RED PACO 練功(動態圖)
徐瑋 Kevin Ping IP原創 2018
RED PACO 不斷精進 ! 已經提升到更高的層次 !
【Red Paco 瑞德帕可卡諾瓦星球】是創作才子徐瑋,蕴酿三年耗時三年完成的作品,集合星際,科幻,魔法,冒險,愛情,親情的超時空科幻故事。故事的主角Red Paco瑞德帕可是一個來自外星的十七歲少年, 父親 是Q銀河系卡諾瓦星球Kanova的首席大臣尼古拉斯 帕可Nicolas Paco。
尼古拉斯 帕可三百多年前和老婆麗雅及表弟史丹長老來到地球修習光能力,沒想到期間卡諾瓦星球發生了政變,星球统治者尤可王遭到表弟卡森的強大軍隊攻擊,發生 了政變,卡森自立為王,號稱暗黑卡森王,卡森王為了殲滅尤可王的勢力,派出旗下異能力高手至地球追殺尼拉斯帕可一行人,這當中還牽扯到一個巨大的陰谋,於是 一場腥風血雨的星際爭霸戰開始展開。
【Red Paco 瑞德帕可卡諾瓦星球】場景遍佈地球各地,及Q銀河系的卡諾瓦星球及卡森星球,最後戰局還牽連至K銀河系的奇異星球。卡諾瓦星球人均具有特殊的異能力,可以穿越時空上天下地,每個人都有自己的拿手本領,劇力萬鈞,扣人心弦。
【Red Paco 瑞德帕可卡諾瓦星球】此部作品堪稱「華人界科幻冒險故事新經典」。我們不劇透內容,只能發佈一部份小說內容,是否要先行出版或是跟電影同步發行還在評估中,故事已經改編成140分鐘左右電影劇本,目標是好萊塢大型主流電影公司。
RED PACO 未來新宇宙 3
尼古拉斯 帕可的遺言不斷盤旋在三兄弟的腦海裡…。
RED PACO 未來新宇宙
未來新宇宙 7
【Red Paco】 is the creation of genius Xu Wei, brewing completed in three years of work, collection of interstellar, science fiction, adventure, love time-space story. The protagonist of the story Red Paco Ruipako is a 17-year-old from an alien, his father is Nicolas Paco Nicolas Paco, chief minister of Kanova planet Q Kanova planet, more than 300 years ago and his wife Liya and cousin history Elder Dan came to earth to practice light capabilities, did not expect during the Canova planet coup, the planet ruler Youkai was cousin Carson's strong army attack, the coup took place, Carson self-reliance, known as Diablo Sen Wang, King Carson in order to annihilate the power of King Yu can send his flagship ability master to the world to kill Ni Laspaoke a pedestrian, which also involves a huge conspiracy, so a reigning Star Wars began , Scenes all over the globe, and the Canossian planet Carson planet of the Q-Milky Way galaxy, the final battle is also linked to the strange galactic K Galaxy. Canova planet's demon has a special ability, you can cross the world in time and space, each person has its own skill, dramatic drama, absolutely exciting.
Reid Paco, Canova planet "This work is called" Chinese sci-fi adventure story new classic. " The first phase of this work has three, as long as Mr Xu will continue to write down, the future can be unlimited extension.
[Red Paco Rui Depaoke] Three brothers mystery of life experience ....
The main street of Edinburgh's Old Town is the Royal Mile. The Great Plague took place in the 19th century. Many sick and poor people were thus killed in this mysterious cellar. It is said that the innocent people in the cellar will start to whistle at midnight, making cries of cries, laughter, singing, and horror rumors.
Innocent words made it clear, so that the people were afraid and fear, as long as one night, almost disappeared in the streets of any figure, and later the royal family in order to stabilize the people, ordered the famous Master Austin Austin secret establishment of the Royal Ghost Institute Royal College of Ghost busting crack down on three innocent people.
The secret to the entrance of the old Edwardian Ghost School is on an antique furniture store on the Royal Mile Boulevard.
General people into the furniture store, greeted by just a few sets of exquisite tables and chairs, wardrobe, wall clock and portraits.
The entrance and exit of the students in the royal grasping school is another different space. Furniture shop decorations nothing special, however, people who enter will always feel, I do not know where to blow the cold, people goose bumps, scalp numbness.
