 所以一臉稚氣的照片特別多,他不像一般藝人都是定型後才出道,所以從他16歲開始拍的照片來看,每一年都在變 ! 歌友也彷彿看著他一路長大,這也是屬於徐瑋才有的特別現象 ! 徐瑋說他十幾歲時可說是青春無敵,常常素顏給記者拍照,一開始上節目也都沒上妝,直到被資深藝人勸告後才開始有打粉底 ! 有一次夏天皮膚曬的黑黑的素顏給記者拍照,拍出來好像木炭弟弟,但是卻很陽光,徐瑋說也不壞啊 ! 很有男人味 ! 他說那時也不知那來的勇氣,常常穿短褲背心給攝影師拍照,海山時期拍過很多穿短褲露瘦腿的照片 ! 有幾次還穿小短褲上電視唱快歌呢 ! 千真萬確 ! 徐瑋為他的年少大膽行為感到好笑,當兵後打死他都不好意思穿短褲拍照 ! 徐瑋說~他兵役後復出,雖只有20歲出頭,但已不是新人,但居然有人以為他是新人,對於觀眾健忘令他驚訝 ! 他其實很小就出道了 !
徐瑋每一張專輯都會拍宣傳照,每一次都要拍大約四五百張左右,包括正片,副片黑白彩色都有 ! 各種造型都拍過像溜冰的,滑板的,釣魚的,游泳的,騎馬的,也都有很多的趣事 ! 像是騎馬的照片,看起來馬很乖,其實馬的疲氣很壞,一張照片要等馬靠近,有時要等很久,還被馬的口水滴滿身 ! 但是照片拍出來徐瑋跟馬卻是好的不得了 ! 那知現場馬非常的情緒化 ! 跟猴子拍也有被猴子咬到手指的經驗 !

Jerry 'fans may be will be found, times the official network of many JERRY the photos have never seen! Not once appear in the impression of newspapers or magazines have been on did not appear too ah, of course, there is no impression! Many J-WHOOP out the photos are before JERRY own, of course, did not appear! people insight into Jerry publicity photos as much as Xu Wei ~ counted from his debut, there may be hundreds of thousands of photos ever filmed!Xu Wei was in the army had already filmed a lot of publicity photos! So childish photos, especially, unlike most artists are stereotyped after the debut, so from his 16-year-old photos, each are changing! song friends also like to look at him all the way to grow up, which is part of the special phenomenon of Xu Wei have! Xu Wei said he was a teenager said to be invincible youth, often makeup camera, at the beginning program also did the makeup, playing foundation until the senior artist advice before skin to the sun's first summer with black makeup, take pictures, shoot out like the charcoal brother, but very sun, said Xu Wei, nor bad ah! very masculine, he said then I do not know that to the courage, often wear shorts and vests for photographers, seamounts period filmed a lot of wear shorts exposed stovepipe photos on a few occasions to wear small shorts on TV sing fast songs! true! Xu Wei for his young and bold act amused, killed a soldier after he embarrassed to wear shorts and take pictures! Xu Wei ~ his military service back early, although only 20 years old, but has not new, but actually thought he was a new audience forgetfulness to his surprise he was actually very small on the debut!Xu Wei album will be taking pictures, every time we shot about four five hundred or so, including positive, deputy piece black and white color has a variety of shapes are filmed like skating, skateboarding, fishing, swimming , horseback riding, and also have a lot of interesting photos, looks like riding horses behaved, in fact, the horse tired gas bad photo horse near, and sometimes have to wait long, also horse mouth water droplets covered! but the photos are Xu Wei and Ma is extremely good! that know very emotional scene horse! shoot with monkey monkey bite finger experience!

JERRY常被攝影師要求拍陽光露點照,總讓身材清瘦的徐瑋感到為難 !

The JERRY often the photographer shoot the sun dew point according to the total body lean Xu Wei embarrassment!

