徐瑋Kevin Ping個人介紹:
★華人圖文作者:徐瑋Kevin Ping簡介★
復興美工畢業,擅長文字創作,插畫,漫畫,平面設計,廣告海報設計,攝影,詞曲創作,肖像卡通設計等等…。」曾出版過三本散文集「自由的風」「心之饗宴」 「 天堂村」及一本情詩集「 情話綿綿」, 是一個涉獵廣闊,多才多藝的創作者,曾於加拿大溫哥華VCC學院進修相關藝術設計課程,深受西方藝術家浪漫不拘型式的風格影響,徐瑋Kevin曾是非常知 名的偶像歌手,成名曲「想不盡的你」曾創下百萬銷售佳績,海内外出版過四十多張暢銷華語專輯,移民溫哥華後逐漸淡出,2015年復出在新加坡辦了首場個人 演唱會,現場爆满坐無虛席,盡管歌唱事業交出亮麗的成緒,卻無法澆熄Kevin對創作的熱情。
Kevin用了三年多的時間創作出非常國際性的「RED PACO 瑞德帕可-卡諾瓦星球」故事人物品牌星際科幻冒險的故事,並親自設計出主角三兄弟的人物造型,封面設計亦是親自操刀不假手他人,Red Paco人物系列line貼圖已於2014年起陸續推出12版目前全球line app銷售中。
Kevin Ping Xu Wei Introduction:
★ Chinese Writer Author: Kevin Ping Xu Wei Introduction ★
Renaissance art graduate, specializes in creative writing, illustration, comics, graphic design, advertising poster design, photography, songwriting, portrait and so on ... cartoon design. "Has published three collections of essays" free feast wind "" heart "" Paradise Village "and a love of poetry," love, then rain, "is a covered vast, multi-talented creator, had Vancouver VCC college education related art and design courses, by Western artists romantic informal type of style influence, Xu Wei Kevin was a very well-known pop singer, song, "You want endless" has hit one million sales success, at home and abroad published more than forty sheets Chinese selling album, and gradually fade out after immigration Vancouver 2015 comeback in Singapore do their first solo concert, live full sit empty seats, despite a brilliant singing career to produce thread, but Kevin could not dampen the enthusiasm of creation.
Kevin spent more than three years to create a very international "RED PACO Rui Depa can - Kanova Planet" brand interstellar sci-fi adventure story characters of the story, and the three brothers personally design a protagonist character modeling, cover design also is not personally surgeon Jiashoutaren, Red Paco characters series line maps since 2014 has been launched version 12 current global line app sales.
Creator of all-round genius Kevin hope for the future can take forward their work to countries around the world, can be a can accompany people grow bedside story, but hope that their works can be made into a live version of the big screen, 3D animation version of the film, Kevin is moving that goal forward, to welcome you to Kevin's Canova planet coffee listening to stories.i
這就是我未來的工作,當然也可以跟我最喜歡的音樂結合,Red 會是我們永遠的好朋友,會愛我們一輩子。
將Red Paco的故事搬上電影是我的目標,「卡諾瓦星球」不但適合3D動畫版也適合真人版,但那需要龐大的資金才能作得出好萊塢級的動畫水準,盡力就是了!
