2018年1月14日 星期日

Red Paco 在奇異星球接受八大長老最嚴格的訓練 ! 徐瑋 IP原創 瑞德怕可 RED PACO 卡諾瓦星球

Red Paco 在奇異星球接受八大長老最嚴格的訓練 ! 徐瑋 IP原創 瑞德怕可 RED PACO 卡諾瓦星球

飛雲長老:「孩子,歡迎你來到奇異星球。 」八大長老之首飛雲氣聲如洪鐘。
凱莎長老:「孩子,你知道我是誰嗎 ?」
藍精靈:「恭喜你們組孫團體,孩子還不快叫祖母,凱莎長老是你爸爸尼古拉失斯的的母親啊 ! 」藍精靈一派天真無邪的拉拉RED的衣角。
RED :「祖母 ?」RED只感覺眼前這個氣質高雅的女人有一種說不出的溫暖氣場。
Red Paco in the strange planet to accept the eight elders the most rigorous training! Xu Wei IP Chong Rui De fear RED PACO Canova planet

The luxurious hall, the eldest generation of Canova planet top eight elders, white eyebrow, Smurfs, Hawks, Golden Village, Dragon, Keisha, Yamato, Feiyun, the elders finally show up.
Feiyun elders: "Children, welcome you to the strange planet." The eldest of the first eight elders fly like a bell.
In the hall, Elder Keisha, one of the eight elders, came suddenly to the side of RED, showing a sense of pity.
Keisha Elder: "Children, so long, so I take a good look at you." Keisha nonsense stroking RED's face, look of mercy, the eyes unpredictable slip of a bucket of big tears, RED feel Kay As the family generally take care of her heart relieved.
Elder Keisha: "Child, do you know who I am?"
RED face confused could not help but shook his head.
Smurfs: "Congratulations on your group Sun group, the child is not quick to call grandmother, Elder Keisha is the father of your father Nicholas ah!" Smurfs sent innocent Lala RED clothing.
RED: "Grandmother?" RED only feels like this temperament elegant woman has an unspeakable warm aura.
「RED PACO 瑞德帕可-卡諾瓦星球」第一個代表華人原創宇宙英雄RED PACO 品牌故事
2014年開始徐瑋默默的耕耘培養自己的IP原創IRED PACO星際科幻故事,2014年RED PACO十二款LINE貼圖在LINE APP手機上全球60多個國家販售,使用率早已超過500萬人次。RED PACO的故事去年2017年中完成,也已改編成電影劇本。
2018徐瑋再畫外星來的兒子Red Paco特別有靈感。 kevin休息一陣後,再度設計帕可三兄弟有更寬廣的feel有更大的宇宙格局。
一張張新出爐媲美好萊塢精美的海報及動態GIF,讓小編有更多的期待,不要讓我們等太久,希望RED PACO宇宙小帥哥,RED JIMMY JERRY VIVI光復卡諾瓦星球的故事早日搬上大螢幕。
RED PACO RED PACO Brand Story, First Chinese Representative to the Cosmos Heroes

The United States has DC Marvel universe hero Superman, Spider-Man, supernatural powers, Iron Man, Batman and so on, Britain has Harry Potter, Japan has a small diamond, representing 1.4 billion Chinese cosmic heroes who?
The answer is - actually not.
Since 2014, Xu Wei has cultivated his IP original interstellar science fiction story. In 2014, RED PACO's 12 LINE Stickers have been sold in more than 60 countries around the world in LINE APP mobile phones, and the usage rate has already exceeded 5 million. RED PACO story completed in mid 2017, has also been adapted into a screenplay.
2018 Xu Wei Another extravagant son Paco has a special inspiration. Kevin rest for a while, re-design Pake three brothers have a broader feel there is a greater pattern of the universe.
A new Zhang comparable to Hollywood posters and dynamic GIF, so Xiaobian have more expectations, do not let us wait too long, hope RED PACO Universe little guy, RED JIMMY JERRY VIVI complex Canova planet's story as soon as possible move On the big screen.




版主 : 關於前陣子由惡名昭彰的狗仔頭「裴偉」創辦的三流狗仔雜誌「鏡週刊」一篇發不了大財的挺韓藝人,未向本人查證抹黑造謠徐瑋的不實報導,說在二十多年前冒用某攝影師的歌及借款的事,完全是惡意抹黑的作假新聞,我們已委託台北律師事務所收集查證,半年有效期限內會對相關人等提出毀謗...