徐瑋說~ { 十幾歲的時候周刊就很喜歡找他出外景拍照 } 有一次徐瑋跟記者說最近在迷游泳,記者就提議去拍徐瑋的游泳照寫一篇特稿 ! 徐瑋也不知那來勇氣,就答應了 ! 於是第二天就去游泳池拍照 ! 到了游泳池,徐瑋換了泳褲就跳到水裡給記者拍照 ! 後來記者又要求徐瑋上來多拍幾張,於是他就上到游泳池邊拍了好幾張全身露點照 ! 徐瑋說~當時他真的很瘦,胸腹肌沒什麼料 ! 一拍完就立刻後悔 ! 如果記者一個月前就跟他說拍泳照,給他鍛鍊的時間他就敢拍 ! 後來他求記者不要登露點照,登人在水裡的就好 ! 才沒被登出來 ! 徐瑋笑說~不然我瘦皮猴的露點照早都被看光光 !
說到露點照,徐瑋說在16歲剛出道沒多久,就被名攝影師也是筆友的寫詞人楊立德邀到金山海邊拍照,拍沒多久楊就突然要求徐瑋把上衣脫掉,說拍陽光男孩一點的,但是徐瑋表示那個時候真的很瘦,身上一點料都沒有,後來半推半就把上衣釦子都解開了 ! 海水沖溼白櫬衫後也就大方露點了,有穿等於沒穿更性感,只差沒完全把上衣脫掉而已,隔幾天去看照片才知道照片拍壞了 ! 曝光過度,每張照片都暗暗的看不很清楚,徐瑋才鬆一口 ! 露點照沒外流 ! 他也不明白幼齒弟的徘骨露點照有什好看的 ! 徐瑋說~ { 我16歲就就拍過性感露點照了喔 !  },真正的露點照徐瑋在馬來西亞有拍過,也有被當地雜誌登出來 ! 有一次徐瑋幫吉隆坡華語電視台到關丹 MED CLUB 出外景,那是一個海邊的渡假聖地,很南洋風的一個美麗地方 ! 徐瑋說~到了那裡,吉隆坡很有名的華人攝影師也要他脫上衣拍陽光男型象照,他就趕緊做伏地挺身30下才脫衣拍照,拍完後徐瑋也是立刻就後悔,還是老問題,太瘦 ! 他就特別跟攝影師說如過不好看就不要登,還好後來登出效果還不錯,還有一點料 ! 我想應該是萬人迷徐瑋的點大家都很想看,才常被攝影師要求拍,其實身材也沒他形容的那麼瘦吧 !

Xu Wei ~ {teens weekly when it is like looking for him to put together a camera} Xu Wei once and swimming fans, reporters on the proposal to shoot Xu Wei swimming according to write a feature article and Xu Wei I do not know that to the courage, so I agreed and so the next day went to the pool camera! to the swimming pool, Xu Wei-for-swimming trunks jumped into the water to take pictures to reporters later reporter asked Xu Wei up and more shots, so he on to the swimming pool, took a few good body dew point according to Xu Wei ~ He was really very thin chest abs nothing material a finished immediately regret reporters a month ago told him to shoot swimming photographs to the time of his exercise, he would dare to shoot! later he begged reporters not to board the dew point according to Deng in the water like! not published Xu Wei says with a laugh - or dew point according to early as I thin anorak be seen bare!Speaking of dew point, according to Xu Wei did not take long, 16-year-old business for photographers is also a pen pal wrote the lyrics Yang Lide invited to the Jinshan beach photographs, shot not long after Young suddenly asked Xu Wei shirt off, said film Sunshine Boy a little, but Xu Wei said that time is really thin body a little material, and later half-hearted coat buttons are unbuttoned! washed wet white coffin shirt also generous dew point, the wear is equal to the naked more sexy, made almost entirely shirt off only every few days to see the photos before we know the photos are bad! overexposure, each photo with him and not very clear, Xu Wei Song a dew point according to no outflow ! he does not understand the the Chicks brother of Bae bone dew point according to even look good! said Xu Wei ~ {the age of 16 on the filmed sexy dew point according to Oh!}, true dew point, according to Xu Wei have filmed in Malaysia also be local magazine logout to! have time Xu Wei help the Kuala Lumpur Chinese TV station to Guan Dan the MED CLUB put together, it is a seaside resort Holy Land, very Nanyang wind's a beautiful place! Xu Wei said ~ to the where, Kuala Lumpur famous of the Chinese photographer also off his coat to beat the sun men like photos, he hastened to do push-ups and 30 under the strip camera, Xu Wei is finished shooting immediately regret it, or the old, thin, especially with the cameraman if does not look good, do not board, the results were pretty good okay then log out, there is a little material I think it was glamorous Xu Wei point we all want to see, often the photographer asked to shoot, in fact, figure did not he described as so thin!