Quietly close your eyes and walk in the direction of the chill, and when you open your eyes, you will find that before standing in front of an old Victorian mirror, that chill is blowing from the mirror Out of the mirror how the wind it. Erase the dust on the mirror with your hands. If you look closely, you will find that the original mirror has another hole in it. When you enter the mirror, you can cross the space back to the end of the nineteenth century.
There were many weird legends circulating there, witches, vampires, werewolves, magic ... really magical.
This is the beginning of the story. The fact that aliens existed on earth for hundreds of years was well hidden and only a few people knew. Aliens possess supernatural powers, which were thought to be gods in ancient times. In fact, they were only visitors from aliens who stealthily surrounded us.
Jimmy Paco
宇宙原力大爆發 2
This story is from 1813 onwards ..., visitors from extraterrestrials, earth-based, recaptured hometown of young heroes saga.
Some 20000 years ago, on the summer night of the late nineteenth century, about 100,000 light-years distant from Earth, Kanova, the ancient Canova planet, sent a group of visitors to Earth, the chief prime minister of Canova planet Kanova. "Nicholas Parco Nicholas Paco and his family.
The galaxy of Galaxy Q has a 300 million-year-old Kanova planet, whose galaxy has been aging for billions of years and causing a dramatic change in the climate of Kanova's planet, making it unusually cold. The Canova The source of the light of life is not as good as before. As the weather changes bring much panic to the people, people are resentful. Just over 200 years ago, Kanova Prime Minister Nicholas Paco took two families and drove the advanced " Skywalker 1 came to Earth.
On this day, suddenly a loud bang was heard in the wheat fields in the outskirts of Edinburgh, attracting the attention of nearby residents. Strangely, when the neighboring peasants went to inspect the wheat fields the next day, they found a huge circle of Indian and tens A small round of print, in addition to nothing, peasants talk about one after another do not know exactly what happened ... ...
In fact, this is a masterpiece of aliens. The aliens hidden around us have long been integrated into the life of the earth. The only difference is that they are more evolutionary, more intelligent and have special functions than the Earth people. We call this magic. This peculiar function is a natural occurrence for Canova. According to different DNA, everyone has different abilities. Kanova was called "God" by the general public in ancient times, The story begins with the Kanova planet.
[Red Paco Rui Depaoke] Three brothers mystery of life experience ....
The main street of Edinburgh's Old Town is the Royal Mile. The Great Plague took place in the 19th century. Many sick and poor people were thus killed in this mysterious cellar. It is said that the innocent people in the cellar will start to whistle at midnight, making cries of cries, laughter, singing, and horror rumors.
Innocent words made it clear, so that the people were afraid and fear, as long as one night, almost disappeared in the streets of any figure, and later the royal family in order to stabilize the people, ordered the famous Master Austin Austin secret establishment of the Royal Ghost Institute Royal College of Ghost busting crack down on three innocent people.
The secret to the entrance of the old Edwardian Ghost School is on an antique furniture store on the Royal Mile Boulevard.
Vivi Paco
VIVI -綠光箭 銀鞭
General people into the furniture store, greeted by just a few sets of exquisite tables and chairs, wardrobe, wall clock and portraits.
The entrance and exit of the students in the royal grasping school is another different space. Furniture shop decorations nothing special, however, people who enter will always feel, I do not know where to blow the cold, people goose bumps, scalp numbness.
Quietly close your eyes and walk in the direction of the chill, and when you open your eyes, you will find that before standing in front of an old Victorian mirror, that chill is blowing from the mirror Out of the mirror how the wind it. Erase the dust on the mirror with your hands. If you look closely, you will find that the original mirror has another hole in it. When you enter the mirror, you can cross the space back to the end of the nineteenth century.
There were many weird legends circulating there, witches, vampires, werewolves, magic ... really magical.
This is the beginning of the story. The fact that aliens existed on earth for hundreds of years was well hidden and only a few people knew. Aliens possess supernatural powers, which were thought to be gods in ancient times. In fact, they were only visitors from aliens who stealthily surrounded us.