銀河新英雄傳奇 Red Paco ~
好萊塢每年要生産數百影片,動畫電影的數量不斷升高,今年以來一部接一部放映, 動畫技巧不在話下,就是劇本弱了一點, 看過以後就忘了,也難成為像Star war星際大戰如此的經典。
星際大戰製片喬治盧卡斯George Lucas,30年前带領一批菁英份子作出星戰經典,至今無人能取代,令人感動,亦給帶給全球觀衆無數的歡樂與想像的空間。
我稱它為Q銀河系,是這個故事的起源,這裡原本是一個非常平和的銀河系,有一個非常美麗的星球叫做卡諾瓦,數十億年之後,Q銀河系的太陽逐漸的老化能量一 天天的減弱,原本美麗溫暖的卡諾瓦星球氣溫下降,許多植物因此而凍死不再生長,卡諾瓦人賴以生存的光能量不敷使用,於是卡諾瓦國王及長老們急於尋找適合他們族人居住的新地方。
我稱它為Q銀河系,是這個故事的起源,這裡原本是一個非常平和的銀河系,有一個非常美麗的星球叫做卡諾瓦,數十億年之後,Q銀河系的太陽逐漸的老化能量一 天天的減弱,原本美麗溫暖的卡諾瓦星球氣溫下降,許多植物因此而凍死不再生長,卡諾瓦人賴以生存的光能量不敷使用,於是卡諾瓦國王及長老們急於尋找適合他們族人居住的新地方。
本故事的主角Red的父親尼古拉斯 帕可,在2百多年前西元1813年來到地球考察,發現地球的光源充足,非常適合卡諾瓦人提升自己的異能力因此而定居下來,打算在地球將自己的異能力提升到第七級再回故鄉。
奇異星球的存在是一個不能公開的秘密,只有極少數地位崇高的貴族了解此事,卡諾瓦尤可國王知道一旦公開這個秘密必會引起移民潮,甚至引起暴亂,卡森星球那裏又豈會放棄這個大好機會,那時還不天下 大亂,再說也不是想移民就可以移民,要有足夠的異能力才行,因此尤可國王傾力輔導全國的人民修行異能力,期許有一天全國的族人都能夠穿越時空之門去奇異星球定居。
Kanova Planet Description:
First of all, let me introduce one hundred thousand light-years away from Earth, "Kanova planet," vastness of the Milky Way has hundreds of millions of planets, life on Earth is not the only planet in another galaxy evolution actually more like higher the presence of life.
Q I call it the Milky Way, is the origin of the story, where the original is a very peaceful galaxy and has a very beautiful planet, called Canova, billions of years later, Q Milky Way solar energy is gradually aging day by day weakened the original beauty Kanova planet warm temperatures dropped, many plants no longer grow thereby freezing, light energy Kanova inadequate use of human survival, so Canova kings and elders eager to find suitable for their tribe live The new place.
The protagonist of the story Red father Nicholas Las available, came in 2 million years ago, Earth AD 1813 study, found that the Earth's light enough, very suitable for people to enhance their own abilities Kanova ability thus settled, intends to Earth will their different capabilities to the seventh grade to return home.There is a legend in Kanova planet, K was found in the distant Milky Way, there is a strange light enough young beautiful planet, this is not the legend is the real thing, Canova had eight elders with a capacity of six different part level of the tribe came to settle in the singular planet, most people must have sufficient capacity to be able to pass through different gates of time and space to reach the singular planet.The existence of a singular planet is not open secret, only a handful of high standing aristocratic look into the matter, Kanuowayou be king knew that once disclosed this secret will cause migration, or even cause a riot, how could there Carson planet give up this opportunity, then still chaos, say nor can migrants want to emigrate, have sufficient capacity for the job different, and therefore may, in particular King counseling people nationwide effort to practice different capacity, hopes that one day the country Serbs are able to pass through the gates of time and space to settle singular planet.Q Milky Way had a quiet desire for power because the rulers become jittery, interstellar battle began therefore, no longer calm Canova planet, we all caught up in this battle for power and energy of turmoil ‧
書名 : RED PACO 瑞德帕可
首部曲 : 卡諾瓦星球 Kanova
作者 : Kevin
ping 平凱文
RED PACO主要角色介紹︰
老大Red Paco瑞德帕可
老二Jimmy Paco吉米帕可
老三Jerry Paco傑瑞帕可
Vivi Paco小薇
Nicholas Paco尼古拉斯 帕可
Stan Paco史丹 帕可
今年305歲,Vivi Paco的父親,是尼古拉斯 帕可的表弟,異能力高強,是帕可小子們的授業老師。
今年305歲,Vivi Paco的父親,是尼古拉斯 帕可的表弟,異能力高強,是帕可小子們的授業老師。
今年305歲,尼古拉斯 帕可的老婆,帕可小子們的母親。
今年300歲,有卡諾瓦第一美女之稱,曾是尼古拉斯 帕可的初戀情人,後來轉投向卡森王懷抱,異能力高強,帕可家族的死對頭。
必殺技:「奪命光球」「百變」「七彩炸彈花」 是黑魔女最厲害的武技,「奪命光球」由魔女用念力控制,可擊破任何堅硬物質,「百變黑魔女」可以瞬間改變外型仿製任何人,令對手混淆不清,「七彩炸彈花」像花瓣一樣的炸彈,令對手無處可逃,威力強大。
Kason King暗黑卡森王
Sky Wolf天狼
必殺技:「 炸彈飛刀」「極光炸彈」 是天才型爆破專家, 全身藏有各式各樣的炸彈武器,「炸彈飛刀」可追蹤對手身體的熱能至爆炸為止,「極光炸彈」威力強大可炸平一整棟樓。