JERRY有一個媽媽攝影師,最捉的住徐瑋的帥氣表情 !  ( 小姐 ) 專輯那一張戴著牛仔帽的封面就是徐媽媽的傑作
JERRY a mother photographer, most catch the live Xu Wei's handsome face!
face! Yes, (Miss) album cover that one wearing a cowboy hat is a masterpiece of Mrs. Hsu Oh!

獨子JERRY跟媽媽的感情特別好,據JERRY說常常會跟母親一起吃飯,逛街,看電影,也像朋友一樣聊得來,聽起來很奇妙,我想大概是一般的獨子都跟媽媽很親,徐瑋進入歌壇後常常需要提供很多照片給記者及歌迷,於是徐媽媽就甘脆自己來拍,拍著拍著越來越專業,徐媽媽用的不是一般的傻瓜相機,而是專業的單眼相機,你相信徐媽媽的作品不但常常登在雜誌上還被唱片公司選做唱片的封面呢 ! 沒錯, ( 小姐 ) 專輯那一張戴著牛仔帽的封面就是徐媽媽的傑作喔 !

Only son JERRY feelings with her mother in particular, often with their mother, according to JERRY dinner, shopping, watching movies, as friends to talk to, sounds wonderful, I think it is generally related to the mother of an only child is very pro-Xu Wei to enter the music world often need to provide a lot of photos to reporters and fans, so Xu mother on Gancui the the own pictures, and patting patting increasingly professional, with Mrs. Hsu is not an ordinary shoot cameras, but professional SLR you believe that Mrs. Hsu's works not only often Teng also record companies choose to do the album cover! right in the magazine, (Miss) album that one wearing a cowboy hat on the cover Xu mother's masterpiece.

徐瑋有個青梅竹馬的小女友 ( 摘自週刊報導 )
Xu Wei, a childhood girlfriend (from weekly reports)


Xu Wei, a childhood girlfriend, her daughter and her door uncle recognized in the summer of each year, go to the door wife and children a few days every time she is one to two play together, and finally playing the game of husband wife . Her parents also like Xiao Xu Wei, so he took his small son, is Xu Wei called her parents, Laozhang Ren and wife's mother! Xiao Xu Wei confuse the situation, there is a very lovely wife's mother! Wife's mother's call! Of course, is called the elders were elated, more to hurt this little son-in-law, so since the second grade, during the summer months Xu Wei will certainly be sent to the wife's mother wife and children a few days, of course, Xu Wei also looking forward to playing together with the little girl! Xu Wei described as two people can play what is the role of kids picnic, while gun battles, while the doctor and patient, husband wife of course Liangxiaowucai often play tricks! Xu Wei went to the little girl home with her sleeping together, the two twitter speak tired to naturally fall asleep until Xu Wei, remember you want to sixth year, summer is the last time the wife's mother to stay overnight to sleep at night, Xu Wei ran a natural bed of the little girl, you want to sleep with her, but the wife's mother suddenly both of them separate, and asked them to bed to sleep, Xu Wei, of course, very unhappy, it has been clamoring to keep up his girlfriend to sleep! Wife's mother said, you have grown up, can not sleep together, also Sidongfeidong Xu Wei had to reluctantly slept, and rose to after Xu Wei, no longer embarrassed to go to the wife's mother, who lives in, he has gradually understand that an hour later (the wife's mother), may just be that people joke nothing more.Xu Wei, the last time I saw childhood girlfriend, country summer, when she came to the door of the dry dad home, Xu Wei did not dare to take the initiative to find her, but on the second floor balcony at home, secretly looked at her door! As in Xu Wei Sheng country, temperament changes within will shy, do not like the hours after the naughty! Later, Xu Wei carefully think about the little girl should only hours playmate, not really boyfriend and girlfriend, but I do not know how to see she would be embarrassed. Xu Wei on the country, one also started body has a boy and development changes, to understand why the wife's mother, let him to bed to sleep with the little girl. Mistress story of childhood, but also that Xu Wei hours after the very interesting memories.