Jimmy Paco宇宙原力大爆發
Jimmy Paco
宇宙原力大爆發 2
This story is from 1813 onwards ..., visitors from extraterrestrials, earth-based, recaptured hometown of young heroes saga.
Some 20000 years ago, on the summer night of the late nineteenth century, about 100,000 light-years distant from Earth, Kanova, the ancient Canova planet, sent a group of visitors to Earth, the chief prime minister of Canova planet Kanova. "Nicholas Parco Nicholas Paco and his family.
The galaxy of Galaxy Q has a 300 million-year-old Kanova planet, whose galaxy has been aging for billions of years and causing a dramatic change in the climate of Kanova's planet, making it unusually cold. The Canova The source of the light of life is not as good as before. As the weather changes bring much panic to the people, people are resentful. Just over 200 years ago, Kanova Prime Minister Nicholas Paco took two families and drove the advanced " Skywalker 1 came to Earth.
On this day, suddenly a loud bang was heard in the wheat fields in the outskirts of Edinburgh, attracting the attention of nearby residents. Strangely, when the neighboring peasants went to inspect the wheat fields the next day, they found a huge circle of Indian and tens A small round of print, in addition to nothing, peasants talk about one after another do not know exactly what happened ... ...
In fact, this is a masterpiece of aliens. The aliens hidden around us have long been integrated into the life of the earth. The only difference is that they are more evolutionary, more intelligent and have special functions than the Earth people. We call this magic. This peculiar function is a natural occurrence for Canova. According to different DNA, everyone has different abilities. Kanova was called "God" by the general public in ancient times, The story begins with the Kanova planet.
Red Paco
時間回到七天前一個天氣晴朗的上午,尼古拉斯 帕可與妻子麗雅在店内的小餐廳,剛吃完早餐。
「不用太掛心,史丹會把他們教得很好,史丹可是我們卡諾瓦一等一的授業老師,卡森最怕的就是他, 下周他們應該就可以回來了。」尼古拉斯安慰著麗雅,讓她不要太擔心。
「麗雅。」尼古拉斯聽不到麗雅的回應,走到前廳一探究竟。這時,只見卡森王的殺手黑金鋼自空中現身,手中一把黑色大刀砍向尼古拉斯 帕可,尼古拉斯飛快的一轉身施展「瞬間移動」避開了這一擊,手中彈出「金炫光指」,不偏不倚的打中黑金鋼,他被金光指的強大的力量彈到牆壁上,牆面撞出一個大洞。
「你們追得上我,再來談吧。」尼古拉斯 帕可劃開時空之門「空間轉移」到埃及。
「甩掉了嗎 ?」尼古拉斯眼觀四方,並無四大金鋼的蹤跡…。
白雪覆蓋著喜馬拉雅山顛,這一會尼古拉斯轉移到大雪紛飛的喜馬拉雅山,來到了一座不知名的喇嘛廟門口,廟內傅來喇嘛們唱誦六字大明咒的 聲音。廟前有一位小喇嘛在掃地,小喇嘛看到衣衫破損狼狽不堪的尼古拉斯,感到有些錯愕,海拔8000呎高的喜馬拉雅山向來人煙稀少,眼前這位訪客是怎麼上來的呢?小喇嘛並沒看見任何交通工具。
「那麻煩你了。」尼古拉斯正要進喇嘛廟 的時候,身後四大金鋼已經再度追到…,四人眼泛殺機,全身散放著黑、紅、白、黃的光芒,尼古拉斯即刻全身泛出金光,將身體團團包住,形成一層防護網。小喇嘛見状,躲到寺廟內偷看。
「麗雅呢 ?」尼古拉斯想起突然消失的老婆。
「誰不知道她是你的老相好 !。」紅金剛一臉輕挑嘴角露出帶有邪氣的笑意。
Chapter XV ◆ Carson King's "Fatal Hunter Order"
Jimmy's right eye casts an image ...
Time back seven days ago A sunny morning, Nicholas Paco and his wife Liya in the shop's small restaurant, just finished breakfast.
"I do not know these children, what is the difference in abilities now?" Liya remembered the three children who were in Canova Gardens and asked Nicholas, the three brothers, for training.
"Do not be too hung up, Stan will teach them very well, Stan is our first-class teaching staff Canova, Carson is the most afraid of him, they should be able to come back next week." Nicholas comfort Liya, let her not be too worried.
