2018年1月18日 星期四

RED PACO 瑞德帕可-卡諾瓦星球 未來新宇宙 徐瑋 Kevin Ping IP原創 2018 RED PACO - Kanova planet future new universe Kevin Ping IP original 2018

RED PACO 瑞德帕可-卡諾瓦星球 未來新宇宙 
徐瑋 Kevin Ping IP原創 2018  

《Red Paco 瑞德帕可》是描述Q銀河系兩個星球之間的爭霸戰,「卡諾瓦星球」及「暗黑星球」是故事的軸心。 一群來自外星的訪客,以地球為基地,少年英雄光復家鄉「卡諾瓦星球」的星際傳奇故事…。
西元1813年,距今約200多年前十九世紀末的某一天夏夜,距離地球約十萬光年遙遠而古老的卡諾瓦星球Kanova派了一批訪客到地球,他們是卡諾瓦星球Kanova的首席總理大臣「尼古拉斯帕可」Nicholas Paco夫婦,及親表弟卡諾瓦星球赫赫有名的大將軍史丹長老夫婦。 尼古拉斯 帕可及史丹 帕可來到地球的時間是西元1813年,首站造訪的地方是中國的北京,當時是清朝的嘉慶十八年。
「尼古拉斯帕可」Nicholas Paco和老婆麗雅在地球陸續生了三兄弟,帕可三兄弟承襲了卡諾瓦人的異能力,均身懷絕技,老大Red Paco瑞德帕可是一位17歲華裔俊美少年,天賦異稟具有高超的異能力,得知自己是被「銀河之星」選中的救世主後,帶領人民光復家鄉「卡諾瓦星球」。

RED PACO - Kanova planet future new universe
Kevin Ping IP original 2018

"Red Paco" is a description of the battle between the two galaxies of the Q Galaxy, "Canova planet" and "Dark Planet" is the axis of the story. A group of visitors from extraterrestrials, the Earth-based, young hero of the "Canova planet" light star legend ... ....
In 1813, about 200 years ago, some 20000 years ago, on the summer night of the late nineteenth century, about 100,000 light-years distant from Earth, Kanova, the ancient Canova planet, sent a group of visitors to the planet Kanova Prime Minister Nikolai Paco of Nicholas Paco, elders and elders of Stan Ian, the cousin Canova's illustrious planet. Nicolas Paco and Stanganpa can come to earth in 1813, the first stop to visit Beijing, China, which was the 18th year of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty.
"Nicholas Paco" Nicholas Paco and his wife Liya have three brothers in succession on Earth, Parco three brothers inherited the Canova's abilities, are superb skills, boss Red Paco Ruipupa a 17-year-old Chinese Handsome young, gifted talent with superb alien ability, that he was the "Star of Galaxy" selected by the savior, led the people to recover the hometown of "Canova planet."
 Originally calm Q galaxy because of the power of rulers desire becomes windbreaking, interstellar hegemony began, the beautiful Canova planet is no longer calm, we are involved in this power and light battle of the storm Among them.




版主 : 關於前陣子由惡名昭彰的狗仔頭「裴偉」創辦的三流狗仔雜誌「鏡週刊」一篇發不了大財的挺韓藝人,未向本人查證抹黑造謠徐瑋的不實報導,說在二十多年前冒用某攝影師的歌及借款的事,完全是惡意抹黑的作假新聞,我們已委託台北律師事務所收集查證,半年有效期限內會對相關人等提出毀謗...