戴安娜  DIANA

心動  新加坡電視劇 ( 調色板 ) 主題曲
Infatuation  Singapore TV series (palette) theme song

徐瑋結婚照曝光 ? ( PINK獨家提供 )
天啊 ! 徐瑋結婚照曝光 ! ?
Xu Wei wedding exposure? (PINK exclusive)
God! Xu Wei wedding exposure!?
新加坡網友提供PINK雜誌彩頁報導,徐瑋參加新加坡婚紗業者的開幕式,並擔任代言人 ! JERRY與多位美麗的新娘合影,並且左擁右抱一次娶了四位美嬌妻,哈哈,那只是宣傳的廣告啦 !
據說JERRY喜歡皮膚細白,身材好,有純真笑容的女人,俗稱天使臉孔魔鬼身材那一種,像徐若宣就屬於對的菜 ! 當然只是傳說未經證實 ! 

Singapore users from PINK color page coverage, Xu Wei attended the opening ceremony of the wedding industry in Singapore, and served as spokesperson! Jerry and many beautiful bride photo, and the left owns the right to hold married four US wife of, ha ha, it is just advertising, friends!

It is said JERRY like fine white skin, good body, innocent smile of a woman, commonly known as angel face and devil body that a is a right dishes like Xu Ruoxuan on! Of course, just a legend unconfirmed!

Xu Wei hit-selling song overview




徐瑋 ( 小王爺 ) Jerry Xu  (中英文版) 國際粉絲次官方網站
Xu Wei,fans official web: 
感謝許多網友facebook及twitter的推薦 !
責任站長-Sosome  圖文整理   資料參考來源 - 徐瑋最大民間次官網

You are my last pupil of the eye (Overseas Edition song)
Xu Wei Asian selling King Legend of the road

Grateful to the many it Network Moderator warmly recommend this site open-edition two weeks popularity has broken 10,000!

本站是隱藏彈出意見夾~如要看留言或留言請點 ( 意見 ) 才會彈出顯示 !
The site is a hidden pop-up views of folders - such as a message please (views) will be automatically displayed!


Xu Wei, Jerry Xu (in English) times the official website 2012/05/10 formal establishment!
Music, posters, story information
Super strength idol - Songs, photos, reports, and the characteristics of JERRY. Magazine reports Xu Wei ~ is the sales guarantee, which is why JERRY reported information and photos, posters than the average artist more than a lot of reasons! And very delicate, we can say more than to burst! Owners simply can not on the samearticles inside.

56 則留言:

  1. 感謝分享

  2. 徐瑋的情歌真的很棒

    fans官網成立也實在太讚了!不同於sonyone的網站,更有系統的整理,圖片都好正,我常賴聽歌,也希望有facebook 或twiwwer,微博的朋友,一定要多多推薦這個網站.

  3. 好久沒看到jerry了



  4. I very much like Xu, a very warm feeling, Xu Wei of fans than the average singer, hoping to see his style concert. 22 flagship MV sing live more praise!

  5. I often wonder how missing Xu Wei
    Many well-known songs in Southeast Asia
    Also hope that the owners can be introduced!

  6. 溫暖與浪漫的徐瑋


    好多歌是我從未聽過的,真的好好聽喔,暢銷歌王真的是名符其實,我超愛徐瑋。站長說的都對,j 的歌很清新,不只如此,還有種很溫暖與浪漫的Feel,你說對嗎?

  7. 這是一個很棒的園地 ,內容豐富又精采更讓人感動,感謝讓我認識如此有魅力的他
    Happy Birthday to Jerry.

  8. 太感動了

  9. 徐瑋的笑容+浪漫的歌聲-實在是太有魅力了!

  10. 第一次聽到jerry唱的愛那俏姑娘,哎呀留下來,怪不得會大賣,真的很好聽耶

  11. 很讚的新園地

  12. 感謝站長的整理


  13. 不同於SONYONE徐瑋次官網的風格


  14. 原來如此


  15. Finally have a fan of Xu Wei official websiteThis is a great place
    Thank you to practice my dream

    Jerry now? When is the new album?

  16. 真的太高興了

  17. 豐富的歌曲及照片,真的是很優質的園地

  18. 真是個精彩的網站
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