RED PACO major role description ︰Boss Red Paco Rui Depa availableWrong number: Paco brother, 16 years old, features: looks handsome little guy "professional artist" love creation, personality simple, kind, a little confused, memory particularly good.Nirvana: "Flying Lightsaber" force controlled by the idea instantly send four out lightsaber to destroy any hard substance, palms can be given a "fire light" is "light flame" will burn explosion hit, is a strong skills.Dick Jimmy Paco Jimi Pa availableWrong number: Ami. 15 years old, one-eyed features ︰ mystery guest "detective" Since that modern 'Sherlock Holmes' injured right eye because of a particular campaign into a one-eyed, but look cool, preferences wear purple clothes, good heavy observing others skeptical to others.Nirvana: "Purple cold" can not move your opponent for 30 seconds, as seems to have been fixed, a bit like in ancient China Taking acupuncture, do not underestimate the 30 seconds you can instantly win the game, Ami can protrude from the back of the hard "Steel Talons" is also a defensive weapon attack, can be worn any hard substance, attack power is very strong, Jimmy's right eye after an injury after his father Nicholas treatment a blessing in disguise more powerful "super-senses" at the scene can be induced to have occurred within 10 days had to do.Youngest Jerry Paco Jierui Pa canWrong number ︰ Jill, 14 years old this year, features the stars wear glasses ︰ American pop idol singer, lively worship by the global fans, a group of loyal followers have established many fans embraced him.Nirvana: Jerry's "lightning light 'opponents will be 100,000 volts as high-voltage electricity to like being hit will not move," lightning light "three brothers are also the most high-handed light.Vivi Paco Wei14 years old, Stan elder daughter, grew up in Kanawha garden, cheerful personality is simply a pretty cute little beauty.Nirvana: Vivi specialty weapons are "green arrow" is "Green Arrow" will be an instant hit different ability disappeared for a minute, no matter how high the series are the same people, is very effective in the short-term foreign enemy energy exercises.Small snowball Snowball310 years old this year, in particular, may be the king of the planet Canova bodyguard, was a different ability of high-strength fire-breathing Bailong, shining exploits, in 1813 followed by Nicolas Las incarnation may come to Earth as a cute little white cat, which later became Red Paco brother best partner.Nicholas Nicholas Paco Paco320 years old this year, Red three brothers' father, Chief Minister Canova planet, different high-strength capability.Nirvana: "Golden glare means" Nicholas fingertip pop gold glare means that can destroy any hard substance, is very powerful skills.Stan Stan Paco Paco
305 years old this year, Vivi Paco's father, who was a cousin of Nicholas Las available, different capacity, high strength, is Parco kid's Tuition teacher.Nirvana: "very cold light" can be frozen into the ice opponent, could not move.Liya Liya305 years old this year, Nicholas Las wife can, Paco Boy's mother.Nirvana: 'laser fire "is Liya unique skills, palms can be rotated out of a force powerful fireball, once defeated many Carson king killer, make the enemy tremble with fear.Josslin black witch300 years old this year, he has said the first beauty Canova, who was Nicholas Las be the first love, then turn toward Carson king embrace different capacity, high strength, Paco rival family.Nirvana: "deadly ball of light" "Variety" "colorful flower bomb" is a black witch's most powerful martial art, "deadly ball of light" by a witch with a read power control, can break any hard substance, "Variety black witch" You can instantly change the appearance of imitation anybody opponent confused, "colorful flower bomb" like petals bombs opponent nowhere to run, so powerful.Kason King Diablo Carson King310 years old this year, the king's cousin Kanuowayou may, in Canova crimes committed murder after being banished to the Dark Planet has proclaimed himself king, is a genius protoss martial art of high strength.Nirvana: "pole can absorb light" is a specialized absorb light energy Xiepai other martial art, will dry up after death is "a very capable extinction" locked, they are very afraid of all special abilities."Like psychedelic power" phantom eye can give rise to the release function, falsehoods can not tell the true and false, just to see Carson king's eyes, there might be controlled by a phantom.