"These children, clever and kind, have been sent to other families for foster care since childhood, and I am really ashamed of my mother, neglect to take care of them and did not do my job as a good mother." Li Ya said talking to the stream Tears.
"You are the woman's opinion, and this is the best way to train people. Now being young and not very good at all, Red is a well-known young painter and a painter in Paris. Jimmy is excellent. Jerry is a pop music singer and has just won the Grammy Awards, if not from childhood to break a break, impossible to have such a good result. "Nicholas thinks his decision is correct.
"I know, however, but I can see their desire for family, they are children." Li Ya constantly handkerchief, wiping the tears on his face.
"That baby daughter of Stan has never left Canova Gardens, do you think this is right?" Nicholas saw Liya feeling empathy for tears when she missed her son.
"When the three children are five years old, they are sent away, and we must give them a warm home, is it possible?" Li Ya was almost in a plea tone.
"Well, I promised you, after the abilities of the three children have been properly trained, take them back to their homes, and if you are free, you may have to clean up the room." Nicholas also felt he owed much to his three brothers, nodding Promise wife.
At this moment the doorbell of the antique shop suddenly sounded ...
"Customers have come so early." Nicholas felt an unusual atmosphere, which was not yet open for business.
"Will it be Red that they're back, does not Stan say the end of next week?" Liya cried happily.
Liya immediately rushed to the lobby to open the door ..., no more than half a man outside, then a huge blue light gathered in the outdoors, into a big hole to release the blue light, the strong suction within the Run, will Liya inhaled this Huge light ... Suddenly big hole closed, Liya disappeared instantly disappeared ......, Liya from the door to being sucked into the hole, before and after less than thirty seconds.
"Liya, who is it?" Nicolas intuition in the house happened ... the whole body immediately golden light ....
"Liya." Nikolai could not hear Liya's response and went to the lobby to find out. At this moment, I saw King Kasen's killer black-gold steel coming out of the air with a black knives cut to Nicholas Parco. Nicholas swiftly turned and cast "Moment of Move" to avoid the attack. He hit the black steel with disdain, and he was hit by a powerful force of golden light on the wall, causing a big hole in the wall.
"Kim Hyun-kuang means really good ...." At this moment, the red-gold steel also appeared in the air and the special "Thunder Gun" kept stepping on to Nicholas. Nicholas kept making "space move" attack….
"Nicholas, who will let me know for a moment ..." Platinum and steel also appeared in the air, with all four black, red, white and yellow golds coming in full.
"Yes you, haha, do you want to come in for a cup of coffee? The food on Earth is no worse than Canova!" Nicholas said with a smile on his face and secretly thinking about cracking down on the joint efforts of the four major steel companies.
"Drink coffee, do you want coffee?" Black Gold responded coldly.
"Haha, we do not have this Masamune, we do not want to drink coffee, we want to take your life, you may not know, your loyal king, Youkon, has become a prisoner of King Carson." Hongguang Gang heard Carnot The news from Watts can not conceal the joy in his heart. ]]
Nicholas heard the news, a little surprised, he did not think Canova planet actually so vulnerable, but think about it is also common sense, the eight elders went to a strange planet, Kano Star just left the ball Mrs. Tsui alone, the overall situation, General Adams and Harrison's abilities are absolutely not King Carson and Sirius opponents, he believes that resourceful Prophet Patrick Tsui, there must be a solution.
"If you are willing to allegiance to King Carson, you are our guest, and if you do not want to, hum, there is only one way to go." The gold and copper convey King Carson's instructions.
"Haha, you're kidding." Nicholas thought not good, to deal with one or two simple, at the same time dealing with four can be very troublesome, he alone can not beat the four gold together, really want to fight, may Even lives are not guaranteed.
"You chase me, let's talk about it." Nicholas Paco space-time door "space transfer" to Egypt.
Nicholas appeared in front of the pyramids in Egypt. Today, Egypt is rather hot. Many Japanese guests were visiting before the pyramids. Many were riding on camels. No one noticed Nicholas was among a group of tourists. He was relieved Not far from the four big gold also appeared in the air at the same time, many Japanese tourists were suddenly face to face with the machine, the body of four large gold bullion scared to escape, screams one after another. Nicholas immediately re-applied "space transfer" to China ....
At this moment, he moved to the Beacon Tower near the Great Wall in the suburbs of Beijing, China.
"Did you get rid of it?" Nicholas looked squarely and did not have any traces of the Big Four.
"Well, Liya must have been caught by them and have to inform Stan Stearns immediately."
Nicholas thought his wife was arrested, so far the whereabouts are unknown, worried that all written in the face, he considered himself a master, actually saw his wife live today was arrested but did not do anything.
Nicholas just turned around, a yellow chain fell from heaven, Nicholas firmly trapped, Nicholas hands and feet could not move, the whole body again golden light, the gold steel "day lock" propped open ....
"Space shifted," Nicholas shouted, disappearing again without a trace ..., the golden locks of the gods, or failing to cling to Nicholas.
Snow covered the top of the Himalayas, this meeting Nicholas transferred to the snow-capped Himalayas, came to an unknown Lama Temple door, the temple Fu Lamas chant the words of the Great Ming Curse. There was a small lama in front of the temple sweeping the floor. The small lama saw some dismay that clothes were damaged. The Himalayas at an altitude of 8,000 feet have always been sparsely populated. How did this visitor come from? Little Lama did not see any means of transport.
"Amitabha, may I ask the donor what kind of troubles do I have?" Asked Lama Lama for kindness.
"I'm lost, can I get a glass of water? I'll be leaving soon." Nicholas circled around every corner of the earth, consuming a lot of light energy, trying to take a break and supplement energy.
"Okay, no problem, please come with me." Lama agreed to Nicholas's request.
"That trouble you." Nicholas is about to enter the Lama Temple, behind the four gold has caught up again ... ... four people panic machine, the body full of black, red, white, yellow light, Nicholas immediately body Pan gold, the body encircled, forming a protective net. Little Lama seeing, hiding in the temple to peek.
"Even if you escaped to the ends of the earth, you could not escape the palm of our four people ..." Black King first made his fortune.
"Obvious surrender Perhaps Carson King can spare you a life ..." Platinum Steel said.
"Liya?" Nicholas remembered the sudden disappearance of his wife.
"Do not worry, the Dark Witch takes her to a very comfortable place, maybe enjoying a big meal ..., ha ~ ha ~ ha ~" said Huang, with a proud smile.
"Black Witch is coming." Nicholas's most terrifying thing finally happened, he knew the old lover Black Witch as Liya nails, Li Ya fell into her hands, is equal to the sheep into the tiger's mouth, he could not imagine what will happen terrible Things, the dark witch jealous, temper, in case Liya talk hot black witch, at any time have the risk of losing their lives.
"Who does not know that she is your old friend?" The face of a red-faced King with a lightly revealing mouth with an evil smile.
"You're a mean group of villains." Nikolaus's powerful Kim Hyun Sung popped up instantly, and the four golds were all hit, and the four of them rolled over for several turns.
Jimmy's right eye casts an image ...
Time back seven days ago A sunny morning, Nicholas Paco and his wife Liya in the shop's small restaurant, just finished breakfast.
"I do not know these children, what is the difference in abilities now?" Liya remembered the three children who were in Canova Gardens and asked Nicholas, the three brothers, for training.
"Do not be too hung up, Stan will teach them very well, Stan is our first-class teaching staff Canova, Carson is the most afraid of him, they should be able to come back next week." Nicholas comfort Liya, let her not be too worried.
"These children, clever and kind, have been sent to other families for foster care since childhood, and I am really ashamed of my mother, neglect to take care of them and did not do my job as a good mother." Li Ya said talking to the stream Tears.
"You are the woman's opinion, and this is the best way to train people. Now being young and not very good at all, Red is a well-known young painter and a painter in Paris. Jimmy is excellent. Jerry is a pop music singer and has just won the Grammy Awards, if not from childhood to break a break, impossible to have such a good result. "Nicholas thinks his decision is correct.
"I know, however, but I can see their desire for family, they are children." Li Ya constantly handkerchief, wiping the tears on his face.
"That baby daughter of Stan has never left Canova Gardens, do you think this is right?" Nicholas saw Liya feeling empathy for tears when she missed her son.