Sky Wolf SiriusStar notorious criminals, is one of the important Carson king's right-hand man.Nirvana: "Flying bombs" "Aurora bomb" is a genius explosives expert body in possession of a variety of weapons and bombs, "Flying bombs" traceability rival body heat to the explosion so far, "Aurora bomb" so powerful Ping can be fried whole building.
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RED PACO major role description ︰Boss Red Paco Rui Depa availableWrong number: Paco brother, 16 years old, features: looks handsome little guy "professional artist" love creation, personality simple, kind, a little confused, memory particularly good.Nirvana: "Flying Lightsaber" force controlled by the idea instantly send four out lightsaber to destroy any hard substance, palms can be given a "fire light" is "light flame" will burn explosion hit, is a strong skills.Dick Jimmy Paco Jimi Pa availableWrong number: Ami. 15 years old, one-eyed features ︰ mystery guest "detective" Since that modern 'Sherlock Holmes' injured right eye because of a particular campaign into a one-eyed, but look cool, preferences wear purple clothes, good heavy observing others skeptical to others.Nirvana: "Purple cold" can not move your opponent for 30 seconds, as seems to have been fixed, a bit like in ancient China Taking acupuncture, do not underestimate the 30 seconds you can instantly win the game, Ami can protrude from the back of the hard "Steel Talons" is also a defensive weapon attack, can be worn any hard substance, attack power is very strong, Jimmy's right eye after an injury after his father Nicholas treatment a blessing in disguise more powerful "super-senses" at the scene can be induced to have occurred within 10 days had to do.Youngest Jerry Paco Jierui Pa canWrong number ︰ Jill, 14 years old this year, features the stars wear glasses ︰ American pop idol singer, lively worship by the global fans, a group of loyal followers have established many fans embraced him.Nirvana: Jerry's "lightning light 'opponents will be 100,000 volts as high-voltage electricity to like being hit will not move," lightning light "three brothers are also the most high-handed light.Vivi Paco Wei14 years old, Stan elder daughter, grew up in Kanawha garden, cheerful personality is simply a pretty cute little beauty.Nirvana: Vivi specialty weapons are "green arrow" is "Green Arrow" will be an instant hit different ability disappeared for a minute, no matter how high the series are the same people, is very effective in the short-term foreign enemy energy exercises.Small snowball Snowball310 years old this year, in particular, may be the king of the planet Canova bodyguard, was a different ability of high-strength fire-breathing Bailong, shining exploits, in 1813 followed by Nicolas Las incarnation may come to Earth as a cute little white cat, which later became Red Paco brother best partner.Nicholas Nicholas Paco Paco320 years old this year, Red three brothers' father, Chief Minister Canova planet, different high-strength capability.Nirvana: "Golden glare means" Nicholas fingertip pop gold glare means that can destroy any hard substance, is very powerful skills.Stan Stan Paco Paco