"When the three children are five years old, they are sent away, and we must give them a warm home, is it possible?" Li Ya was almost in a plea tone.
"Well, I promised you, after the abilities of the three children have been properly trained, take them back to their homes, and if you are free, you may have to clean up the room." Nicholas also felt he owed much to his three brothers, nodding Promise wife.
At this moment the doorbell of the antique shop suddenly sounded ...
"Customers have come so early." Nicholas felt an unusual atmosphere, which was not yet open for business.
"Will it be Red that they're back, does not Stan say the end of next week?" Liya cried happily.
Liya immediately rushed to the lobby to open the door ..., no more than half a man outside, then a huge blue light gathered in the outdoors, into a big hole to release the blue light, the strong suction within the Run, will Liya inhaled this Huge light ... Suddenly big hole closed, Liya disappeared instantly disappeared ......, Liya from the door to being sucked into the hole, before and after less than thirty seconds.
"Liya, who is it?" Nicolas intuition in the house happened ... the whole body immediately golden light ....
"Liya." Nikolai could not hear Liya's response and went to the lobby to find out. At this moment, I saw King Kasen's killer black-gold steel coming out of the air with a black knives cut to Nicholas Parco. Nicholas swiftly turned and cast "Moment of Move" to avoid the attack. He hit the black steel with disdain, and he was hit by a powerful force of golden light on the wall, causing a big hole in the wall.
"Kim Hyun-kuang means really good ...." At this moment, the red-gold steel also appeared in the air and the special "Thunder Gun" kept stepping on to Nicholas. Nicholas kept making "space move" attack….
"Nicholas, who will let me know for a moment ..." Platinum and steel also appeared in the air, with all four black, red, white and yellow golds coming in full.
"Yes you, haha, do you want to come in for a cup of coffee? The food on Earth is no worse than Canova!" Nicholas said with a smile on his face and secretly thinking about cracking down on the joint efforts of the four major steel companies.
"Drink coffee, do you want coffee?" Black Gold responded coldly.
"Haha, we do not have this Masamune, we do not want to drink coffee, we want to take your life, you may not know, your loyal king, Youkon, has become a prisoner of King Carson." Hongguang Gang heard Carnot The news from Watts can not conceal the joy in his heart. ]]
Nicholas heard the news, a little surprised, he did not think Canova planet actually so vulnerable, but think about it is also common sense, the eight elders went to a strange planet, Kano Star just left the ball Mrs. Tsui alone, the overall situation, General Adams and Harrison's abilities are absolutely not King Carson and Sirius opponents, he believes that resourceful Prophet Patrick Tsui, there must be a solution.
"If you are willing to allegiance to King Carson, you are our guest, and if you do not want to, hum, there is only one way to go." The gold and copper convey King Carson's instructions.
"Haha, you're kidding." Nicholas thought not good, to deal with one or two simple, at the same time dealing with four can be very troublesome, he alone can not beat the four gold together, really want to fight, may Even lives are not guaranteed.
"You chase me, let's talk about it." Nicholas Paco space-time door "space transfer" to Egypt.
Nicholas appeared in front of the pyramids in Egypt. Today, Egypt is rather hot. Many Japanese guests were visiting before the pyramids. Many were riding on camels. No one noticed Nicholas was among a group of tourists. He was relieved Not far from the four big gold also appeared in the air at the same time, many Japanese tourists were suddenly face to face with the machine, the body of four large gold bullion scared to escape, screams one after another. Nicholas immediately re-applied "space transfer" to China ....
At this moment, he moved to the Beacon Tower near the Great Wall in the suburbs of Beijing, China.
"Did you get rid of it?" Nicholas looked squarely and did not have any traces of the Big Four.
"Well, Liya must have been caught by them and have to inform Stan Stearns immediately."
Nicholas thought his wife was arrested, so far the whereabouts are unknown, worried that all written in the face, he considered himself a master, actually saw his wife live today was arrested but did not do anything.
Nicholas just turned around, a yellow chain fell from heaven, Nicholas firmly trapped, Nicholas hands and feet could not move, the whole body again golden light, the gold steel "day lock" propped open ....
"Space shifted," Nicholas shouted, disappearing again without a trace ..., the golden locks of the gods, or failing to cling to Nicholas.
Snow covered the top of the Himalayas, this meeting Nicholas transferred to the snow-capped Himalayas, came to an unknown Lama Temple door, the temple Fu Lamas chant the words of the Great Ming Curse. There was a small lama in front of the temple sweeping the floor. The small lama saw some dismay that clothes were damaged. The Himalayas at an altitude of 8,000 feet have always been sparsely populated. How did this visitor come from? Little Lama did not see any means of transport.
"Amitabha, may I ask the donor what kind of troubles do I have?" Asked Lama Lama for kindness.
"I'm lost, can I get a glass of water? I'll be leaving soon." Nicholas circled around every corner of the earth, consuming a lot of light energy, trying to take a break and supplement energy.
"Okay, no problem, please come with me." Lama agreed to Nicholas's request.
"That trouble you." Nicholas is about to enter the Lama Temple, behind the four gold has caught up again ... ... four people panic machine, the body full of black, red, white, yellow light, Nicholas immediately body Pan gold, the body encircled, forming a protective net. Little Lama seeing, hiding in the temple to peek.
"Even if you escaped to the ends of the earth, you could not escape the palm of our four people ..." Black King first made his fortune.
"Obvious surrender Perhaps Carson King can spare you a life ..." Platinum Steel said.
"Liya?" Nicholas remembered the sudden disappearance of his wife.
"Do not worry, the Dark Witch takes her to a very comfortable place, maybe enjoying a big meal ..., ha ~ ha ~ ha ~" said Huang, with a proud smile.
"Black Witch is coming." Nicholas's most terrifying thing finally happened, he knew the old lover Black Witch as Liya nails, Li Ya fell into her hands, is equal to the sheep into the tiger's mouth, he could not imagine what will happen terrible Things, the dark witch jealous, temper, in case Liya talk hot black witch, at any time have the risk of losing their lives.
"Who does not know that she is your old friend?" The face of a red-faced King with a lightly revealing mouth with an evil smile.
"You're a mean group of villains." Nikolaus's powerful Kim Hyun Sung popped up instantly, and the four golds were all hit, and the four of them rolled over for several turns.
RED PACO three brothers Kanova planet cosmic teenager legend
kevin ping IP original (copyright)
【Red Paco瑞德帕可】三兄弟的身世之謎…。
英國愛丁堡老城的軸心街道是皇家哩大道Royal Mile,十九世紀時曾發生一場大瘟疫,許多染病的貧民百姓因此被關在這底下神秘的地窖裡冤死。據說,地窖裡所產生的冤魂,於午夜時會開始做怪哀嚎,發出悽厲的哭聲,笑聲,歌聲,恐怖的傳言令人毛骨悚然。
冤魂之說言之鑿鑿,令當時的人民感到害怕及恐懼,只要一到夜晚,街道上幾乎不見任何人影,後來皇室為了安定人心,命令有名的大法師奧斯丁Austin秘密成立皇家抓鬼學院The Royal College of Ghost busting鎮壓三空間的冤魂。
Red Paco Three brothers mystery of life experience ....
The main street of Edinburgh's Old City is the Royal Mile. The Great Plague took place in the 19th century. Many sick and poor people were thus killed in this mysterious cellar. It is said that the innocent people in the cellar will start to whistle at midnight, making cries of cries, laughter, singing, and horror rumors.
Innocent words made it clear, so that the people were afraid and fear, as long as one night, almost disappeared in the streets of any figure, and later the royal family in order to stabilize the people, ordered the famous Master Austin Austin secret establishment of the Royal Ghost Institute Royal College of Ghost busting crack down on three innocent people.
The secret to the entrance of the old Edwardian Ghost School is on an antique furniture store on the Royal Mile Boulevard.
General people into the furniture store, greeted by just a few sets of exquisite tables and chairs, wardrobe, wall clock and portraits.
The entrance and exit of the students in the royal grasping school is another different space. Furniture shop decorations nothing special, however, people who enter will always feel, I do not know where to blow the cold, people goose bumps, scalp numbness.
Quietly close your eyes and walk in the direction of the chill, and when you open your eyes, you will find that before standing in front of an old Victorian mirror, that chill is blowing from the mirror Out of the mirror how the wind it. Erase the dust on the mirror with your hands. If you look carefully, you will find that the original mirror has another hole in it. When you enter the mirror, you can cross the space back to the end of the nineteenth century.