305 years old this year, Vivi Paco's father, who was a cousin of Nicholas Las available, different capacity, high strength, is Parco kid's Tuition teacher.Nirvana: "very cold light" can be frozen into the ice opponent, could not move.Liya Liya305 years old this year, Nicholas Las wife can, Paco Boy's mother.Nirvana: 'laser fire "is Liya unique skills, palms can be rotated out of a force powerful fireball, once defeated many Carson king killer, make the enemy tremble with fear.Josslin black witch300 years old this year, he has said the first beauty Canova, who was Nicholas Las be the first love, then turn toward Carson king embrace different capacity, high strength, Paco rival family.Nirvana: "deadly ball of light" "Variety" "colorful flower bomb" is a black witch's most powerful martial art, "deadly ball of light" by a witch with a read power control, can break any hard substance, "Variety black witch" You can instantly change the appearance of imitation anybody opponent confused, "colorful flower bomb" like petals bombs opponent nowhere to run, so powerful.Kason King Diablo Carson King310 years old this year, the king's cousin Kanuowayou may, in Canova crimes committed murder after being banished to the Dark Planet has proclaimed himself king, is a genius protoss martial art of high strength.Nirvana: "pole can absorb light" is a specialized absorb light energy Xiepai other martial art, will dry up after death is "a very capable extinction" locked, they are very afraid of all special abilities."Like psychedelic power" phantom eye can give rise to the release function, falsehoods can not tell the true and false, just to see Carson king's eyes, there might be controlled by a phantom.
Sky Wolf SiriusStar notorious criminals, is one of the important Carson king's right-hand man.Nirvana: "Flying bombs" "Aurora bomb" is a genius explosives expert body in possession of a variety of weapons and bombs, "Flying bombs" traceability rival body heat to the explosion so far, "Aurora bomb" so powerful Ping can be fried whole building.
Red paco卡諾瓦星球,我是先有故事之後才會想著把心中的畫面用插圖的方式畫出來,算是貨真價實的圖文繪本。 總共分為三集,第一集-卡諾瓦星球,第2集- 銀河之星,第三集- 奇異星球。 好萊塢動畫片是未來的明日之星,說巧不巧,我有位親戚的好友居然會是好萊塢的製片,是我最近才知道的,這件事情我已轉達過去,等我將第一集故事及插圖全完 整理設計好之後就會傳過去。
「瑞德帕可 Red Paco 卡諾瓦星球」正面力量的展現。
它不止是一部打打殺殺的商業故事而已, 有溫馨的父子情,母子情,兄弟手足之情以及人與動物之間的愛,朋友間患難之情,夫妻之情,正義與邪惡的對決終究正義的力量才是王道,堅定的信念。
相信大家應該看過Disney前年出的「勇敢傳說」, 勇敢傳說中的卡利亞公主就是一個非常正面的力量憑著自己堅定的力量救出自己的母親,3D動畫電影也非常非常好看。
卡諾瓦星球有科幻,有冒險,有有各式各樣的武器,有愛情,有親情,有歡笑有淚水,有外星大場面的打鬥,内容要看過書以後才知道,我現在只能做簡介而已,不 是三言兩語就可以說得清楚的喔。 「人生轉眼即過,應該做一些有意義的事囉一kevin。」
第1集 -卡諾瓦星球
第2集 - 銀河之星
第3集 - 奇異星球
"Red Paco Kanova Planet" show a positive force.
It is more than just a business story Causing loss of lives, there is a
warm father and son, mother love love, brotherhood and brotherhood
between people and animals, feeling trouble between friends, couples
love, good and evil After all, the power of justice showdown is
benevolent and strong convictions.I believe we should have seen a year
before Disney's "Brave" Brave princess Cagliari is a very positive force
with their firm power to save his mother, 3D animated film is also
very, very nice. Canova planet science fiction, adventure, there is a
wide selection of weapons, there is love, there is affection, there is
laughter, there are tears, there is extraterrestrial scenes of fighting,
content to read the book to know the future, I can only Introduction to
do it, not a few words can say clearly oh. "That life is gone too,
should do something meaningful Hello a Kevin."