There were many weird legends circulating there, witches, vampires, werewolves, magic ... really magical.
This is the beginning of the story. The fact that aliens existed on earth for hundreds of years was well hidden and only a few people knew. Aliens possess supernatural powers, which were thought to be gods in ancient times. In fact, they were only visitors from aliens who stealthily surrounded us.
Red Paco Three brothers mystery of life experience ....
The main street of Edinburgh's Old City is the Royal Mile. The Great Plague took place in the 19th century. Many sick and poor people were thus killed in this mysterious cellar. It is said that the innocent people in the cellar will start to whistle at midnight, making cries of cries, laughter, singing, and horror rumors.
Innocent words made it clear, so that the people were afraid and fear, as long as one night, almost disappeared in the streets of any figure, and later the royal family in order to stabilize the people, ordered the famous Master Austin Austin secret establishment of the Royal Ghost Institute Royal College of Ghost busting crack down on three innocent people.
The secret to the entrance of the old Edwardian Ghost School is on an antique furniture store on the Royal Mile Boulevard.
General people into the furniture store, greeted by just a few sets of exquisite tables and chairs, wardrobe, wall clock and portraits.
The entrance and exit of the students in the royal grasping school is another different space. Furniture shop decorations nothing special, however, people who enter will always feel, I do not know where to blow the cold, people goose bumps, scalp numbness.
Quietly close your eyes and walk in the direction of the chill, and when you open your eyes, you will find that before standing in front of an old Victorian mirror, that chill is blowing from the mirror Out of the mirror how the wind it. Erase the dust on the mirror with your hands. If you look carefully, you will find that the original mirror has another hole in it. When you enter the mirror, you can cross the space back to the end of the nineteenth century.
There were many weird legends circulating there, witches, vampires, werewolves, magic ... really magical.
This is the beginning of the story. The fact that aliens existed on earth for hundreds of years was well hidden and only a few people knew. Aliens possess supernatural powers, which were thought to be gods in ancient times. In fact, they were only visitors from aliens who stealthily surrounded us.
約200年前十九世紀末的某一天夏夜,距離地球約十萬光年遙遠而古老的卡諾瓦星球Kanova派了一批訪客到地球,卡諾瓦星球Kanova的首席總理大臣「尼古拉斯 帕可」Nicholas Paco與其家族。
Q銀河系有一個三億年生命的卡諾瓦星球Kanova,該星系的太陽運行了數十億年後逐漸老化,使得卡諾瓦星球的氣候産生巨大的變化,變得異常寒冷,卡諾瓦人賴以維生的光源大不如前,天氣改變帶給人民許多驚慌,因而民怨四起,距今200多年前,卡諾瓦星球總理大臣「尼古拉斯 帕可」帶著兩個家庭,駕駛著先進的「天行者一號」飛行船來到地球。
這一天,愛丁堡近郊的麥田裡突然傳來「轟」一聲巨響,引起了附近居民注意,說也奇怪,第二天鄰近的農民去查看麥田時,發現一個巨大圓形的印及數十個小圓印,除此之外什麼都沒有,農民議論紛紛也弄不清楚到底發生了什麼事… 。
其實這是外星人的傑作,隱藏在我們週遭的外星人,早已融入地球的生活,唯一不同的是他們比地球人更進化, 智慧更高,且擁有特異功能,我們稱之為魔法。這種特異功能對「卡諾瓦人」來說是再自然不過的事,依造不同的DNA,每個人都有不同的異能力,卡諾瓦人在古代被大眾稱之為「神」,故事就從卡諾瓦星球開始說起。
第一集 -卡諾瓦星球
第二集 - 銀河之星
第三集 - 夜魔神
前言 【Red Paco瑞德帕可】三兄弟的身世之謎…。
第四章◆尼古拉斯 帕可的「異能力」開發通知令
第五章◆第七街藝品店Kanova Store三兄弟團圓
第二十四章◆卡諾瓦救世主Red Paco
戰功赫赫的尼古拉斯 帕可豈會輕易投降,他決定背水一戰,以他六級的異能力不是沒有打贏的可能。